Fuck the rules!

Although Xuan Xuan keeps saying that it's impossible to rely on luck, all his action leads to this luck... But who can he blame? In order to prosper, whether it's real life or virtual world, one also needs luck. Sometimes, it's at the beginning of the journey, sometimes in the middle and even at the end.

"Black map looks scary indeed. But nothing is more scarier than being alone."

He was speaking from his experience. When the sickness hit him in the real life, Xuan Xuan had no one except his sister coming for visits. His parents were visting him at the beginning, but as it got worse, they gave up their hopes and focused on their works to at least pay for his treatment.

But they still... have given up on him. He knew that he is really worthless as person who can't move, but his heart was moving non stop, thumping with pain and sadness. If not the sister, then Xuan Xuan might already asked to be killed.

Her bright smile was keeping him alive to the point where he could finally begin the new life in other world. Still, ever since his young days, Xuan Xuan felt the allure towards women. If youngsters were playing the soccer, he was looking at the older sisters on the bench!

Well, that's just simple example of Xuan Xuan past.

"Sister, I know you are in big guild, so enjoy your time here. I will... not hold back and live to the fullest just like you wish."

Xuan Xuan knew it would be hard for him to keep his honest appearance if he met his sister. And he also couldn't discard the situation where he mets her here in this world randomly! So before that, he wants to become summoner with at least few beauties...

'If I get some, then I will meet you.'

Otherwise, it would be hard for him to keep going for beauty hunts!

Looking at the minimap, the black areas were slowly getting color, to be more precise slightly darker green. He was currently in the forest so it was fitting color indeed. His eyes swept through the area and the players fighting something akin to small, silver dogs suddenly unfolded before him.

"VRMMORPG is sure boring. Fighting and fighting. Releasing the same techniques... Well, that's only for the beginnings from what I have seen... Haaa.... If I had beauty by my side, then I would definitely enjoy those fights with monsters."

As he spoke, Xuan Xuan also approached the silver dog. It had rather cute appearance, definitely to not to stuck the heart of the newbie players with fear. Xuan Xuan didn't really care about whether it's cute or weak, but released his fire ball.

All other players had different equipment and techniques. The fire balls of their were like arrows and much more stronger. Xuan Xuan's weak skill had caught the attention of many and they were nice enough to tell him to go to the city.

"I can't! I must work hard instead of relying on luck. No need to worry about me."

"Okay, okay. Weirdo~~"

Gently shooing away the other players, Xuan Xuan entered deeper into the forest. Before approaching the silver dogs, he had looked for a while to their attack patterns. The monsters here were truly simple and he could take them one by one.

Their pattern was either to charge forward or let out howl that would lightly paralize the player. If one had keen eye, then one could easily dodge those patterns effortlessly. Xuan Xuan was one of those as his body was eager for movement.

His whole desires were to move all around the world... with beauties of course... So without any lady, the hard work was truly hard work.

[-10! -10! -10! -10! -20!]

"Yeah! I finally hit the eye!"

The weak parts of body could trigger the critical hit. The chances for it were rather high, but the body of monster also played a high role regarding the crits. So those silver dogs could be said to be another 'tutorial monsters' as their eyes were quite big.

Maybe the point was to make them more cute... but overall, they weren't hard to loot.

The loot was of course money!

[You have gotten 10 copper.]

[You have gotten 12 copper.]

Similar messages appeared on his retinas as the hunt went on. Without any quest and partner, there was limit as to how long Xuan Xuan could keep the hunt on. He had no potions, so the regenerate his mana, he had to rest in between the trees.

Also, his stamina was low. As mage, it would be the best to just stay behind and unleashing his fire ball. In virtual reality, it's not as easy as one thinks to be mage. One must properly aim, predict the next action of the beast and also watch out from the mana costs and so on.

There were a lot of informations going on, but Xuan Xuan could keep the move. The problem was his stamina.

"Tch, tch, tch. If I had beauty, she would tank all of it."

Moving slowly deeper into the forest, Xuan Xuan finally found a cave. This place was surrounded by parties and looking at the name hanging above the cave, the young man knew that this is one of the dungeons.

[Silver Dog's Ferocious Bosss Lv. 10.]


The boss is going to give a lot of money and items for sure. There might be also the quest going on for those parties, so Xuan Xuan hoped to join those. Even though they were a lot of males, he had to sarcifice his rules as he had no class!

'Boss can also drop class... Everything can drop class after all! I must bet on this.'

That's why, the golden haired young man approached one of the parties. He brightly smiled and upon getting appropriate distance, Xuan Xuan's sugar voice slipped through his lips.

"Hello, can I join your party? I would like to fight with boss as well."

"No, thanks."


It was definitely because he still had beginner clothes. After cursing at the male leader inwardly, Xuan Xuan left them and approached others. There were turns already set and he spoke to the party who seemed to enter the second.

They were sitting in a row, not too far away from each other.

"We heard you. So let me answer already. No. We don't need beginner who can only do more harm."

"Please, look at it from our perspective."

The man was blunt, but the other lady from the party softly added. If not hers, then Xuan Xuan would've shown his perversion to this bastard. In the end, no one wanted him in his party. No one could understand him.

If they thought nothing about him...

'Then I will enter it not caring about your order at all.'

Like in former example of 'second reality', If one can enter your empty house, then one can also follow those players to the boss room. The system in this world is quite bland.

Their agreement is simply formed between them! Not because of the system. There was also guild that speciallized in punishing those players who went against such rules... The guild that was one of the strongest guilds - Black Skull Riders.

Xuan Xuan heard about them as one of their top players is known beauty.

'I don't give a fuck. Fuck the rules! I must try everything. If class drops, then I will snatch it, then let the high level player kill me few times. It's simply worth for class!'

If only class drops...