Chapter 3 - A Night Walk Down Fuyuki

[Slime Crown]

Rank – E+ Headgear

A crown worn by a leader of the slimes. Funnily enough, it may look like it is made of gold, but its' actually made of copper. The red gem on the front is genuine though.

Grants +5 Intelligence and Wisdom when worn

With 300 MP, a barrier of 10% the wearer's HP can be cast. Lasts for 5 seconds before disappearing

Slimes are naturally subservient to you

"…Cool." That's really the only thing I can say about it.

Aside from that crown, I didn't get much from my slime slaughter. Several vials of slimes, almost a hundred E-Rank soul stones, and that sweet, sweet, cash.

I shift my head slightly to the right, trying to get the best position on my pillow for my poor aching neck. The skirmish I went on did was worth it, but was tiring as hell. While I busy myself with finding the perfect resting position, I dismiss my inventory and bring up the shop panels and click on [Item Shop], just to see what I can buy there.

Hoo boy~! This place is awesome! You can buy all kinds of stuff, from A-Rank swords able to split mountains, to what amounted to god-tier weapons and armour. Heck, there's even the R-18 section of the store, selling all kinds of kinky stuff, and-, wait, is…holy shit, the super crown from Mario is here as well.

Shaking my head, I continue on to the [Skill Store], and well…I mean, after seeing the first store, I'm not that shocked to see what's in here. [Runecraft], [Jewelcraft], an entire collection of Shirou's skills, [Alchemy], and more magecraft styles that exist in the nasuverse. Heck, even Gil's [Gate of Babylon] is here, although the price to buy it may as well be as much as Gil's entire treasury.

The [Pet Store] though…Sure it sells pets, but it also sells those other types of 'pets'. You know, the humanoid ones. Yeah…I'll, leave that for next time.

The [Gacha]. Oh…The [Gacha], just the memories of this accursed system from my previous life hurts, and from all the cries from the F/GO fanbase about black keys, then I fear what might pop out of this damned system. But well~, let's try and do it once-


Test your luck at the Gacha!

Currently possible drops: 1 – 5 Star CEs

-Price: 50.000 ¥ every roll-

Geh!? The price is 50.000 ¥!?...Aah, whatever, I can just kill more slimes tomorrow. My resolve set, I give my prayers to the heavens above for something good, and click the gacha roll. A rotating bulb of light appears on the panel, before-

[The Red Black Keys]

3 Stars CE

A set of three black keys, enchanted with the essence of burning flames

+5% to [Natural] Strength



Meanwhile, in a certain church at the edge of Fuyuki City,

"Hmm…What a wonderful day it is today." A certain priest happily claims, a wide grin present on his face. "The throes of suffering echoes in the city. I wonder who it belongs to…"




In another universe, a certain redheaded master suddenly drops to her knees and cries, much to the shock and confusion of her precious kouhai.

"I feel you my friend…the curse of the black keys continue…!"

"A-Ano…Senpai…? Are you okay?"




"…Haaaaaah~…" Okay…I think I got that out of my system. Well, looking on the bright side, it's still a nice 5% boost to my Strength stat, so I guess that's okay…

[Due to the new additions, the system has added the panel [Equipment]]

Huh, nice. I open up my tabs, and sure enough, with the rest of the baseline options, [Equipment] has been added. Peeved but optimistic, I open my equipment panel and push the card in my hand, which was a picture of three black keys glowing red, into the empty slot for my Craft Essence. I feel an immediate boost to my strength. It isn't much, but can't be too picky, I suppose.

[Headgear: Slime Crown]

[Chest: None]

[Leggings: None]

[Boots: None]

[Weapon: None]

[Vanity Outfit: Casual sleepwear]

[Accessories: None]

[Craft Essence: The Red Black Keys – D Rank]

Also put on the slime crown, before I forget. Thankfully, the 'equipment' I wear is invisible, so I won't have to walk around with a crown on my head, and probably get several weird looks while walking to school.

