To Become The God of Fate

Back at the hall virtue, the mirror of a millennium star began to glow ominously away from its master, High Immortal Chang Chen.

The hall was where the fate of immortals and mortals alike was read. The only one who lived at the lofty gold residence was the God of Fate himself, who alone managed the tedious task of running the entire place under the rule of the heavenly emperor.

Although on the surface, his duties were to read the fate of others as revealed by the mirror, report what he saw to the heavenly emperor and travel round the realms to mediate. In the real sense it was more difficult than that, making decisions that could affect lives, going to places that he would never have wanted if given the choice, watch as living creatures succumbed to their fate was one of the most devastating part of being the God of Fate, because he could do nothing but accept the mirror's predictions. That sense of powerlessness and hopelessness was what drove Chang Chen to drink every day.