Chapter 9

Tomorrow the New Semester Starts, And Since The University Dorm is quite expensive to live, I decided to live in a Cheaper Inn.

I would Have to live here for 4 Years, So it's better to search for a place that's Cheap, Very Cheap.

It's been 4 Hours Since I have been in Capital City, Where the Kingdom resides alongside the 4 Famous Universities.

I ask about the prices from Various Inns but all of them are truly expensive...

It was when I was passing from Various Inns, I felt it.

The Tremendous amount of Mana. Definitely a Wizard I thought... My senses are very very acute, this Much amount of mana is equivalent to the amount of Ki I gathered in 100,000 Years. And I trained every day, every moment... Although the amount of Mana is tremendous and the Mage inside that Inn might be an Incredible Wizard. But whoever is it, they still are not my match.

Unable to conceal my Curiosity, I went inside the Inn Prepared to fight the Wizard. whoever he or she might be. Although the door is locked with a Good and Terryfying Spell, But it's still no match for my Internal Powers. But this makes it clear, Whoever it is, they are very powerful Wizard.

So, I went Inside...

「Hello」I heard a very sweet voice.

I turned around only too see... a little 2-5-year-Old Little Girl with horns, Seriously, Kids these days.

「Ahhh? Who are you? Why is a Brat here」


Wait a minute, She... It's coming from her, the tremendous amount of Mana is coming out of her...

But she is so little, How is that even possible? Is she born with it? But that door was Definitely locked with an Insanely powerful Spell, She couldn't have done that.

But this much amount of Mana is equivalent to 100,000 years of my Ki... This is talent, This little girl is a pure Raw talented mage, In her Old Age, she might even equal me who trained for 100 million Years.

I was hit again by the difference between the talented and Non-Talented person.

I worked hard for millions of years to gather an Infinite amount of Ki present inside my body, but she... This little Brat, The moment she is born, She has so much Mana inside of her body that still didn't reach its Full Potential... What the hell is she?

「I am Not a Brat, I am Dou, Dou is a Demon!」She said waving her hand to show that she is a big demon


I smiled gently...

「 These little horns on your Head, Are they souvenirs from somewhere?」

「They are not Souvenirs, I grew them, Mama thinks they are Cute」


This little girl is telling the truth... I can tell that, but if that's true then why the hell is she not hiding them, I am sure it will cause trouble if people find out she is a demon right? Although I don't know about this world much but... It's a piece of general knowledge, right? Us Human, She Demon... Or maybe I am Just Biased.

「So, Dou, What are you doing here? I am sure your Mama told you to stay in your room Right?」

「Yup, I am here for mushroom」She said smiling

「Mama taught me to fry them until they sizzle, Mama especially likes the food I prepare」

「Ah, Yes, Mushrooms are Delicious, So, You are preparing it for your mama」

「Yup, I am preparing it for Mama, She is always so tired when she prepares the Food for me after coming from work... But she always does it smiling, So, I thought I will do it Just like Mama」

I smiled, she is a such a nice little angel

「Haha, You are an Interesting Little Girl Dou, Aren't you scared of me?」

She tilted her head to the side

「Why Should I?」

I Smiled even more... 「Dou, For people Like us, Who have so much Mana or Ki inside of them, we have incredibly acute senses, You can sense the Ki I am giving out, right?」

「Yeah, Big Brother is Super Strong」She said cheerfully

I Chuckled... this Kid seriously, Why are so happy for, Be more wary of strangers alright?


I felt it again, another strong mage is coming here, although the Pure Raw Mana of this new person is weaker than Dou by Many folds, but their Mana is so well controlled, Whoever it is, they are very powerful, and are able to beat the opponents stronger than them.


「Huh? Why is the gate open」came the sweet voice

「Mama」Dou yelled cheerfully and ran towards the voice with arms wide open

「Haha Did my Cute Little Daughter Play well when I was out?」


I smiled at the scene and come forward, 「Hello, My name Is Allen, It's nice to meet you」

The Lady in front of me saw me and smiled, 「Thank you for keeping the company to my Daughter」

「Aren't you suspicious of me?」

She smiled in return, 「You do know that people like us, have very acute senses right?... And for someone who has so much Ki in their body, I am sure you don't have any harmful intention, You don't need tricks to harm us, You can do it outright... You are even stronger than my Husband」

I Smiled 「Your Daughter is very Cute maam」

「Thank you..!!」

「Mama, Dou has a surprise for you」Dou said in her arms

「Suprise? What is it?」

「Hee-Hee, It's a surprise, Dou will be back, Don't peek in」Her voice was fading as she rushed into the Kitchen.

I who was smiling suddenly turned serious, 「You Daughter... She--」

「She is the Daughter of the Demon King」


What the hell?

「So? Did you... find her somewhere?」I think I should stop asking It's none of my business anyway.

She smiled... 「No, I gave birth to her, She is my and my Husband's Daughter, Dou」


That's even juicier...


Why do I feel like a Gossip Girl who Just can't keep it in

「Can You tell me about it?」

「What if I don't tell you, Will you kill both of us?」

「No, I am not Biased towards any species, I won't do anything to that cute little angel or you even if you don't tell a thing」

She smiled 「You are so different from me when I around your age..!!」

「I should Leave Maam」

「No, Stay, I wanted to tell this story to someone for a very long time... I didn't talk about my Love for a very Long time」she said with fondness in her eyes..!!

She really loves her husband...

We seated on one table, as she kept looking at the door of Kitchen

I think she is thinking about her Husband..!!

She started...

「When I was little, People called me the Greatest Wizard of the Century」


Does that mean, Dou is the Daughter of a tremendously talented wizard and the Demon King,... Woah, No wonder, Her mana surpasses anyone out there, Her mother is a great mage, and I bet her father is a strong wizard as well.

She continued...

「I was a Child Blessed by the Light, A wizard of tremendous Potential and prowess」

「And then, In my time at University I met him, The Love of my life... The man who became the Demon King...」