I chuckle ruefully, the image of me in, I don't know; say Saber's armor casually walking to school is just a bit too surreal for my tastes.

Well, enough of this for now. I'm tired.


[You have rested in your bed. HP, MP, and Stamina fully recovered!]

Opening my eyes, I take a glance at the clock, and blanch at the time. 15 more minutes until school starts! Softly cursing to myself, I leap out of my bed, shower and cry myself, put on my school uniform, and make my bed in record time. I open my inventory to grab an onigiri, only to realize I'm out.

More cursing and almost tripping, I leave my apartment and run, [Sprint] and [Reinforcement] aiding my speed as I rush as to school with inhumane speed. I made it to school in record time, and the dust cloud I made as I halted my run could practically be called an explosion.

I'm still late though. Bummers.

The day goes on uneventfully. I spend those empty hours diving through the many things on sale on the [Shop], just to see the potential items I might want to buy later on. School ends soon enough, and I meet up with Shirou, who just finished his maintenance on an AC that just broke down. We didn't speak much, only me reminding him to have enough rest and him nodding silently.

Once home, I finish all the homework given today, which wasn't all that hard with my fairly high Intelligence, then change myself to a tracksuit I find at the bottom of my pile of clothes. From then on, I spend my time in the slime dungeon, grinding my levels and earning my rewards, and maybe get some drops along the way.

The same happens with the next day. Wake up, school, talk with Shirou for a bit, go back home, grind my keep in the [Slime Dungeon].

Rinse and repeat, over and over, routines repeating themselves, and before I know it, Saturday arrives.


[You have leveled up x7!]

[You have reached level 10. Gained 5 stat points!]

[[Sprint] has leveled up x4!]

[[ID:Create] has leveled up x2!]

[[ID:Escape] has leveled up x2!]

[[Mystic Eyes of Myriad Perception] has leveled up x2!]

[[Od Manipulation] has leveled up x6!]

[[Reinforcement] has leveled up x4!]

[[Spinning Prana Bullet] has leveled up x3!]

[[Prana Grenade] has leveled up x5!]

[[Spinning Prana Rocket] has leveled up x4!]

[[Prana Burst] has leveled up!]

[[Prana Construct] has leveled up x3!]

[[Gehen] has leveled up!]

Morning had gone by uneventfully. I woke up, cleaned myself, got myself some casual clothes to wear for the rest of the day, and used some of my money to buy myself a breakfast at a local morning café. My hunger sated, I made my way to the Emiya Residence, intent on fulfilling the promise I made to a certain dense redhead.

And now, I find myself standing at the house's front door, and very worried. I mean, just imagine if Taiga-sensei sees me hanging around Shirou or, god forbid, Sakura. Ugh, I don't even want to imagine what kind of yandere tortures I'll suffer from that girl if she sees her beloved senpai hanging around another girl.

I listen in, placing my ears on the door to better hear what's inside. I close my eyes, reinforcing my ears to better my hearing, waiting for any-

[Due to certain actions, you have gained the skill [Sense Presence]!]

[Sense Presence (Hearing) Lv 1 – 0%]

A magus can sense the presence of others in their surroundings, manifesting as one of the human body's five main senses. You can now interpret others' presence as specific sounds.

Maximum range – 50 meters

…Huh, cool!

Anyways, after around 5 minutes of silence, I press the doorbell and wait, idly using my new skill to gain some experience on it. Then, I hear…uh, what sounds like a hum of an engine and a…sword? Yeah, a sword cutting through the air to be precise.

The door slides open, and Shirou stands on the other side, his eyes widening in shock for a moment before he smiled. "Good morning, Tsunaka-san."

"Mm, morning, Shirou-kun." My eyes roam his body, looking for any signs of overworking. Seeing none, I sigh. "Good, at least you didn't overwork yourself."

"Ah, right. Shirou-kun, how's your magic circuits? Any luck on them just yet?"

