Chapter 4

I immediately turned the tip of the sword towards my chest and closed my eyes.

Now I just have to stab myself.

The pain will only last for a brief moment.

Yes, that's all it takes.

That is all… and... I did this


「What the heck?」

He casually swings the sword and the sword passes through his body

「Hahaha Now I can't even kill myself?」


10 000 years later.

I had stopped thinking.

Raise the stick overhead, and swing in downwards.

I became an existence that simply repeated that concept.

Why do I swing the stick instead of the sword you ask?

Well, the concept of Sword is meaningless to me now... All I do are swings in this world, where there is nothing to do... I don't care What I swing, I just swing

Also, my sword deteriorated a long long time ago... I don't even remember it's appearance anymore.

Why do I live?

In the first place, what have I come here for?... oh I remember it was because some child, said something about my mother.

Mother? I had a mother?... Damn it's so hard to remember these days.

I had forgotten everything.

Even when I fell into that state – I Kept Swinging.

These days, I swing nothing but my bare hands, with nothing in it.

I must never let go, is what I thought.

What Should I never let go? I don't even remember that

It might be some sort of obsession.

Even after 100 thousand years... I kept swinging my bare hands throughout.

Finally it became, 9999999 Year 12 Month 31 Day 23 Hour 59 Minute 59 Second… one second later, this world slowly started to collapse.

「Over… at last…」

(Never… push that… button again...)

I etched that onto my soul.

That is the Devil's Button.

Something that must not exist in this world ー a cursed button.

(When I return to the real world, destroying that button will be my first task…)

Never... Push that button.

I closed my eyes gently so the black light that burned in my chest wouldn't disappear.


Any moment now...

A white light gleamed over me... I am finally free of this hell

A mere few seconds laterー I was once again, back in that white world.


Unbelievably, the clock suspended in mid-air indicated, 00000000 Year 1 Month 1 Day 00 Minute 01 Second.


I doubted my own eyes.

Impossible, Impossible Impossible Impossible…!

「Did I… push it again…!?」

There is no doubt, after returning to reality… I pushed it.

The cursed 1 million years button.

I have to go through… that insanely long time… once again…?


I screamed.

I screamed and screamed while running around.

I went mad.

My Sense of Sadness, Pain, Regret ー they have exceeded beyond a certain line.

This prison of time will even make you 『Forget the time』.

Regardless of my raising hell, the clock suspended mid-air continuously and precisely marks the passage of time, second by second.

During this time, I try to meditate, I found that Meditation helps

And it will help to increase my Ki as well... What else can I do

I swing swing swing and swing

Techniques lost any kind of gleam to me, I Just Practically Trained those 4 basic techniques over and over, I don't wanna learn any new technique, What does Flashy Technique do though? They just look great, Isn't it better to just practice my basic foundational techniques.

My Self Taught Basic Techniques Covers everything, speed, power, Ki, Range, and I can even defend myself with my Ki wave if required.

100,000 Years Later

Dear Diary,

Today 1,100,000 days have been passed since I entered this world, My silly self Just sent me back here after my 1 million year training, Today my basic meditation has reached its limit, it stopped working and giving me any more Ki... But it still helped... Now I can feel the infinite Ki that resides inside of me. What's the use of it though, I don't even remember the faces of any person anymore.

I haven't even opened my mouth to speak a single word in 50, 000 years, and the worst thing out of all this, I don't even need food or sleep, I can't be killed here, I am immortal with nothing or no one to talk to... or go anywhere Besides this house. Once I go back to my world, will I be able to even talk properly.

500,000 Years Later

He with the despairing eyes just keep swinging the stick that he found nearby

1 Million Years Later

He was in front of the calendar watching the time going away... and praying that he does not press that button again.

57 Seconds... his eyes holds hope

58 Seconds... his eyes were shining

59 Seconds... His hope reached its peak

00 Seconds

01 Seconds

02 Seconds

He laughed bitterly and fell to his butt...

He calmly sits on the chair, took out his dairy... the diary that seems to have infinite pages.

Dear Diary,

It's been 2 Million Years Since I arrived at this house...

(1000 Years Later)

Even Ki Lost it's meaning to him, He went into body tempering, at least, he has something to do these days

(100,000 Years Later)

His body was like a surgical wave, that Generates power on a constant basis. He breathes with his muscles these days.

(1 Million Years Later)

He kept swinging the imaginary sword at an imaginary opponent fighting an imaginary battle.

The clock ticked down...

58 Seconds... 59 Seconds... 00 Seconds

His Despairing eyes do not hold any grudges or resentments... those eyes do not hold any kind of emotions.

The stupid, foolish and helpless me in the real world, pushed the 1 million years button countless times.

I can't fault myself either.

After all, the me over there does not have the memory of these 1 million years of hell.

(30 Million Later)

He reached the level that even the most prodigal sword Sage can't reach in his lifetime... the sword Sage that didn't died of Old age in the empire 20,000 years ago... his existence was legendary... he could defeat the armies of dragons, titans, empires with nothing but mere wooden Stick.

So what about the existence of me, that reached the level that could defeat the sword sage in the blink of an eye.

(5 Million Years Later)

Dear Diary,

These days I don't feel anything, Even the things like Training became meaningless to me, I wonder if it's because I have achieved the pinnacle in everything. It does not look like I can get out of here by relying on the other me. I have to find some other way. The way things are, I will be eternally trapped in this world. I have to do something. But… what should I do? There is no means of conveying this hell to me in the real world.

The worst part of this world is… the moment I escape this world, my memories are wiped clean spotless. Therefore, I am eternally stuck in this loop. Eternally… in this hell of a world.

(Another Millenia has been passed)

This time, I had nothing to do... I can't become stronger than I already am, I reached the highest stage I can... Yet here I was

With nothing to do, I created an Entire new set Just for me... I call it Doom Arts... Just because this place brings nothing but despair...

(1 Million Year Later)

I forgot everything, but my self made Doom Arts, I practically reached the godly levels in it. I even created a new set of clothes from the silk and the new Sword, since my last wooden sword is broken... again

As I went through this world for the 50 times, a sudden thought flashed through my mind.

「Right… That's right... There was such an easy way to escape this world…」

There was definitely something wrong with me to not think of it earlier.

Why didn't I realize something so simple?

… The answer was already in my hands.

I wanted to be excited... yet I can't... I am too old for this

「If I can cut this world, wouldn't I be able to break free from here…」

That's right.

A single sword that cuts through space and time itself.

Grass, Tree, Rock – and anything else that is in its path.

The only reason I can't cut the world right this instance is because I don't have that much power. I can't have reached the peak of my body if that's the case... trying wouldn't hurt though.

After that, I single-mindedly swung my sword insanely. I finally have something to do again

Doom Arts reached have already entirely new levels. And become something else entirely.

A sword technique that cuts the world – seeking for that one slash that would provide sanctuary.

...Somewhere within me, even I, knew it was ridiculous.

But, if I didn't have some sort of goal… if I didn't have something to cling onto… I might break.

No… just holding onto this ridiculous goal might mean I'm already broken.

However, it will truly be over if I recognized that.

Therefore I, Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut Cut…

I kept swinging the sword with that prayer constantly ringing in mind.

Like the auto-suggestions that naturally appear in search-engines – Being able to cut the world was a given. Not being able to cut it was more ridiculous.

I kept praying so much that I believed it from the bottom of my heart.

And several million years later, an unusual phenomenon occurred.


At that moment, a huge slash entered the space –

The One slash that cuts the world... has finally appeared after repeating the One Million cycle over 100 times... The time he took to enter back his world was 100 Million Years.