Against The Pervert

Xuan Xuan also sent Falling Dance back.

He told her to take few turns back as the whole corridor had a lot of these. Then with Vivula standing in the corner, he knelt and rubbed her cheeks! Those two, supple cheeks were burning red with Xuan Xuan looking at her from close distance.

They were so close that their noses could touch at any moment.


"Do you want kiss?"

"Mmm... I do..."

Kissing the small lady, Xuan Xuan knew he has no much time, but he couldn't stop himself when she muttered the title he was rather happy about. He just wanted to explain the plan, but his hands extended out unconsciously.

Nevertheless, he had no time, so he let go her soft lips and spoke.

"We will use everything we have! Now, listen!"



The party of ten players.

They were leveling up together with intention to join one of the best guilds. Every best guilds know how it is important to keep invinting new players.

Who knows? One day, someone might struck lucky chance and find epic or unique class! Or even maybe the legendary one!

Then, there are simply talents. As there are talents in the real world, there are in game talents as well. For example, it's hard for many swordsman players to keep up swinging their swords rapidly for a long time.

Sometimes, they feel like they can't feel or see their swords resulting in those leaving their hands or simply stopping. Most of players follow their skills and rarely use their swords purely like Falling Dance.

But the best way to play is to mix the skills with pure swordsmanship! Let's look at sword's strike! It's normal skill learnt by many at the beginning levels. When player use this, their sword's tip unleashes powerful and sharp light that can go through many obstacle such as tough skin and armor!

Of course, when learning this skill, NPCs masters always teach players this skill with simple thrust forward.

So it's common for many players to use this spell while thrusting forward only! They solely use one simple movement and it's so bad one can pity those players.

"We might enter Unyielding Red Flag Guild soon... They need new players for their battalions! Their guild gives passive exp bonus and gold income from monsters, so we should focus... One of the first conditions is to hit level 25 at least after month of playing."

"It should be easy with those bosses."


As the party talked about their objectives in game, they suddenly could hear a step! Step of young pervert! At first, they got scared and their bodies stood up subconsciously, but when they saw one player inside, they relaxed and sat down.

Their mouth already stuffed with potions.

"We don't need any players for our party. Leave this place as you alone won't be able to exp here."

"Yeah, you have entered through holes we have gone through... If not use, then you would've lost few levels, so be grateful and leave."

"Yep, leave this place."

Xuan Xuan didn't see any evil intentions. Only mage of this party had rather jealous look while looking at Xuan Xuan's robe, but he knew the importance of the boss. They couldn't waste any potions and time at this player.

But Xuan Xuan came here with clear intent - evil intent.

His eyes skimmed through the party, then he spoke to the man who had no nose.

Indeed, he had no nose, only two holes.

"What are you? Voldedududu? Do you know that penis' length can be gauged by nose, but looking at you, it seems you are eunuch! Pfff~~"


Ten potions got wasted at this moment as everyone spilled it from their mouths. The red and blue liquids mixed as they flowed down the cave... Their friend truly had... rather unique face, but they were quiet about it as it was touching matter.

"Volde..dudu..du... You motherfucker! Come here! I am fucking big and proud down there!"

Standing up, the young man who had no nose raised his sword. Being one of the typical swordsman, he unleashed his sword's strike and thursted forward while running towards Xuan Xuan.

Enraging the players was first thing to do.

"Bruh, no need to be embarrassed. Just don't act as man and find some lady."

"I will fucking castrate you in this game!"


Letting out sigh that seemed like loathing, Xuan Xuan tried to run away. But as mage, his results were futile. Not only he had lower stamina, he also seemed so funny with his long robe that the rest laughed out to boost the confidence of their friend who had hurted feelings.

Soon enough, Xuan Xuan actually tripped down.


"Fucking mage! Without frontlines, you are one of the easiest classes to kill!"

"Ah! No~~ Nnnn~~"

Moaning like girl, Xuan Xuan felt his shoulder getting pierced by the sword's strike. As the blood seeped out from it, he could see few HP points lost on his retinas. Nevertheless, he kept his perverted attitude.

As he shown this appearance of total helplessness, the young swordsman got overconfident as he let go his sword. Striking Xuan Xuan's face with punches, he began taking -10 or -15 HP from his bar!

And this is where the pervert strikes.

"Let me! Blurgh!"

"Let me what?! You think I am letting you go?!"

"Let me show you how it feels to rub your ding ding dong!"


What did he say?! The party immediately got silenced by those words including the punching swordsman who had his body frozen.

'Does he seriously think I am eunuch?!'

Naturally, Xuan Xuan wasn't wasting his time. He took the staff from his inventory and the tip touched the man's crotch.

"Well, you see. When you masturbate, it gets rather hot and nice. Umu! Black Fire Ball! Black Soul!"

As the staff shone with bright light, the black fire with its dirty mouth appeared. Feeling the sudden warmth, the player tried to reach out for his sword, but before he could even lean down a little, his body exploded with fire and he got sent flying!

[-400 HP!]

"- 400? Oh ma! Looks like you are truly eunuch! I hope it didn't hurt much!"


Not only he had a little hp due to the fact that potions were healing slowly, he also didn't have any attention from his healer. But what can do they? They had only one healer! Only one player was eager to become healer, so they had to wait!

Luckily enough, the swordsman fell closely to the healer! He reached his hand to plead for heal, but before he could even open his mouth, Xuan Xuan's voice rang out.

"I was the one to sent you here."

Then as he spoke, he raised his robe up. It was truly... truly too strange. The robe exposed his pants, but within those pants, there was bump!

"He... he is... rainbow?"


"LGBT, you idiot."

"Ah! Hehe, sorry, sorry."

The bump was here indeed! But Xuan Xuan ain't gay. He didn't get aroused because the man rode him at all! Of course, he doesn't mind when ladies kiss in front of him, but the kiss can only happen when he is taking care of their bodies!

He is the man!

"I am the true man!"

The true man!

Reaching out to his pants, Xuan Xuan took out another staff. The staff that was burning with black fire ball!

"Huehuehu, who knew you could actually lit up those with other parts of body~~"

He used his thighs, gentlemen. Only perverts would have thought he used ding ding dong!

With the ready staff, Xuan Xuan didn't even let his enemies comment or move as he sent it straight at the wounded swordsman and healer!

Thanks to his 'increased' stamina and relatively close distance between them, the whole pitching was this time good!

"Remember, you were killed by Perverted Messiah! Adios!"


[You have killed Voldedududu Hater No. 1]

[You have killed Healer, why me?]

[Your Black Fire Ball in Soul Version ate a little of their souls.

- +250 EXP

- +275 EXP ]

"Ahahahaha! So you were his hater after all!"

"Catch him! Like hell we can go without healer to the boss! Get his all items!"



"Oh, no! I can't let you catch me! Bonjour! Vi, vi! Hy! Hy! Hy!"

Xuan Xuan instantly stood up, his body sprinting towards the darkest parts of the cave! Without healer, the cave became so damn dark that other mage had to use fire! It gave Xuan Xuan advantage as he disappeared to the corridor where he came from.

"Pervert! Bonjour means hello, you fucker!"

"Don't speak language you don't know!"

"Shut up, bastards. Bonjour sounds good! Vi, vi!"

"What does 'vi vi' mean anyway?"

"Like the hell I know, catch this bastard first!"

"Oh, then we will ask him. Yeah, let's catch him!"

"We are going to catch him because he killed our friends, you idiottttt!"


"Vi vi! Or maybe it was vierge? Vierge~~"

"Stop talkinggggggggg!"