Gosh, I feel like I'm about to burn from the students' judging stares as I walk down the hallway with Principal Davis, Dr. Lim and Ms. Lesley. 

"Ms. Hernandez, later, during your free period, our Student Body President will be the one to tour you around the school. You can look at your schedule that Mr. Smith gave you earlier at the Main Office." Principal said as the students greet her and she nodded back at them.

I nodded my head and look down at the paper on my hand. I have free period after Ms. Lesley's. I hope the Student Body President will be nice and easy to be with.

We all stopped at the lockers and Principal Davis pointed at my locker. "This will be your locker, Elle. Just put everything you want in here." Damn, lockers really do exist in schools. Ha, I can finally sneak foods that I'm not allowed to eat. Naaaah, Elle, don't, you promised you little shit. "Ms. Hernandez? Are you alright?" 

"Huh? Uh, yes, yes." I said, shaking the thought of sinful foods. "Elle, if you don't feel good, don't hesitate to come to me or tell your teachers, okay?" Dr. Lim told me and I nodded. The bell finally rang, "Okay, I'll go back to my office now, so will Dr. Lim, I'll leave you now with Ms. Lesley. Enjoy, Ms. Hernandez." I mumbled my thank you and waved at them.

"Here we are. Just follow me, okay? You'll be fine. Don't worry too much." Ms. Lesley told me and I nodded. She opened the door and walked inside the classroom. Soon as I followed her, the noises from the students were put into halt and all of their gazes were on me.

"Good morning, everyone." Ms. Lesley greeted and the students greeted her back. She signalled me to come closer to her. I lowered my head and moved towards her.

Still looking at the ground, I heard shufflings from the students. "Is she the seizure girl?" Someone shouted and I started biting my nails. "Jace, please. Not now." 

"I was just asking, Ms. Les-- Aww!" Someone smacked the Jace dude from behind.

"Please excuse him. Just like any dogs, we're still training him on his manners." That caused the whole classroom to laugh and Jace glared at him, thanks to whoever he is.

Ms. Lesley just shook her head. "Anyway, this is Rachelle Hernandez. Your new classmate. Rachelle, you might want to introduce yourself to us?" Ms. Lesley asked me gently.

Oh god, I haven't done any introduction in my life yet. Usually, my mom would do it. I mean, she was always the one who would introduce me to the doctors. But now… Elle, you got this, you're here because you have to learn to be independent. 

I sighed and glanced up to see my classmates but as soon as I saw their stares, I glanced back down. "H-hi. I'm R-Rachelle. Rachelle H-Hernandez. But please, j-just call me E-Elle. I'm 18 and uh, yeah." I felt like I was going to pass out from nervousness. I sighed heavily as I started biting my nails again. Feeling my anxiety kicking in more, I quickly turned to Ms. Lesley, "Uh, where is my seat, ma'am? May I sit now?" I said quickly. 

Giving me a sympathetic look, Ms. Lesley gestured my seat. "You can sit now, Elle. Class, let us all be nice to her so she could adjust well." I started walking towards the seat and sat down. 

"So, Rachelle, what it's like to have seizures--Oww! What the hell, man?! That's twice now!" The Jace boy was smacked by the boy who was sitting behind him, also beside me, I think he was also the one who smacked Jace earlier. "Boys…" Ms. Lesley warned at them. 

The boy beside me just smiled at Ms. Lesley and I shift uncomfortably in my seat as I bit my nails. "Uhm. Hey, please excuse this fella right here, he's a bit… yeah." I just nodded without looking at him. "I'm Steven Hayes, by the way. You can call me, Steve." He introduced himself and letting out a hand for me to shake. "R-Rachelle, or just Elle." I shook his hand.

"Okay, Just Elle…" He said jokingly. "Nice to meet you, don't you worry, this classroom is harmless, I can assure you that." I looked at him, gave him a small nod and smiled at him. He has a kind smile and beautiful pair of brown eyes. Jace turned to us and gave Steven a smirk, "Using your charms now with the new girl, huh, Steve?" I felt my brows furrowed at them.

"Shut up, Jace." Steve told him with a glare. Jace just smirked at him and looked at me, "Jace is the name by the way and beware of this lion." I looked away from him and Steven just rolled his eyes at Jace.

Of course... He was wearing a varsity jacket. Right, a jock. Call me judgmental, but I'm just avoiding high school dramas. I just want to finish high school peacefully. I rolled my eyes and I'm pretty sure I saw a confused look from Steven before I looked away.

Throughout the whole discussion, I could feel Steven stolen glances at me but I chose to ignore it and just listened to Ms. Lesley.

Soon, the bell finally rang and I hurriedly packed my things inside my bag and pulled out my schedule. I have a free period. Right, I have to look for the Student Body President. I glanced at the person beside me and weirdly, Steven was standing there wearing his bag while his hands in his pockets, looking at me with a smile on his face. I gave him a confused look but I just ignored him. Ms. Lesley bid her goodbye to us and I started wearing the strap of my bag, but Ms. Lesley called me.

"Yes, Ms. Lesley?"

"You have a free period, right?" I nodded.

"Mr. Hayes will be touring you around the school." My eyes went wide.

"But I thought the Student Body Presi--" I stopped and looked at Steven who was still smiling at me, and then realization hit me. "Y-you're… Y-y-you're t-the--" He nodded and his smile grew wider. His the Student Body President?! 

"Shall we?" He asked still giving me a big smile.

Well, you're damned, Elle.