His smile drops slightly. "I've only managed to get two working fully."

"…Well, that's actually not bad. For not being used for more than a decade, having two already useable is actually pretty decent." I pat his shoulder and smile. "You'll manage the full set soon enough, so don't worry too much, Shirou-kun. Just don't turn yourself into toast or something."


"Alright! Let's go to your backyard now, shall we?"

As we made our way to the backyard of the residence, I browsed through the [Item Shop] for a weapon Shirou could use as practice. Having him master his [Structural Analysis] would benefit his [Tracing] later on down the line. In the end, a long Japanese blade belonging to a certain Saber from F/GO was bought for a hefty sum of 120.000 ¥.

Now at the backyard, I bring out my inventory and pull out the sword I just bought, much to the boy's shock. Shirou's eyes trace over the unsheathed blade, his ingrained [Structural Analysis] already in progress to trace the weapon's history. "That's…" He says in awe as I hand the blade over.

He caresses the blade, trailing his finger across its sleek edge. "Kojiki Kiyomitsu…The sword of Okita Souji." He looks to her. "How…How did you get this?"

"That's a secret~" I give him a playful wink. "Now, chop chop! Analyze that sword, everything about it, everything. Now go. Be done by lunch!"


With those words said, Tsunaka disappears into his house. Shirou heaves a shaky sigh, his hands gently grasping the hilt of the legendary blade he had just been given. He can't help but wonder where she even got this sword from, and why the brunette would even dare to allow him to 'use' it.

Shirou was by no means stupid. The girl who just came into his life a week ago held many secrets. She was powerful, those 'Prana Gunkshots' of hers easily shattering his reinforcement if she went serious.

But she is not evil. She isn't like any magus his old man taught him about. He could smell no blood or malice around her; at most he could only smell traces of fire and dried blood from the injuries she covered.

He smiles as he looks over the sharp blade one more time, his eyes tracing the gleam it holds under the sunlight. 'I can work with this.' His smile twists to a small grin as he makes his way into his shack, ready to begin.


[Singer's Sword]

Rank C+

A soul manifested as a large sword, its edge glowing the color of the midnight sky. It belongs to a woman in the distant future, at a time when kings will rise once more. It's capable of slicing through most metals, and can generate a fairly powerful shield at its tip.

+80 Strength and Dexterity when wielded

+35 Intelligence, Wisdom, and Luck when wielded



Price: 450.000 ¥

[The Sword of The Heir]

Rank C+

A blade crafted by Diche, the goddess of light, and given to her heir to fight against the Arch-Demon. Its blade shines a never-ending white, ever shining with the light of the hope. Whoever wields will become its owner, given increased strength and endurance, and granted a small healing.

+55 Strength and Vitality when wielded

+20 Intelligence, Wisdom, and Luck when wielded

Grants +20% bonus to natural HP recovery

Deals +100% more damage to [Undead] and [Demonic] type enemies


Price: 450.000 ¥

"Hrmm~…" I grumble softly, mulling over which choice of sword I want to buy. Each sword was nice, though I'm not sure what series they come from. The first has better stats in general, while the second trades some of its power for increased healing. Hmm…Choices, choices…

In the end, after many minutes of silent grumbling, I pick the second option, because, well, the 100% damage increase to [Undead] and [Demonic] will come in handy. I affirm my transaction, and a sword magically appears in my hands, its edge glowing a bright white and its hilt the color of light yellow and blue.

I smirk, soaking in the wonderful feeling of the strength the sword radiated, the gentle heat given by its light. I grasp its hilt, only to then come to a realization and slump.

I don't know how to use a sword…

Agh~! So annoying! And it's not like I can just analyze the sword and get its knowledge like damn Shirou over there. Oh well, at least I can still just train and get the skill normally…Actually, I might as well do it now. I can save dungeon-dwelling for later, probably tonight.



[Sword Mastery Lv 7 – 11%]

With constant training, you begin to gain a mastery of swords. The skill you hold over your blade will become your enemies' downfall.

