Chapter 6: The Mission

Mavis declared an emergency assemblage outside the library. Whenever the gang conducts an emergency meeting, they have to address the matter on the bench outside the library. They choose to designate it THE SPOT. But this time, Sarah wasn't summoned. Why would she be? After all, this gathering is regarding her. Pauline arrived first. She came palpitating and said huffingly, " I got your text! Is everything fine? What's the emergency?" Mavis neglected the question and asked another one alternatively, " Where's Olivia? I need you both here to get this meeting started." Mavis began pacing up and down and was stress-eating at the same time. Pauline couldn't sustain and question herself what the hell got into her. She wouldn't even try describing Pauline the predicament until Olivia showed up half an hour late. Her garments were all drenched with muddy water. As she came striding forward with anger, she said, "So none of you are dying! Then why the hell this text says that this meeting is a question of life and death!!!" Pauline couldn't help herself and let out a giggle. Mavis was still with her eyes widened with confusion. After a few moments of taciturnity, she ultimately asked, "Where were you? You were supposed to be here half an hour ago! Lunch period is almost about to end! Do you know how difficult it was to conduct this meeting behind Sarah's back?" Olivia raised her eyebrow with frustration and said, "Thanks, guys. If you weren't here today with me, I would have died; JERKS." Pauline and Mavis demanded to know the reason behind her clumsy entrance. Olivia explained,


I was arranging my books in my locker, and suddenly, my phone buzzed with a text alert. When I studied it, I assumed that she was dying because I considered the message to be outspoken. I dumped all my books and fled with the locker wide open just so that I convinced myself whether she was alright or no. I put my arms forward and hurried out of the immense crowd in the hallway. As I reached the empty grade 8 hallway that leads to the library, I noticed an asshole janitor mopping the floors and forgot the container of turbid water midst of the corridor. I was so anxious about Mavis that I didn't mark the bucket on my way. Unconsciously, I slipped and splattered myself with that contaminated water. My outfit was all drenched, but I didn't worry about it. So I kept pacing.


Pauline and Mavis burst into laughter! The episode had such an impression on Mavis that she fell onto the ground rolling and laughing with tears streaming out of her eyes. Then eventually, Mavis calmed down and said huffingly, "The chief reason why I called you for this gathering is to bring Sarah and Aiden together by the conclusion of the middle school year! Sarah has ultimately found her true love! We should encourage her to find her way to Aiden! Who's with me?" Olivia and Pauline stared at Mavis speculating that she was kidding, but when Mavis just watched back, anticipating a plausible acknowledgment from the both of them, they discerned that she was solemn about it. After all, the cupid of the school will take her expertise and charm earnestly. Pauline and Olivia exchanged glances and agreed with Mavis to be a member of this union. Mavis put her hand forward and shouted out with excitement, "Let the mission commence!" Pauline and Olivia joined her to bestow their unity to the condition. But at that moment, these girls didn't apprehend that, incidents that piloted following this meeting are going to change their personalities and their world of living permanently.