Vivula and Ryuutem reunited - The Harem King's goal half-way achieved.

"Little Miss, help us!"


"Shit! There is simply too many monsters!"

The players screamed in agony as they had to fight non stop! The more one spent time in the maze, the more one had to fight! The monster's frequency became too high at some point! It only shows how much luck the players had when they met the harem king!

That man was the unstoppable beast.

However, right now, the players were sending their pleads to the little miss!

It was Vivula!

The lady's answer was different, however. As she swept her hand through the air, Vivula made a gesture that meant only one thing!

Bitch please!

She is waiting for her master, hoping for his sudden appearance out form the wall! Unluckily enough, some time passed already yet the sight of her master has yet to appear! Nevertheless, Vivula was doing fine.

Clad in her lovely small armor, the lady had big shield to protect herself! And only herself! Not like she can go and help others just because they ask! Of course, Vivula isn't that bad lady, but what if she used her mana only to see her master with low HP?!

Her heart would get broken if such thing happened!

That's why, the little miss continued to send 'Bitch please' gestures as she stood behind everyone. As small as she is, people believed that Vivula is an NPC as her movement is kinda too good for a young lady!

Little did they know that there is an adult in such little body!

Even so, the fate has finally done something got for Vivula!

"Ah! Ryuutem!"

The bersker and her good friend appeared!

All in blood, Ryuutem was roughly breathing yet his smiling face told everyone that he is good and rather enjoys this situation! His blood was boiling, the scales full of hot power!

From his earlier conquest, Ryuutem still had some ores to eat, so he had power! His hot dragon fists were smashing the monsters hard while hot breath of the dragon scorched the floating bodies of the ghosts.

Followed by the players, Ryuutem was also believed to be an NPC.

The special NPC in a maze that helps the players!

However, his situation was also different than one can imagine! He was allowing the players to follow him only if they killed the sweet paradise guild's players! This madman was leveling up as well while feeding on the players.

And those who hoped to survive this place teamed up with him.

Ryuutem had gotten an army for himself in this way!

"Hahahahhaha! Who attacks my sister?!"

"No one! No one!"

"I see you have attacked her!"

"No! What do you mean?!"

"I saw your eyes! Kill this fucker!"

As if someone with leadership experience, Ryuutem send his army at the sweet paradise guild members that were around Vivula! Of course, the tank lady had to hide her identity, but that's not the case for the half dragon as he absorbed some shamelessness from Xuan Xuan!

"Fuck their asses if you can!"

Boom! Fire breath!

"What is going on?! Fuck!"

"I don't know! Do they have fucker quest from NPC to kill us?!"

The players from Vivula's side were too surprised! The little miss was all quiet and gentle, but the other small 'existence' was completely opposite! The berserker all in blood threw himself up and began fighting along with his army.

While Vivula was smarter and hid her identity from the start with black scarf, Ryuutem exposed his face! However, the madman was all in blood, so it acted like a cover indeed. Supporting her friend with her tank abilities, Vivula made an easy way for Ryuutem as he felt that he can go even harder on these fools...

Xuan Xuan has his own enmity with Sweet Paradise, so he has his own!

Of course, these two have different reasons!

But that's too change soon!

"We should just go forward! That fucker is not weak and we are still here, so he is all alive!"

"Yes! I know it, Ryuutem."

"I thought you would be worried."

"I am."

Both 'servants' rubbed their noses as they spoke. Looking extremely cute, they stopped for a while to heal themselves and rest, then once again, the march of the dragon's army continued! Feeling the presence of her friend, Vivula was both reassured and rejoiced! She can now go and search for her master thoroughly.


"I missed you..."

"Ah, Guild Master... I am doing fine... There is a lot of guild members around."

The paladin twin was feeling better as she joined up a party with her guild members! No longer alone, she could also fight normally. Her mental strength also returned and everything seemed fine...

Then, the harem king appeared.

He was so fucking hungry.

And he was also enraged deep inside. His words 'I missed you...' weren't a lie, as he truly hoped for the twin to appear within his eyes! She was someone he hoped to eat, someone that could soothe his anger...

His voice, that was holding up all his emotions, seemed different... So different that the innocent twin mistook it hard...

She mistook his eyes full of lust for another, sweeter emotion. His rough voice had given her an illussion that he has been running desperately only for her! And then, as he brought her up closer, the lady smelled the fragrance that told her how hard he worked.

The twin got sucked into the illusion created by both his body and sweet words...

It's known that harem king has a lot of women, but every known woman of his is happy. At the top of the guild, their social life in the real world, then the harem king himself... All of this was something that could provide a lot of stability in one's life.

"Guild Master... Did you really... miss me?"

"Yeah, I was only thinking about you and your little body... I had the clear image of your fear and trembling body... But from now on, nothing can part us apart."

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She has joined up the game to fix her weak attitude... The fragile mental that forced her to rely on her other twin and parents! That's why, believing that harem king is treating her seriously and that he gives her enough 'status' to get stronger, the twin slowly sunk in the pleasure.

The 18 years old twin lost her virginity an hour later.

'Oh god, finally... Soft flesh... Ahhh... Tight little cunt.'