Magda's formations are really umu umu!

Imagine killing the 'monster' with A Master Rank.

The higher rank, the stronger NPCs and so their loot is more bountiful. But Xuan Xuan already had stated that they won't kill such Red Drake. It was not only strange for Alexandra, but also for Magda who was the resident of this world.

Of course, she was a human, so there was a reason for Xuan Xuan to not aim to kill her. The players tend to kill NPCs, so there were a few rumours between NPCs whose job is to pass down the 'classes'.

But the red drake was a 'humanoid monster' she was willing to kill.

Xuan Xuan was against it, however.

The NPCs kill each other just like people do in his own world fueled by the greed and other stupid reasons. It's far easier to find reasons to kill in a fantasy world and even easier to kill.

But there was old man outside.

He had a human form and scales could be barely seen on his body. A human form is something that all intelligent living beings can reach once conditions are fulfilled. Every race has their own conditions.

It seems like it's not so easy to reach as Xuan Xuan thought!

Xuan Xuan was 100% against killing such NPCs who seem special.

Even if it means that someone else can kill them later on. They are real and so they have that possibility to reach a human form and blend into a society.

'A Master Ranked should reach that though... Ah, whatever.'


"If you had human forms, then you would've it easier!"

Xuan Xuan rushed forward. He was also thinking about his past. In the past, he had proudly declared that a summoner class will be his! One slap to turn many races in the beauties would be within his disposal then!

He is not a summoner, but has a cute ghost fox within his team.

There might be a possibility for that power then!

"I will slap your women later to train!"


"Castrate this bastard!"

"Burn his bitch ass!"

The Red Drakes around the boss shouted widely, then their long tongues hissed. They instantly utilized the ability that could stop water corroded bullets! Of course, Xuan Xuan and his party are going to fight with that powerful flames.

So the flame bullets and fire tongues began their first clash!

At the same time, another portion of black flames erupted from Falling Dance's sword. She was getting more familiar with a fire spirit and her creation skill was close to its completion. The lady needed more fire emotions to complete it though.

Nevertheless, Alex had mix of two flames, so she will surely reach it quick enough.

Her sword likewise clashed with red scales and tongues.

But in the latter case, Alex could slash them neatly.

[You have been affected by Grand Mage Magda's fire formations

- Mana consumption of fire skills gets lowered by 50%

- Your fire skills output increased by 20%

- Your fire resistance increases by 20%

- Your ability Black Fire Enchantment levels up by 2!

- Your spirit creation - fire emblem - reaches 80%]

Nice series of buffs from Grand Mage! She has utilized a lot of mana for those formations, soaking two players in powerful enchants that made things easier! Falling Dance got a lot 'comprehension' that brought her closer to fire emblem's spirit.

Her current wood spirit was the strongest one. But it was still an emblem and other than some 'life steal', Falling Dance coud use a little of wood skills, but those were nothing compared to what her fire emblem is building up.

It was surely because Xuan Xuan also practices up that fire.

"Good shit, Magda!"

Xuan Xuan was very satisfied, his contentment resounding in Magda's heart. Her womanly heart was just thumping with a similar desires, but it was all due to Xuan Xuan's ecstatic voice! As a woman, Magda felt happy.

"We are in together, Xuan Xuan!"


If Xuan Xuan could see Magda's sexy face filled with cheerfulness towards him, then he would get hard for sure.

Getting hard in a battle is no good, young man.


So it's very good that Xuan Xuan had to keep fighting against red drakes. They were constantly coming closer with their claws and red tongues, so Xuan Xuan finally got his wrist grabbed by this very tongue.

It was scorching firmly taking HP from Xuan Xuan slowly. Then, this very tongue pushed red drake as much close as possible.

So Xuan Xuan had to use his other free hand.

Black Glove!

This technique made his hand to be clad in a powerful black magic. It was like a glove, all covered in black. Thanks to it, Xuan Xuan could use his magic without staff. A staff's statuses were utilized by his Bitch Slayer, but even so, Xuan Xuan's fist clad in a fire ball skill was still powerful.

It was a black fire after all!

The black magic that carries his emotions.


[-4200 HP!]

The buffs from Grand Mage were doing a job! She herself added an explosions of her own fire later on as mana got replenished. But by this time, Xuan Xuan already switched to his magicthrower.

"I shall do what every men do the best! Spray all the love!"



Not exactly a love, but Xuan Xuan sprayed all the flames on the red drakes. The boss had to became a shield the moment such weapon appeared in Xuan Xuan's hands! The flame outburst was simply too much!

Before he could use his body, Xuan Xuan and Falling Dance had dealt with his people!

The lady from afar was also sending off an explosive fire techniques!

'Their fire... is stronger than ours... A black flames...'

"Are you here for the black flames that are deep below?"

"Hmm? So this is what Orcas has left here?"

"Can the rest of the humanity wear those flames just like you?"

"No, but look at Magda and her formations. There are more people like her whose attributes counter flames even better. You are too naive if you think you can manage to live outside!"

The Red Drake boss looked around at his racemen. They were laying on the ground with pitiful burn marks and blood covering their claws and mouths. Most of them were already on the ground with him standing like a shield instead like a warrior they thought they are.

If he is forced to be a shiled here, then outside, he will be a mere meat.

"This is your win..."

As soon as those words left the mouth of Red Drake Boss, Xuan Xuan and his party stopped. The boss was sad, but nothing is more valuable than a life itself. Such sadness was evident on his humanoid face, so Xuan Xuan felt like he can help a little.

There was a connection between volcano and black flames.

If he can give them a food...

'Maybe an old man can be the one to pass down the food...'

Xuan Xuan thought, then began forming a new plans. But before that, the boss invited Xuan Xuan to go below.

"Only I know about this place."


It was a very strange place as it was the heart of the volcano.

[You have found a heart of the volcano corrupted by the black flames.

- 50 gold

- 20 000 EXP

- Your party's fire affinity grows! A title - Fire Body has been achieved.

- Your main quests, fire sub quest advances.]

It was strange indeed. How could a heart be so easily achievable? The whole structure of this place was too strange!