The beauty that can stop the harem king with her appearance alone.


"Angry boi, you have an armor big enough to cover your belly, but not the face?"

"Ahahaha! Nice one!"

The harem king was still in his pig face mode. The oily shining face with burning cheeks was still here, however, nothing could stop his anger from making an appearance. His body was exuding the wrath all over!

The golden aura from the strong equipment set was giving him a boost!

The set items are unique items that can give more bonuses based on how much items one player has gathered. For example, the set of the harem king raises his divine mana by 50% once fully equiped!

Without a helmet, he can't really get this unique effect though... He has to use the bonuses coming from the fact that he can wear his boots legs and armor... The three item combo is giving him 25% more divine mana.

Furthermore, his abilities are stronger... He can apply the powerful effects with his golden eyes alone!

[You have used the Divine Golden Eyes.]

[You have put the Paladin's Scrutiny on the unknown player.]

[You have put the Holy Retribution on the unknown player.]

[Your Nine Skies Conquest Sword awakens...]

Xuan Xuan got a lot of system notifications, his black mana trembling. There were even more effects put on his body causing him to feel naked. The situation between him and Harem King got reversed in a flash.

As he hovered his golden eyes on Saint Issah, Xuan Xuan could see his armor shining hard with the bonuses. The sword was also brightly shining from all these boosts... The paladin class is a class with a lot of supporting abilities indeed!

Soaked in all these buffs, Saint Issah slowly leaned down. The big belly was here, but it was mostly because Saint Issah wished for it to last for a little more, so that he can destroy the confidence of Xuan Xuan.

Of course, he also could get rid of his piggy face, but everything is still activated, so that the black archmage loses as much confidence as possible.

Then, the golden wings sprouted out from behind.

The golden wings! Every player can do a quest for the wings at the 100 level upon entering the new lands! The Harem King naturally had divine wings that were the best quality possible for his current level.

Flapping these wings, he flew forward cutting every obstacle like a paper.

'Shit, this is the end for me...'

Xuan Xuan's current level was 62. He got it from the exp and he had yet to create new abilities as the legendary class. Furthermore, it would be simply too broken if the legendary class could kill the player with 250 more levels.

The community would explode.

"Divine Paladin's Path!"

The sword of Saint Issah could deal with everything including the death knights of Katrina. She felt disgruntled by this event, but Saint Issah had truly lost a lot by going all mad at Xuan Xuan. Repairing such set is going to cost him a lot and it's not only the 'money'.

There are also a lot of players, but in this case, Katrina wasn't really worried. People are going to talk about their battle instead of him killing the black mage... It was because Xuan Xuan is not really that known.

Instead of joining up the guild, he continued playing solo, not even trying to work to the utmost of his abilities with his legendary class.

So there aren't that much expectations for the black archmage successor! There were even rumours that he is common player who plays from time to time!

Nevertheless, Katrina did her best to stop Saint Issah. She wasn't willing to spend everything like him as it was simply too stupid. She just came here and even if her goal was Xuan Xuan, she has yet to speak properly to him.

She just knows a little about him.

However, as there were a lot of players, Xuan Xuan and Katrina hadn't predicted one thing! That the players continued leaving the maze. At some point, the servants of Xuan Xuan also left the maze and as they noticed Xuan Xuan being targeted by the harem king, their eyes went wide.

And Vivula moved on her own.

[Your servant, Vivula, used her special linked ability - Black Key!]

"N-no, stop!"

Appearing in front of her loved one, Vivula used her body as a shield to protect Xuan Xuan! The harem king was already in front of her, his sword going through her body! He himself stopped as well though.

That was... a beauty... So beautiful and mesmerizing.

All in her human form without any characteristic parts to her 'bull race', Vivula was simply too beautiful. She was naturally pained by the sword that took away all her HP. The blood quickly left her mouth staining the golden sword.

"Ugh... hhh..."

The adorable face of the lady distorted in the pain, looking paler than usual. However, even though she was feeling tremendous pain, Vivula was happy that she blocked the blow for her master - this is her job as a tank.

Moreover, she just moved on her own. For the lady, this is the real world, real life. Her master death was something she wasn't willing to see at any cost, thus, leading to this situation!



Before Xuan Xuan could even move, Ryuutem appeared by his side, then utilizing his whole strength of the berseker, he grasped the extended hand of Xuan Xuan that was going to his wife, then throwing him back to the portal, the dragon had saved up the black archmage.

Ryuutem himself got thrown later by Katrina as she teleported to his side and kicked him like a ball.


Vivula's body dispersed into thousand black specks going towards the portal as well. Leaving the harem king shocked as he had seen enough beauties and Vivula was classified as one of the top around goddesses.


Though he could only see a little of the goddesses.


Raising his head up, Harem King noticed that Katrina also left the place. She disappeared by using greater teleportation... The whole place had only players standing quietly while talking using the private chat.

They were mostly talking about Saint Issah and Katrina though.


Within the black maze, Xuan Xuan rolled on the ground hard. He has never felt more painful than today! The sight of his wife getting pierced by the sword was so painful he already was crying. He had small clue that this world is real and now, his wife just got killed by the harem king!

Thinking about it like that, his heart thumped loudly!

In the current state, Xuan Xuan couldn't see the system windows he was getting non stop.

[Your Black Mana has gone overboard.]

[Black Mana - 10 000/100]

[In order to stabilize your black mana source, the black mana spreads throughout your body.]

[Race Change.]


And because of that, Xuan Xuan couldn't tell why his body hurts so much.