Grants +17% to natural Strength and Dexterity when wielding a sword

Passively grants +4 Strength and Dexterity

This. Is. So. BORING!

Like, you'd see those training montage of swordsmen swinging their sword at an invisible enemy, cutting through the air and building their strength. I seriously wonder how they can do that for hours on end, because, seriously, I'm 2 hours in and I feel like I'm going to die of chronic boredom.

Still, at least I'm moving and stuff. Shirou just sits there in his shack, the Kojiki Kiyomitsu in his hands as he analyzes the blade, his internal world no doubt having already recorded the blade down to its moment of creation. Hell, I don't think he's blinking with how intense his staring is.

"Raaagh!" I swing, putting more strength into the sword, creating a slash of bright light that destroyed the wall it was aiming towards. "Youch." I wince, not really expecting that to happen. Still, thankfully I was smart enough to move myself and Shirou into this [Empty ID] so any damage that happens to the house will disappear when we exit.

'Still though…' I look at the sword in my hands. This blade of light is awesome. The increase to my stats are welcome enough, and the HP regen increase is nice too, but I don't think the description said that it was capable of shooting beams of light. Not to the point of, say, Excalibur or something, since that's way too OP for a B+ Rank, but still! Beams of LIGHT! Nearly destroyed the Emiya Residence twice because of it.

Feeling a vibration in my pocket, I blink and take my phone out, the time clearly displaying it had just turned noon. I sigh, throwing my sword into my inventory before I walk over to the shack. Inside, as I expected, Shirou was still there, lines of prana running across the famous katana as he drinks in all he can from the sword, his eyes never straying from it.

Until I hit him on the head.

"Agh!?" The redhead grunts, his hands freezing up and letting the katana drop onto the floor. "That hurts…" He turns his head towards me, my arms crossed over my chest leisurely as I pick the sword up. His eyes follow along, before dropping when it disappeared into my inventory. He grumbles lightly, his lips pursing ever so slightly-

He's pouting.

…He's pouting.

…Holy shit he looks adorable-, I-I mean, um…

Slowly, I bring back out the Kojiki Kiyomitsu, and his golden eyes brighten up. I hold back a grimace as I hand the sword back over, and he caresses it, like a lover would.

I…I think I've seen enough.

And…He's rubbing it against his cheeks now.

…Okay, this has to stop.

"N-No, wait!" He cries out, his arms stretching out towards the disappearing edge of the sword as my inventory engulfs it whole. I nod solemnly and cast [ID:Escape]. I walk back to the main residence silently, definitely not hearing that pitiful cry of anguish coming from the shack. Nu-uh, definitely didn't hear that.


…Nope, didn't hear that. Definitely didn't hear-

"Hyaa!?" A force tackles me from behind, and I tumble onto the ground, Shirou above me, his hands forcing my shoulders down onto the ground, his eyes peering into mine.

W-What kind of position is this!?

"Please~! Give the sword back!"

W-What the hell? Where did stubborn manly hero-of-justice Shirou go to!? What's with-, o-oi! Why the hell are you crying!? O-Oh god, what's happening here!?

"Please, Hanami-chan…!" He's hugging me now. Shirou, badass sword-incarnate Shirou, is hugging me. His strong arms are wrapped around me, his face only inches away from mine.

This. Has. To. Stop.

Right. NOW!


"Geho!?" The bullet crashes into his chest, and he soars into the air, before crashing back down several meters away from me. Slowly, I push myself up and walk to him. He's lying on the dirt, his mouth slack open and his eyes spinning. "My…sword…ah~…" His hands reach out to me one last time, before dropping down as he loses consciousness.

'…The fuck?' That was…the weirdest thing I've ever seen.

Wait, 'My sword'?

…Wait, could it be…? Did Shirou analyze the sword so much that Okita's personality got mixed up with his own!? Holy hell, that's…kinda messed up. And scary. And weird.

