The adventurer gives a quest.

The Worm Maze continued to last with the same pattern.

Everyone was fighting against the 'evil' creatures aiming for the lucky loot. Other than that, the so common loot wasn't really that nice. Xuan Xuan was different, however.

He was getting an exp, a loot, but additionaly, his two passive spells had mixed up!

The Revenge Of The Dead and Spirit Creation!

The first skill is the new one. It gives Xuan Xuan 'bone loot' as passive, so that he can make a magic circle to summon up the skeleton! The second one is the skill he got from his first girlfriend as she got a class related to his!

Her Elemental Swordsman class is linked with Xuan Xuan!

The spirit creation allows Xuan Xuan to create a spirits, however, it's really weak as he has weak understanding and the only spirit orb he had was given to the lady of his! The Revenge Of The Dead has yet to be used as well!

That's why... it was a miracle or the game system had helped him! Anyway, these two skills had mixed its effects and by killing the ghosts, Xuan Xuan can get a part of their soul! He is on the mission to gather the souls to form his 'Ghost Orb' or 'Ghost Spirit Orb' if one is too picky with the names!

'If there is no ghost lady, then I am going to create one!'

This is the perverted messiah very first dream! The summoner class!

"Why are you grinning like a pervert? Ah, I forgot, you are one."

"I am the perverted messiah, the man who seeks the mythical beauties."


The moment Xuan Xuan realized he has such passive ability in this place, his attitude changed as he was overly happy. The lady he was hitting on was continuing to talk as that's what Xuan Xuan is here for.

It's always good to have someone's presence... Even more, in a maze.

The minimap was off and it was impossible to use the guild's chat or private messages! If she logged off, then she would lose all her experience she has worked so hard for!

"Remember to not purify the ghosts! They are mine! Do ghosts wear panties?"

"They don't!"

Shouting at the perverted messiah.... was also a good stress reliever.

The maze was as dark as ever. However, as some time passed, the few white circles began to appear on the ground! Xuan Xuan was quite wary of these, and using the sudden appearance of this, he grabbed the twin lady and felt her body.

The twin is cute lady whose peaks are in modest size!

"Where the hell are you touching?!"

"Umu, let me explain."

The messiah let her go and as they stood just barely away from the white circle, he coughed and spoke up.

"Since I don't really know you, my affection towards you comes from your body. It's natural for me to try keep up the close contact. But, I kinda like your loud personality! It shows your independence as you go forward."

She is the healer, but she takes up the front! Xuan Xuan was using his rather good stamina and earth hand to jump around and kill the ghosts. The party was certainly unique, but more importantly, it seems like the messiah hit the weak spot.

"What about you? Do you rely on someone?"

Instead of shouting or attacking him with her staff, the twin lady asked Xuan Xuan! Of course, he knows he is not alone, so he can keep up with his honest and happy life in the VR World! All thanks to his sister!

"Umu! My sis is with me."


The white haired twin became quiet, her body turning to the side as if she wanted to keep thinking while fighting against the monsters. Xuan Xuan knew that he has to be quiet as well, so he also turned.

As both of them stepped on the white circle, it let out bright white light swallowing them.


"Ah, what a pity~~ I was so close."

As Xuan Xuan's vision became normal, his ears moved as he heard an unknown voice. In front of him, there was a dude wearing common clothes as if he was on some fucking vacation! He was massaging his eyes, but it was surely not because of the white light!

Even so, Xuan Xuan became serious.

Way too serious.

'Harem King. What the fuck is he doing here?'

"Hmm? Brat, have you found-"

"Who are you?! Are you a ghost or a hidden vengeful monster?"


Just as Harem King noticed Xuan Xuan, the young man in front of him waved his hand, then shouted as if not knowing about him at all. It's pretty impossible for anyone from the earth to not know about him and his looks.

Of course, it's not only because he is a handsome one, but he is very influential in the real world.


So Harem King had assumed that Xuan Xuan is an NPC!

"Brat, the maze is too special for you to be here. That's the case if you are a normal resident of this world, however."

"I am the adventurer seeking the hopeless souls, Death Savior! Help me if you are a human as well!"


[The adventurer has given you a quest!

- Use your own body to deal with the hopeless souls that can only attack mindlessly while hoping for the salvation! If you accept this quest, you will be able to gather part of the ghosts souls! Give the souls to the adventurer for a special, legendary class item!]

'Legendary? Haha!'

The Harem King laughed, then he accepted up the quest.


While Xuan Xuan was shocked to the core.

[Your Black Mana has been depleted - 0/100]

[The Black Mana has fooled The Harem King, your great enemy. Thanks to the environment and the limitations put by the world, Harem King and Holy Goddesses can not utilize their powers to the fullest here. Their eyes can not reach the maze either, so the harem king knows nothing. His body can not react to the black mana that isn't as evil as it used to be on the former black mage.]

"Umu! Good shit!"


"You are a wise man! I can see a great future in you! Just try to fix that face of yours and you might get a girlfriend one day!"

"What did you say?"

The Harem King trembled in an anger! He was truly enraged by the fact that someone as insignificant as Xuan Xuan had said it! Why was that so? Why would he get so mad? Xuan Xuan couldn't really tell, but maybe it was because they were alone?

Anyway, The Harem King was mad, so the perverted messiah was all laughing inside.

"Cut your nails as well! Why are these nails so long?! You are going to hurt the lady once you... Umu, you know the rest, virgin boy."

"Close your mouth. I don't need you talking to complete the quest."

"Sure, sure. Just try to gather as much as possible... virgin boy."


The veins began popping off on the harem king's face! If not the legendary class item, then he would gladly close up the mouth of this NPC... for the eternity! No one knew what is going through his mind!

'Strange. Such influential person should be used to the hate! I guess I am too convincing!'

Xuan Xuan was on a good path to get a good shit quality items!