Xuan Xuan raises his stamina high! Another beauty is here!

The City Of The Ghosts!

Such place isn't the name only, gentlemen! The city is full of white ghosts and other creatures, attacking the humans on the spot! There are many ghosts and vengeful creatures that gave up on their natural bodies to seek the revenge or simply to kill!

Everyone has a lot of desires! And so there are various ghosts and monsters.

"Hy! Hy! Hy!"

There was a man running so hysterically one could think he had seen his dead ancestors! He threw everything on his way to the side, not caring at all about the mansion he was in! His whole face was white as sheet with a lot of sweat beads going down.

Actually, his whole body was so sweaty he felt slow as fuck!

"How could they leave me?!"

Cursing his friends from the guild, the man had small reminiscion! It happened not too long ago! The unknown presence appeared behind them, assaulting them in a sneaky, but effective way!

It wasn't ghost nor any vengeful creature!

It was a player clad in black robes!

The moment he appeared, all he did was simply tap the shoulder of one of his friend! Then, second later, the huge belly popped out, shattering the proud armor from The Sweet Paradise GUILD!

It was funny, yes it was! However, there were already few rumours about such scary technique! Naturally, Mr. Beauu was doing his best to minimalize these rumours in order to save his pride, but other victims had shared as much as possible.

White Top Of A Daddy! And the consequences of not being able to run away from the caster... Wife Beater Title!

"Hy! Hy! Hy!"

Just the thought of it caused the man to breathe rougher! His whole body sprinted fast, mustering every bit of strength out from his game muscles. The passing ghosts and monsters didn't stay idle though.

They attacked him, but he, as a tank, simply survived those!

'I am a tank! Fucking lucky!'

Unfortunately enough, the player wasn't aware that being a tank is actually his misfortune! He sprinted, then seeing a small doors, his smile widened!

But as he got closer to the doors, his eyes contracted...

'He is here! Fuck!'

The man clad in black clothes - The Black Mage! He was leaning on the wall, leisurely holding the small lady whose face was also hidden! She looked fluffy, but the tank wasn't thinking about this fluffiness!

Instead, he peeked at his stats and found out that continous usage of 'Charge' skill had depleted him out from mana! Furthermore, he was also using skills to boost his defenses and health! The man was so low on both HP and MANA one could pity him!

If one could...

"Fuck! Why me?!"

Everyone ran away in different directions! Why did he get caught first?!

Oh, poor man didn't know!


While looking dejectedly at the black mage, the tank could see the appearance of the black flames! The black flames couldn't be hidden by the darkness of this place nor the clothes of the black mage! The black attribute was simply dominating, flickering proudly!


"Fuck you."

The black flames hit the dirty mouth, then repeatedly punching, Xuan Xuan had killed yet another tank. His stamina was slowly reaching the 2000 stat which is too big for a mage! Even so, he was full of happiness and disappeared after taking a loot which was the armor.

"How lucky!"

"Good job, master!"



There was no way for Xuan Xuan to know the exact location of the twins.

Thus, he chose one of the popular leveling grounds for the players from Sweet Paradise Guild! He hunted the players in the most efficient way which was showing off the most dangerous ability - White Top Of A Daddy!

If players actually teamed up and protected the victim with the big belly, then Xuan Xuan would try for a little to fight them on. If the challenge was too hard or needed a lot of resources, then he would retreat and wait for other occassion.

While waiting, Xuan Xuan also looked for another easier targets.

The hunt!

"I wonder if they are here~~"

"Master can do it! I believe in you~~"

"Hehe~~ If twins heard such cute encouragment, then they would instantly come to us to try hug you! I would strike then."

"Then, I will help master to strike. Please, rely on me!"

"Umu, my wife."

Xuan Xuan could only hope that the victims are somewhere around the leveling grounds he had chosen. The hunt was both funny and nice as spending time with his wife is indeed good thing! Even more, if there was 1% of her being real.

Though Xuan Xuan had yet to confirm this, he was already acting as if this was real world. He even passed through the mermaid hidden village to give the respect! It might seem hypocritical and naive, but Xuan Xuan felt like it, so he done it.

In the meantime, he was also enjoying the talks with his girlfriends.

Black Rose only logged to the game for a little, as she had few things to do in real life! Her parents were also nagging her for the source of the money, but Xuan Xuan didn't wish to meet parents yet!

"Hmm... We have killed enough for today!"


"Don't worry, my wife. It's time for stream."

He couldn't meet them because of his weak body, but also financial situation! The former can be easily cleared by them meeting him in the hospital, but the latter... Oya, oya!

The other ladies, such as Falling Dance, were also active! It seemed that the elemental swordsman had successfuly awakened her 'tree spirit' and her sword became too op for mass leveling...

The blonde woman is going to level up as fast as lightning, back to her prime!

Everyone else was also doing fine, so Xuan Xuan could easily enjoyt the small talks and play!

"Let's go outside for now."



Outside of the city, Xuan Xuan took off his clothes, then wore rather normal looking robes! He was holding the staff as well! Both were related to the 'Earth Magic', so it's clear that the perverted messiah has changed his identity!

He became a streamer! The Black Mage is on the break!


And just when he was ready to stream, the eyes of the perverted messiah spotted the beauty! She was alone, going in the direction of the ghost city! She was wearing the clothes that weren't really suited for the battle.

Of course, it could be only a design!

Even so, the lady was very beautiful.

And who is Xuan Xuan? The perverted messiah! If the destiny won't allow him to possess every beauty in the world, then he is at least going to make a lot of beautiful acquaintances! Together with his two servants, Xuan Xuan approached the beauty!

"Hi, beauty! Are you sightseeing?"


Rather emotionless reply! She spoke in a way that Xuan Xuan could feel that she doesn't want to be bothered! Someone who can evoke such emotions is definitely good and smart! Anyway, she might be NPC, but the main reason for Xuan Xuan to not step out was solely because of his personality.

"Hmm! I am also not sightseeing, so we have the thing in common."

"That's not how it works."

"Is that so? Then tell me how the destiny works! I have meet you here, but you are refusing me! Something is wrong here, no?"

"You are wrong."

"No, no! I am Xuan Xuan, tell me your name beauty!"