…I think I should get Shirou to his futon now. So, with my reinforced arms, I carry Shirou bridal-style towards his room.

Why bridal-style? 'Cause he's the wife, duh.


"Are you okay now?"

"...yes." I sigh, staring at the redhead sitting across me. His body lacked any real strength, his shoulders drooping, and his eyes were dead, staring lifelessly at the cup of tea he made.

Thankfully, after his awakening he was back to normal, though he couldn't look her straight in the eye, obviously ashamed of his actions around an hour prior. He got better over time, though he was still reluctant to speak to me.

"…Are you really okay?"

"…Yes." He shifts uncomfortably as I raise an eyebrow, obviously not convinced. "Ha~…Stop sulking already!"

Slowly, he tilts his head back up to meet my eyes. His eyes widen, mouth opening to say something, before it closes. "…? What's wrong?" He lets out a long breath and shakes his head, smiling sheepishly as he rubs the back of his head. "It's nothing. Um…sorry, I guess. I got a little too into it."

"Sure, a little into it." I bite back sarcastically, and he gives a rueful laugh. A comfortable silence settles between us after that, and I take a sip of the tea he prepared for us earlier. Hmm~, the herbal taste of green tea sure is nice in this peaceful afternoon.

"So," I begin, placing the now empty cup on the dining table. "How was it? The sword I mean."

He shivers for a moment, a memory of the recent occurrence flashing in his mind, before he answers with a small smile. "It was…interesting."

"Interesting? In what way?"

He places his hand on his chin before he continues. "The sword itself isn't all that special, but its history is vast." He closes his eyes in thought. "I might be able to use its noble phantasm soon…"

What? "N-Noble phantasm?"

"Oh, right. A noble phantasm is the crystallization of a hero's life, their…uh, specialty, you could say." He explains, mistaking my shock for confusion.

"T-Then, do you know what the [Throne of Heroes] is?"

His eyes stare at me curiously. "Throne of heroes? What's that?"

"Huh, I guess it can't reach past it yet…" I shake the thought away. "Anyways, the [Throne of Heroes] is the meta-physical existence where famous figures from the past are stored."

"Famous people? Like Siegfried?" I blink at the sudden namedrop. "Uh, yeah, like him for example. Although, the [Throne of Heroes] doesn't recreate them faithfully. Instead, they build the recorded figures more from the perspectives of the people. Which means that people from legends can also be recorded, like Heracles."

"That aside, are you sure you can use Okita's [Noble Phantasm]?"

He nods resolutely. "Mm. My body's not strong enough, but I should be able to do it after some training." Hearing that, I find myself smiling. "Ne, Shirou-kun. Want to go training right now?"

"...A-Against you…?" He says slowly, shivering as he places a hand over the spot I shot him before. I shake my head and he sighs, before his eyes snap back to me. "Then who am I going to train with?"

I smirk. "[ID:Create]"

The boy stiffens as the room around them darkens, tears on the walls magically form, and blood begins to seep down onto the tatami mat. The smell of rotting flesh surrounds them and the sound of incoherent grumbling can be heard coming from the outside. "Where…" He says, his voice oddly neutral. "Where is this?"

"An [Instant Dungeon], a personal dimension mirroring the real world." I explain, and my eyes narrow. "You better keep this a secret, okay, because if you don't…" He trembles and nods fervently. Hopefully he keeps his word, because if someone from the Mage Association hears that, a Sealing Designation is going to be slapped onto me.

[Due to certain actions, you have gained the skill [Intimidation]!]


"Now, get up. Let's hunt ourselves some ghouls!" I bring out our swords and hand over the Kojiki Kiyomitsu to Shirou. He holds it in his hands for a moment, simply staring at it, before he grips the handle with both hands and stands up. I follow, gripping my sword with my right hand before standing up. We both slip on our respective shoes and slide the door open.


