You must fuck him up!

Xuan Xuan spent some time in the maze.

Arguing and just talking to Ryuutem to pass the time, he had angered up the half-dragon a lot, truly a lot. Overall, the time in the maze was boring without his wife, but Ryuutem also had done enough job to entertain Xuan Xuan.

As the two men shared a little of their 'traditions' from family and similar stuff like that, Xuan Xuan decided that this is time to move. It would be simply impossible for the harem king to stay for so long in the low leveling grounds.

[Vivula - The servant of yours needs more time to rest after the life threatening wound

- the remaining time: 6d20h13m]

Looks like Xuan Xuan is going to spend few days without his wife! It was painful, but as long as she is alive, everything is going to end up well. The perverted messiah took good look at himself to make sure that his black mage clothes are hiding his identity well.

Except his golden eyes, nothing else could be seen!

Thus, Xuan Xuan left the maze along with his servant.

As soon as they left, the portal disappeared thoroughly. It spiralled quickly, then as if drained up from every bit of mana, the portal caesed to exist. It's purpose has been thoroughly fulfilled! Now, it was time for more important things.


The place was empty of any players showing off the trails of the battle between harem king and the beautiful 'dark magic' related lady. The scars were all over the place, so that everyone could see the might of the high leveled players freely.

For Xuan Xuan, these werea scars that caused his heart to thump loudly! The anger and desire to beat up the harem king were now flowing through Xuan Xuan's blood as he is the black origin undead - the undead with emotions, bruh!

However, as he slightly turned his eyes, Xuan Xuan could spot the twins sitting near the tree. The paladin twin was sad, crying hard which was the sight that simply could melt many 'strong boys'. While the other twin, looked over her with various emotions.

The worry, love, but more, the disappointment.

They were still in the game, all because the paladin lady was too scared to meet her sister in real life. Even more, her parents. The deed was done in the game, but the feeling was real, too real. The second reality yet again shows its uniqueness.

Soon enough, Xuan Xuan stepped forward.

He made his appearance to the twins that were all with negative emotions. Because of that, they didn't even react to their 'enemy'... At this point, they were already leaning more towards leaving the guild.

The bonuses from the guild doesn't matter now.

"What happened? Why are you crying so hard?"

Xuan Xuan could guess after a few angry glances from the 'loud twin'. Of course, she was only sending hateful glances, her mouth shut. The case was so serious that Xuan Xuan realized instantly what has happened for the twin!

The Harem King had done the deed, then simply left her while going for another lady! If not the loud twin 'muttering' hateful comments for the Saint Issah, then Xuan Xuan would still be left in the mystery as to who had done it.

It only deepened the hate for the harem king.

After all, Xuan Xuan had the different image about this man. Now, it was all crumbling leaving only the hatred! Nevertheless, Xuan Xuan hadn't forgotten about his main goal of coming here... Though he felt bad, he knew that his next words are also something that should help the twin!

"You must fuck him up."


"The area is so low leveled he must've come here because you are unique. Maybe he was aiming at both of you, so this is even better. You have his attention, so if you work hard, then he will once again turn his full attention towards you."

"What the hell are you talking about?! Who wants his attention?!"

"The second reality is what makes the harem king... harem king! If you get his trust and enter his ranks, then you will be able to fuck him from the inside the guild! His source of income, even if not whole, you will be able to deal a huge blow to him."

The lady had willingfuly surrendered herself. In this society, as long as one hadn't forced oneself, it's pretty hard for others to voice their opinions out! The lady was clear-minded, so it all on her! Xuan Xuan was well aware of it!

However, everyone is well aware as to how the harem has come to be!

"If you need my help, you can count on me. I am more than enough to get rid of his people! Of course, that's around our level, but I will rise quickly and so you, because that's your revenge as well."

As Xuan Xuan left these words, his eyes looked for a while on the twin lady who was contemplating! She was full of saddness, but his words appeared effective. She nodded to herself and all set on something, the lady stood up and thanked Xuan Xuan.

Then, she logged out.

It was so fast that her twin couldn't follow.

However, just before she left, Xuan Xuan spoke up!

"Do ghosts wear the panties?"

"What... the..."

And so she logged out.


Xuan Xuan felt like just going for a small break to the city. It was fine to repair his items in the closest blacksmith NPC and just relax on the boat while fishing. However, after few steps in the forest full of scars of the high leveled battle...

"Join my guild."

The beauty popped out with her teleportation spell, locking her eyes on Xuan Xuan!

The beauty that harem king wants to win!

And the beauty which Xuan Xuan had talked with already!

"Can I touch your boobs?"


As the atmosphere eased up, Xuan Xuan began talking.

"As you see, I am a honest man."
