The man with clear and honest goals! Don't kill her!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The battle between Xuan Xuan and Grand Mage Magda was naturally the loudest. The reason for that was rather simple as the grand mage had enough spells to control the movements of the perverted messiah!

She had that explosive fire that not only was strong, but also exploded in a huge explosion, thus, she was properly changing positions! As a mage, it's pretty bad, but it was clear that this NPC is well trained in her solo battles.

The huge 'fire' screen was devouring up Xuan Xuan!

"What's wrong, young man? It seems like you are too blinded!"

"What do you mean blinded? I am clearly saving up the image of your chest bouncing within my head each time you move! This is just a little tease!"

"Ahaha! Before death, I guess this is what every young man would do!"

Xuan Xua had a feeling that his magicthrower wouldn't really get rid of the huge fire explosions that were going on non stop. Furthermore, his eyes could spot a small barriers around her body, so she had displayed her defensive formations.

The fact that she was moving was quite impressive as mages usuall job is just to spam the powerful skills!

'Maybe she uses me as a training practice! Hah!'

It was funny, because Xuan Xuan was taking every battle as a practice. Ever since he learnt about NPCs being real people! He was likewise going around like a monkey, but also trying to shot her clothes just slightly after she uses her spell.

After all, when the fire screen explodes, there are a gaps as the flames have to properly connect to each other! Xuan Xuan was aiming at these, so that he can corrode a little of her cloth around her chest area.

Only so that he can elicite that beautiful moan!



Looks like Xuan Xuan finally done it! His ears were the first to record that womanly cry which was the art in itself. His eyes instantly spotted the slightly corroded piece of cloth falling from her peak! It was only a little yet it was a poetry already!

"Beautiful, mesmerizing and sexy! Just look how many emotions I can evoke from you, Grand Mage Magda!"

"I see it very well... It's been a while since I let out such kind of voice! Be proud!"

"Wait! Do you have a husband?"

"No, I don't~~ Feel free to continue your incursion~~"

"Good! Umu! You know how it is! If you had husbando, then I would change my plans!"

And the dance continued to last. The black mage and grand mage were like fighting in not so mage way, but that was mostly on Xuan Xuan's side as he had that Bitch Slayer! In the meantime, his party was doing well!

Very well!

Everyone was filled with that experience including Falling Dance.

Their individual talent had managed to bring out an easy way towards the victory! It was going so smoothly, that both ladies were listening to Xuan Xuan's talk! When he stopped and asked whether Grand Mage Magda has that husband, Falling Dance let out silly smile that wasn't like her at all!

She found that side of Xuan Xuan rather favorable.

He was that honest bastard, but he listened to her words attentively! It's not only about the video of the lessons of the perverted messiah, but Xuan Xuan his his own principles indeed!

In her good mood, Falling Dance killed all the players before she herself could notice it. The charisma of the perverted messiah had done good job here! He is a honest man, he is that perverted, but he knows his limit and respect his ladies and even others!

Of course, to a certain extent... Umu. And the lessons... are here to set up the good path for the perverted messiah's influencer career!

The game world is brutal, one must go a little against ones principles!

"That's why I must see your cleavage more! Who knows? This might lead up to your physical needs being more... Cough, cough! Needy!"

"Enough of your shameless talk, Xuan Xuan."

Then before Grand Mage could answer the sudden interjection, she noticed up that her body got a slight CC skills! It was Vivula, but her taunt and Black Grasp, that was focusing on lowering the defenses and %Hp, was likewise doing nothing.

The only reason Xuan Xuan had corroded a little of her cloth was because Magda was saving up mana back then. The fire screens were enough and she had confidence as a grand mage. However, one can not understimate the desires of the perverted messiah!

This is like his messiah's perverted body title - He simply goes for his goals!

The art of a beauty.... He is the one who paints with his Bitch Slayer!

"If we continue to press against her, then soon, we might kill her."

Falling Dance's eyes shone as she muttered it. The players had dropped rather so-so items, but the grand mage, that teaches the skills for players, is surely going to... drop a nice fire related items! Her eyes were shining with that lust towards the high level skills and desire to just beat someone!

It was because Falling Dance already missed some time on the high level!

However, Falling Dance wasn't an legendary class before and so she wasn't 340+ leveled up player. She had no knowledge that NPCs are all real people! The game system provided to players was truly the best manipulation!

"Don't kill her."

"Xuan Xuan, I know that-"

The lady was all ready to rebuke Xuan Xuan a little. She believed that he is saying it so that he can fondle this chest, but Xuan Xuan was serios and there was not even hint of perversion! He himself knew about the drops from NPCs and even killed one, but he is no longer the same!

He is that legendary class!

"We will talk about later."


Killing is not an only option to get items from NPC! One can also force the NPC to pass them!