And we're promptly greeted to a middle-aged zombie in a business suit, which I easily behead with my sword. I feel Shirou's eyes on my blade, before he snaps up front towards an approaching zombie, this one a housewife, clothed in a chef's outfit. I nudge my head forward, and he complies, dashing towards the zombie and impaling it with his sword through its head.

[You have killed x1 Ghoul. 430 Exp gained!]

"Wait, that was-" Before I can finish, a loud voice interrupts. We both turn towards the source; a large group of ghouls crowding the small street to our left. "Shirou-kun, let me handle this."

"B-But-!" I ignore him and hold my sword horizontally, channeling my prana into the sword. It glows brightly, its radiance beginning to char the flesh of the ghouls were closing in. They roar in pain, feeling the deadly effect of the light on their skin, and charge. I smirk, and in a single swipe, the light extends and envelops all of the ghouls, burning their rotting flesh to ash.

[You have killed x23 Ghouls. 9890 Exp gained!]

…The smell of burnt flesh is, ugh…

"…Fast…" I turn to an annoyed Shirou, his lips curled to a pout as he holds his sword close. It seems Okita's personality is beginning to infect him again…Ah well, at least it makes him cute. I shake the thought away and begin walking down the road, with Shirou following me, his blade poised and ready.

Sadly, nothing too interesting occurs after that display, mostly with me and Shirou wiping the town out of ghouls and assuring Shirou that these ghouls are not real people…probably.

It's unnerving yet amusing to see Shirou slowly have his personality shift, until at one point where he began to infer to himself in third person. Also knowing that the real Shirou is conscious throughout this odd situation makes it all the funnier.

[You have killed x78 Ghouls. 33.540 Exp gained!]

[You have leveled up x2!]

[You have reached a milestone. Gained 5 stat point!]

[[Sword Mastery] leveled up x6!]

[[Sprint] leveled up x2!]

[[Reinforcement] has leveled up!]

"Shirou's kinda bored…" Shirou says tiredly, repeatedly stabbing the ground with his katana. All around him, corpses of ghouls lay around, slowly dissolving back into the air. "Ne, Hanami-chan, how does this place work anyway?" He looks around with a thoughtful frown. "I've never seen anything like this…"

"That's because you've never seen any other magus in the first place." I retort as I glance over the many items I gained from both our ghoul genocides. "But…well, actually, I don't really know myself. I guess…hmm…maybe it's kinda like a [Reality Marble]."

"[Reality Marble]?" He tilts his head, a finger on his cheek as he turns to me.

"It's a magecraft bordering on true magic. Essentially, it rewrites reality with the user's perception of the world." His eyes narrow. "The user's perception?...Does that mean this is how you see the world, Hanami-chan?" I smile briefly before shaking my head. "As if. That's why I'm not too sure what this is as well."

"I see…" He nods to himself.

"And remember, keep this to yourself…okay?" I smile softly.

"Y-Yes! Shirou promises!" He nods fervently. I sigh, and he lets out a breath, muttering something about a 'shiny scythe' and how 'Shirou's head's going to fall off!'.

[[Intimidation] has leveled up!]

Oi! I wasn't even trying to be scary!

Finished with my loot checking, I bring my sword back out and swipe the inventory panel away. Shirou turns to me and nods, pulling his sword out of the road and following behind me as we begin to walk back to the Emiya Residence.

Before that appears.

[Ghoul Culmination; Test #314 Lv ?]

HP: 57500/57500

MP: 0/0

Stamina: -%

The abomination created by the merging of the many vengeful souls sacrificed by a man in search of immortality. With their initial smaller bodies destroyed, they all merge back into this broken entity.

A huge ghoul standing at around the height of a bus stood in their way. Its limbs are the size of trees, attached to a spherical bloated chest marked by hundreds of faces, each petrified in fear. It has no head, instead having a long tendril that stretched out from its inside, wriggling about as eyes of velvet red shines in the dark of night.

