Chapter 17.3 - Supernova [3]

My battle with the one known as Ryoji Mochizuki started out rather terribly, with me being in the back fence and forced to try and kill this being with literally infinite HP. No, seriously, I used my Mystic Eyes on him, and his HP was literally spelled out as [Infinite].

It was impossible, with all my stats being drained by one of the curses he cast on me and [Alma'Mal'Sara]'s stat boost only barely making up for it. Well, that, and him constantly flinging out miniature suns at me. It also didn't help that I needed to focus on maintaining the Empty ID I placed both of us into from breaking from all the prana being thrown about.

Which I failed in the end, seeing how Fuyuki city looks like it'd been hit by thousands of natural disasters at the same time.

But then a light bulb lit in my head, and I delved as deep into my memory as I could.

The opponent trying to burn me is Ryoji Mochizuki, an avatar of Nyx, the goddess of night and the one prompted to end humanity by Erebus. Why is she so powerful? She is the goddess of night, the primal being that rules over the night sky.

The night sky.

The moment I realized I palmed my face as hard as I could. Nyx is invisible when night rolls around, so of course Ryoji's HP is infinite. I'd probably shot myself in the foot by deciding to attack at night.

Then, I had an epiphany. What sort of place would have no 'night', where casualties can be the least of my worries, and allow me to have some sort of advantage over this undying entity?

Why, Nyx may be the goddess of night, but can she handle space?

So, with my plan built, I lured Ryoji in by taking a hit, and when he stood above me ready to throw down two miniature blue suns, or [Megidolaons] as they're called, at my face for good measure, I flipped the gravity around us and promptly flung both of us into the stratosphere. Thankfully, my Agility debuff doesn't seem to slow my gravity down, and with Ryoji still too surprised to understand what's happening, I continued to push us both towards the cold grasp of space.

That was when my first problem arose.

I couldn't breathe. As much as I've grown, I'm still human and my need for oxygen is very much present. There were still some in the higher atmospheres, so I could simply save my breath for later, but when we finally shot out of earth's gravitational pull and into space, my lungs basically froze over as it struggled for air.

I quickly realized I could just buy oxygen tanks from the [Item Store], tear them open, and use my control over gravity to create an artificial oxygen bubble around me.

The second problem I had was Ryoji's inherent powers from the moon. So once we were in space, I pushed us both away from both the earth and the moon, and just in case, I headed the opposite way of the moon. Since there's no gravity in space, it became exponentially easier to direct gravity and basically pull us both deeper into empty space.

And, when I finished all that, I was delighted to see that Ryoji had an actual number next to his HP. It was still ludicrously high, 50 million to be exact, but I didn't care. It's a number, and numbers can go down.

Of course, I still needed to take him down, which brought me to my third problem, how? What would be the best way to take down such a titanic amount of health?

[Poison Dimiiorga] sadly couldn't be used. I tried firing one bolt at him, but Ryoji merely shrugged it off, probably because he didn't count as a [Living] enemy, which was annoying.

[Attribute Enchant: Dragon] doesn't work either, since Ryoji's the avatar of Nyx, the goddess of night, which means that he's [Divine]. Hell, [Morningstar]'s enchant effect doesn't work either! Nyx isn't considered good or evil, so she doesn't have the [Demonic] trait, and Ryoji obviously isn't [Undead].

So, with an internal groan, I'm forced to only use my normal, unenchanted skills.

The first thing I did was rid myself of the annoying debuff he put on me earlier, and it wasn't actually all that hard. All I needed to do was find the curse and flood it with prana before letting my [Magic Resistance] to do the rest.

I guess I was too occupied on not getting fried by Ryoji to notice.

The fight itself isn't actually all that interesting. There weren't many fancy moves being thrown about. All we did was basically bombard each other with the strongest attacks we both have, him his [Megidolaon], an insanely powerful and hot condensed ball of plasma, and me my giant bolts of lightning.

What was quite interesting however was the stage we played in. Empty space was as fun as it was slippery. With no gravity or air molecules to stop our movements, our speed increased drastically. It felt like I was on overdrive the entire time and it actually made my head spin slightly with how slippery everything felt. I at least had my control over gravity, which allowed me to stabilize myself when needed. Ryoji wasn't so lucky, with him being flung left and right.

I actually thought he would've had an easier time, seeing as he can float and all, but I guess he just wasn't used to flying in an area without gravity.

Furthermore, while my attacks don't carry much kinetic energy, Ryoji's do, and even the explosions of the smaller suns he threw at me caused us both to be blasted away like crazy.

All in all, most of the beginning made me feel like a pinball being bonked around, in space.

But then, Ryoji suddenly threw a series of five Megidoloans, they exploded, my control over gravity went slightly haywire, and we were sent flying at high speeds.

Towards the asteroid belt.


Well, shit.

