If he touches my wife, then there is only one thing to do!

The next day.

'There is no nurse.'

Looks like they had done what needed to be done! They have enough material, so now, all they need is for Xuan Xuan to get better! Once he gets better, they can easily say that he assaulted them or any other stupid things to bribe him!

'I have no time!'

The perverted messiah shouted inwardly, his mind working quickly to prepare a plan for his own recovering! Of course, not being able to move properly, Xuan Xuan truly didn't have to think hard. He just began raising his body, aiming for miracle.

However, his eyes spotted out something after few minutes of hard work...

As Xuan Xuan raised his body slightly, his eyes landed on the black tattoo reminding him about Vivula's horns!


It truly surprised the perverted messiah! His eyes went wide, but only for a while as his back yet again could feel the soft bed... Of course, this revelation surprised Xuan Xuan way too much, but he wasn't thinking about the two world connected.

'Was it Yukina who had done it?'

Yukina... Yes! He is calling his girlfriend with her real name as that's the perverted messiah! Like hell he is going to miss the chance to evoke the beautiful blush! Though Black Rose isn't here, Xuan Xuan was getting used to it and her name also sounds very sweet.

The messiah is simpy too happy!

But now, it's time to think about this tattoo yet again! First of all, Xuan Xuan had never ever spoken about this tattoo. There was a chance Black Rose might seen this, but it's not something she should really remember!

And even if she does, why hadn't she asked Xuan Xuan about it?

When the servants become the tattoo, they first turn into black light going straight into Xuan Xuan! So before the tattoo can take a form, Black Rose surely has better things to look at.

'For example, me.'

Indeed, the messiah.

So what is going on?! If Black Rose really wanted to pull such prank, then Xuan Xuan wouldn't really mind, but there are really small chances for that... If so, then he has to think about another option!

'Could it appear just like that?'

It sounds quite wild.

But Xuan Xuan suddenly could move around the time where he got rather a lot of stamina points... It might be coincidence, but if the two world were really real, then... it would be truly bad! Xuan Xuan himself had destroyed the whole village of mermaids...

If they are real living beings... then he is serial murderer!

And what about other players?

'That's impossible, what am I thinking about...'

In the end, Xuan Xuan realized that this is impossible... Simply because he saw no point in such thing to even exist! Like why would the players be the 'better ones' in the second world with all the ressurection and system?

Solely because they are players, they can ressurect and risk a lot while killing other living beings that die for real? What was the point of it? Why would someone create such phenomenon?


However, as the mind of the perverted messiah was working non stop, the certain thought appeared in his mind... If the words are connected, then there was a chance for Vivula and other beauties to appear here!

Just this alone caused the weak human on the bed to widen his smile as he imagined the happy Vivula!

"Did you hear? That Harem King is going for another celebrity."

"Seriously? At this point, we should wonder how he can keep up with all these women. My own ding ding dong would fall off with so many!"

"Dude, he is surely going on some pills! I am sure he is going to advertise one soon! Damn bastards, that celebrity is also married woman!"

"Yeah, I know."

"Harem King is aiming at every beauty, no matter the status."

"Fucker... I am jealous!"

Harem King...

Harem King is aiming...

Aiming.... Aiming at every beauty...

Beauty... Beauty...

No matter the status... No matter...

Thump! Thump! Thump!

These were visitor from some other floor passing by Xuan Xuan's room! They spoke loudly, without caring about others! Even so, Xuan Xuan felt like thanking them! Not like he is following the activities of the harem king...

Because of this small gossip, Xuan Xuan's mind had the most important words echoing!

If his wife appeared here... then Harem King surely would aim for her!

Vivula is simply a treasure! Her human form, the big one with descending mountains and wide hips! The smooth skin of hers and those pale red eyes that are like most exquisite jewels! The lady is one fine lady!

The perfect target for the harem king!

Of course that bastard Orqas gathered the beauties! As if led by the god to entice the male playerbase, he had the womanly beauties all over with black magic! There were also wild and pretty boys for the ladies!

It seems like Orqas is indeed good boss for the first main quest.

Even so!

"Harem... King..."

The words said with utmost hatred... The words said with utmost persistance!

However, how could he say it in his mind?! This is his will! His will to protect the ladies of his! The wife and girlfriend that are surely going to become his wives as well! So he couldn't say these inwardly!


If he touches his women, then there is only a death!

One simply does not fuck with the perverted messiah!

And it might sound stupid, even Xuan Xuan found it stupid, but if there is even 1% chance of the second reality being 'real', then he has to work for it! He had thoughts about it already, so 1% counts!

Xuan Xuan's pale golden eyes exploded with the will of life! The will to rise! Becoming pure and vivid, the golden jewels of the perverted messiah slowly disappeared as he closed his eyes!

'Stamina, is it? Let's go, fucking tanks! Where the fuck is Arturio though?!'

Arturio got kicked out from the guild.