I blanch at the sight, my magus sense bombarded by the screams of all the spirits trapped inside. Shirou reacted similarly, shutting his nose as tears formed at the corners of his eyes. It charges, screaming, and we both jump away, each of us delivering a strike at the passing giant. It roars, blood and smoke rising from its two arms as it turns back, its tendril-like head shaking erratically.

[HP: 56990/57500]

"…Yikes." The giant ghoul turns towards us, its arms bloating and shrinking and charges. We share a nod before we jump away. Shirou leaps forward, blade held out and plunges it into the ghoul's back. It shrieks, before a burst of light from me crashes into it. Shirou pulls his sword out and slashes it across the giant's back.

Before its arm suddenly swings back and hits him on the head, sending him crashing across the road. I grimace, seeing his HP drop to around a third of his maximum from that single hit. It roars, its monstrous sound causing cracks in any nearby windows, and smashes its fists into the ground. The ground cracks painfully before it explodes upwards, chunks of the road flying into the air.

'Hulk smash?' I think idly, before another thought comes in. 'Should I try and learn that too?'

My thoughts are cut off by the sounds of battle, coming from Shirou as he dances around the giant and delivers swift strikes at its vital points. And I'd only noticed it now, but his movements are getting faster, fast enough to create sonic booms with each step he takes off the road. His magic circuits glow across his skin, straining to keep up the speed he was going at.

Before he suddenly jumps back, and holds the sword in both hands, pointing it at the giant. He crouches slightly, and pulls his arm back, like a piston readying itself to fire.

My eyes widen.

He leaps towards the giant ghoul, and then leaps again, on air, pushing his speed beyond the sound barrier. Then, he says three words,

"[Mumyou Sandan-Zuki]!"

And three stabs were delivered in an instant. A massive hole appears on the ghoul's neck. No sounds came out of its mouth as it slowly turned back, towards the swordsman who had just hurt it. Shirou lets of a tired breath, slowly wobbling as he falls to his knees, his Kojiki Kiyomistsu stabbed beside him.

[HP: 20090/ 57500]

…Oi, did he just use Okita's [Noble Phantasm]? Seriously?

And it's still alive?

Not wanting to be outdone by that display, I use my mystic eyes to analyze the weapon's history, to see what its [Noble Phantasm] might be. It took a bit of time, and a pounding headache, but I managed to find it. I grin, before reinforcing my legs and jumping up high into the air. Holding the sword in my hands, I pump my prana into the sword, and the blade shines, its light a light blue hue.

"[Fate," I pull the sword back, and the light shines brighter, enough to scorch the ghoul's body from this distance. "Clear my path!]" Reinforcing my arm, I swing with all my strength, and a beam of light crashes down onto the ghoul, before it explodes upwards in a geyser of divine light. The ghoul shrieks one last time, before it burns away to ash.

[You have defeated Test #314. Gained 35000 Exp!]

[You have leveled up!]

[Special Mini-Boss has been slain. Special Reward has been added to Inventory!]

I ignore the pop ups as I crash back down onto the ground, barely managing to reinforce my body upon contact to protect myself from becoming a red splat on the road. I let out a tired breath and place my sword back into my inventory.

"Nice show, Hanami-chan!" My eyes focus at the incoming redhead and I laugh lightly. "Thanks…" He smiles and extends a hand forward. I take his hand and pull myself up, wobbling slightly from exhaustion. His smile dips slightly. "Are you okay?"

I give him a smile. "I'm fine, just tired."

Silently, we both head back to his house, and there, I finally dispel the ID, letting the real world come back, before heading to sleep. Too tired to return to my apartment, I borrow one of the vacant rooms, which the house has a lot of, and serve myself to a warm futon to sleep.

It was a pleasant dreamless sleep.


The next day, Shirou's resident guardian/shameless-smoocher comes into the Emiya Residence, as she always does to get her daily breakfast, only to be greeted by a blank-faced Shirou and a laughing Hanami sitting across the table.

She was not sure how to respond.