I am sorry, wrong room.


[-10! -10! -10!]

Xuan Xuan killed yet another sheep, getting exp for himself! But that's not the only thing that popped out from the monster! Free money and wool also appeared in the place of their fallen bodies!

"It's not that soft at all."

Holding the fluffy ball, Xuan Xuan found it to be less soft than he thought. His exceptations strangely fell down and he threw it straight into his inventory without batting an eye at it anymore.

This item had no value for current Xuan Xuan other than being 'free money'. The wool can be sold for tailors, but also one could sew or repair leather clothes with such wool... But it only works for beginner and low level items, that's why it doesn't have any value for Xuan Xuan!

"In the future, my beauties will have their own clothes made by me. Short skirts, big cleavages! Their attributes won't lose to the top items in this world!"

As usual, Xuan Xuan has wild ambitions.

Since the second, virtual world is close to the reality, there were endless posibilities. The young man believed that once he gets his class, those possibilties will become all open for him! All because in his mind, once he becomes one with his summons, then he will also get their abilities.

"They say, that sex is beautiful connection. Our mind abilities will become one and I will be able to tailor some clothes. Sex while tailoring... Holy shit!"

One glistening silver streak left the lips of Xuan Xuan as his mind became vivid... The young man gathered his items and looked at his inventory! His mouth still drooling.

"I have twenty wool and ten copper coins."

As his eyes skimmed through the window, Xuan Xuan suddenly noticed the flashing mark on his minimap. It was usually hidden in his case as it annoyed him while looking at the ladies, but as he opened his inventory, the map popped out as well.

"I can go to the city now. This question mark is probably the quest for class..."

Since Xuan Xuan chose his beginner's staff, it meant that the place this mark is pointing is Mage's Association! There are a lot of teachers who are more than willing to give him quests to begin the journey of mage!

"If there is no summoner, then I aint taking those quests."

If 'Summoner class' is special class, then Xuan Xuan was willing to stay beginner for the rest of his time here and properly wait for this class to loot from the low level monsters! The special classes are scattered around the world and one can find the books related to those from random monsters, places and so.

Of course, that's not the only way to get special class. One can also evolve one's class in special quest, lucky encounter and so on. But for Xuan Xuan, he ain't willing to exp alone anymore... Early levels are okay, but further than that, definitely not!

And forming a party is likewise not okay! He was sure that a lot of people will simply shoo him away if he shows a bit of honesty... So, the summoning pets are must! They won't run away!

"My slaps will definitely give them human form."

No one knew where does this confidence comes from!


Xuan Xuan took the human race. That's rather obvious for him who in real life can't even properly see his own appearance and even more, simply move. So the first thing he had done was chose human race and see his appearance as he clicked the option 'Mirror real self'.

One can also guess as to why Xuan Xuan talks a lot, even to himself.

After the tutorial, players are sent to the beginner's grassland where they familiarize themselves with the virtual world and monsters. Then, they get option to wander around the world or follow the quests appearing on the minimap.

Xuan Xuan has chosen the latter and was inside the bustling with people city.

There were a lot of players, but also NPC. They NPC themselves were like living beings and if not their exposed names along with the NPC Tag, then everyone would mistake them for real humans.

It's always said that the game 'World's Wish' is like second reality. If one wants to compare it to other games, then the perfect example would be with buying a house!

Usually, when one buys a house, then one has full authority over it. Without any invitiation, no one can enter it! But in this world, even if you buy the house, players or even NPC can invade your territory and smash the closed doors!

This is just the simple example!

"It's like middle ages city, but the magic weapons and items make it unique~~"

The young man definitely enjoyed the scenery and the feeling of his own two legs moving between the bustling crowd. He even pushed with some dudes to just get the feeling of fighting for one's way...

Soon enough, Xuan Xuan arrived in the enormous wooden building. It had several floors and there were magic stones and other artifacts scattered around. The light coming from those stones acted as source of light.

Of course, there were a lot of NPCs moving around with the robes and low level players who just got their new clothes. Xuan Xuan entered the huge building after brief look, then found out a lot of teachers rooms...

Since they were 'real like' NPCs, there were also queue's to the rooms with those teachers! No one knew how those teachers evaluate the players, but the cases of some players getting better quests was already known.

"Magic Association of Minum City... It's the city of humans..."

Xuan Xuan chose human race rather mindlessly... So he ended up in a city with only human race! There were few continents and depending on each continent there are other races! Players ended up in those continents based on their races.

He just learnt it from listening to newbie player talking with some high level dude. Just one look at robe was enough to know that this man is high level. He was talking out loud, not minding sharing this simple information.

While Xuan Xuan has read some tutorials. Those were truly the basics. And he himself has only learnt about powerful beauties in this game's settings... and other women players that are in the top ladder.


"Xuan Xuan."

Soon, someone called his name. It was man with wide robes and he was one of the teachers here... Xuan Xuan just signed for some quest here, so he couldn't possibly know that the one who will teach him and give him quests is a man!

Just by hearing his name being called by him, the young man cursed out loudly and refused to enter the room.

"I am sorry, wrong room! Adios."

"Eh? What?!"

Then, he threw the other low level player who was behind him in the queue. This way, he quickly got rid of his problem! If he accepted the quest from this man, then he would've gotten a chain quests meaning he would be visiting this man from time to time.

'Rather than visitng a man, I want to visit a beauty.'

Quickly signing again, Xuan Xuan chose the lady like name and waited with anticipation in the queue... Soon, the sound of system along with his name rang out throughout the room... But just voice alone told him he fucked up again!

"I am sorry, old lady. It's a mistake! Adios."

"Brat! You-"

"Here you go,"

"Eh? Ah! Thanks!"

Throwing yet another newbie player, Xuan Xuan shook his head disappointingly. Then, he signed once more... After few tries, the young pervert finally got a beautiful teacher. She smiled brightly upon seeing him and her slowly tilting her head to the side was enough to stir the perverted heart of his!

All because her enormous chest bounced from this very slight motion! What would happen... if she jumped?!

"Hello, I am Neptune! Grand Water Mage Of Minum City! Are you interested in becoming-"

"Miss Neptune. Do you know what does 'Neptune's kiss' mean?"
