Idiot making bet with the thief.

Xuan Xuan and Black Rose intertwined their hands like true lovers.

Truth to be told, Xuan Xuan felt like they are indeed 'true' lovers as the couples in front of them were simply too stupid. Why was Xuan Xuan, the perverted messiah, thinking like that?

"Not now, kitty~~"

"Heheh~~ Not like they can stop us~~"

Even the ladies became bold, going for the bodies of their men with Xuan Xuan and Black Rose behind them! Not only man were perverted!

'I am pervert, that's certain.'

Xuan Xuan had a lot of perverted desires. Though those desires were currently on hold as he hoped to raise his stamina! However, one of his biggest desires was to visit... the last garden of the lady! Though it's on hold as he doesn't want to explode quickly.

And it's also quite painful from his research, so he has to hold!

His wild desires became also calmed as he got girlfriends! The inexperience played a huge role there, but he has his own rules as well!

"That's how we ended up here. We must collect a lot of these Nefarious Flowers."

Miss Black Rose was talking about their chain quest. She was completely fine with Xuan Xuan next to her and the perverted friends of hers no longer bothered the lady... Though she was indeed a little surprised by Xuan Xuan.

The lady had thoughts that Xuan Xuan would try to fight her friends who were hidden perverts all this time along! But he held her hand lovelingly and spoke about his 'journey' in the second reality! Explaining everything without mentioning other women, Xuan Xuan did his job nicely! He matured a little.

It made everything a little awkward for Miss Black Rose as she jumped at Xuan Xuan with quite bold hug! Nevertheless, after small talk, the lady held his hand with the same emotions and explained their quest.

They were doing quest from NPC - Nuriok.

This NPC told them gather some ingredients, meaning that they had to kill a lot of monsters, then there was also small fight with other NPCs! The lady steeled her desire and fought against NPC with everything she got.

After killing the enemy of Nuriok, the party of friends were also asked to look for Nefarious Flowers!

"He said that's it is hard to look for these."

The words of Miss Black Rose got confirmed as the party reached their destination. It was huge cave with a lot of players fighting the monsters here... Inside this cave, the earth worms were rampaging, going in and out the ground!

"They are destroying the flowers!"

"Ahh! That's right, darling! Your eyes are the best!"

"Naturally! Your ass is the best as well, honey!"

The couple immediately used the chance to show more of their love. The man grabbed the ass of his girlfriend strongly as he shook it hard! Xuan Xuan who saw it turned to Black Rose who was also looking at this show of affection with blush...

She really didn't know her friends were so damn bold.

So when she felt Xuan Xuan's eyes, the lady shook her head and made 'X' with her arms to which Xuan Xuan laughed out loud.

"Since we must collect these flowers, how about we make a bet! Umu, umu."

"N-no! You will ask for something more perverted!"

"What do you mean?! I treat you seriously, my lady."


In the end, Miss Black Rose agreed. Thus, the party of six began looking out for flowers. They also had to fight earth worms from time to time! The earth worms were quite problematic as they had tough bodies and could hide themselves in the ground to attack from unknown direction.

For first timers, it was definitely hard to learn about their attack pattern.

Then Xuan Xuan, who was with Black Rose had the hardest.

In order to not expose his class, he was using black gloves that instantly got covered by earth golem's hand! With small training, Xuan Xuan could control the size of his skill! Right now, he was punching the earth worm causing many players to question his class!

Is he mage? Or not?!

But that wasn't the worst part of this!

"I got one!"

It was Black Rose! She was using her thief's abilities perfectly! The more levels she got, the better her sneaking abilities got! She sneaked past the perverted messiah and earth worm, then took the flowers for herself.

"That's not fair, Roseeeee!"

"Hehe~~ Focus on the quest!"

She had way more flowers than Xuan Xuan! Though it was painful as it's more likely that he will lose the bet, Xuan Xuan was feeling contentment by looking at Black Rose happy's expression! On her early levels, she was stealing a lot, so it was her the most proficient skill!

As she extended her hand, the lady grabbed the flower, then flawlessly rolled on the ground as her body turned into black shadow! Disappearing in the blink of an eye, Xuan Xuan could see how good she was as small tap rang out near his shoulder.

"Another one~~"

"How about you fight in my place?! I feel too sad!"

"I don't see any sadness though? Haha~~"

The lady pinched Xuan Xuan's cheek, then disappeared to search for more flowers! In the meantime, Xuan Xuan madly punched the earth worm with his usual perverted shouts!

"Suck it! Suck it! Suck it!"

His stamina was going up slightly.