Five megidolaons exploded, gravity amplified its impact, and now Ryoji and I are twirling through space and heading towards the asteroid belt. Thankfully, mars is on the other end of the solar system, so we won't be plummeting into that red sandy planet anytime soon, but now we're heading towards the outer reaches of the solar system.

And holy hell does it feel uncomfortable.

The farther we go, the less of the sun's heat is reaching us, and damn I've never felt so cold in my life. On earth, even in areas not touched by sunlight, the sun's heat is still there, somewhat trapped in those secluded areas.

That aside, our bout continues. I shoot a giant bolt of lightning at him, and he manages to spin to the side slightly to let the bolt burn through his left arm instead of his heart. He screams silently, and as he regenerates his lost limb, four more megidolaons formed and was thrown at me. I activate [Morningstar], space-time bends, and I'm pulled downwards, letting the megidolaons explode harmlessly above me.

And then, we finally reach the asteroid belt, and with a smile, I pull a nice couple asteroids from their intended path and slam them right onto Ryoji's face. With a feeling of satisfaction, I watch as he's pulled along before giving chase, firing bolts of lightning every moment I can.

You know, the asteroid belt isn't actually as cluttered as I imagined. I mean, in the movies this place would be completely filled with asteroids flying and crashing into each other every second or so, but there's actually quite a lot of space between each asteroid, giving me enough space to comfortably pull myself through the gaps.

Of course, just because it's not completely cluttered doesn't mean there's only a small number of asteroids. With my Mystic Eyes, I counted about thirty thousand asteroids or so in my close vicinity, and that's only a small section of the belt!

Man, I would like to visit this place again someday. When I'm not being forced to fight of course.

As I chased, I fired arcs of lightning, which he countered with explosive balls of hot plasma, each exploding when close and causing hot chunks of rock to fly everywhere. Thankfully, my Noble Phantasm's passive shield's able to block out most of them, but some of those chunks are being sent at 20 or even 30 times the speed of sound, making even the smallest chunks dangerous.

After a while, I began hopping from asteroid to asteroid instead of simply flying, both to conserve my MP and SP. The fight's gone on for about 10 minutes now, and I'm beginning to feel the effects, with both HP and MP at just above half and my SP a third.

And annoyingly,

[Ryoji Mochizuki]

[HP: 26,764,091/50,000,000]

At least he can't seem to heal, so that's one nice thing about this entire thing.

I leaped forward, passing by the megidolaon Ryoji threw earlier and landing on the next asteroid. Pushing my staff forward, the gravity around Ryoji bent, and four large asteroids besieged him from all sides, trapping him in a cocoon of cold space rocks. Then, before he could launch himself out of there, I gathered a portion of the oxygen around me, super-heated it, and fired it right into him.

A second passed, and with a brilliant light show the asteroids trapped him exploded, taking a nice chunk off his HP.

Then four megidolaons appear all around me, and Ryoji followed suit, pushing the four to crash onto me. I grit my teeth, knowing just one good hit from a megidolaon could knock off a quarter of my HP. They were too close to simply escape from, and I can almost feel the confident smile returning to Ryoji's face.

But, you see, there's another reason I've been jumping from asteroid to asteroid.

A god he may be, but gods are static. Unchanging.

My magic circuits flared, lightning coursed through my lungs, and the asteroid I stood on cracked as I tensed my legs. An unremarkable sword appeared in my other hand, and activating my Mystic Eyes, everything blurs into a single line.

"[First Form:"

Lightning strikes, and thunder flashed in its wake.

"Thunder Clap and Flash]!" At speeds comparable to lightning, I leaped forward and past the approaching attacks. Ryoji's eyes widened, his magic about to be casted, but it was far too slow. My sword flashed, and an arc of lightning exploded upwards as his body was cut, the wound hot and smoldering, filled with traces of supercharged plasma.

[Due to certain actions, you have gained the skill [First Form: Thunder Clap and Flash]!]

I slowed my fall and gently landed on an asteroid a distance away. I breathed out a sigh, before my chest was filed with pain, the adverse effects of supercharging my body showing. Still, I remained standing and turned to Ryoji, his face twisted in silent pain as the wound finally cooled.

[Ryoji Mochizuki]

[HP: 19,114,223/50,000,000]

I smirk happily at the nice 7 million missing, along with the fact that his body was still electrified from the attack, hampering his movements. I could do three more of the same before I ran out of MP, and by then his HP would've reached zero.

But I knew he wouldn't fall for the same trick twice.

Slowly, he jerked his head around, and his mouth moved. No sound came out, but I caught it nonetheless, my Mystic Eyes flared, and my body went cold.


The strongest of the almighty spells, spells that took power and form of the stars. If [Megidolaon] had been a miniature sun packed with turbulent energy, then [Armageddon] is a full-on supernova, one that bent space around it before shining with the force of a dying star.

I'm blinded as light began to gather above him, gathering and swirling into one orb of packed destruction. I fire a multitude of lightning bolts at both him and the charging [Armageddon], but Ryoji doesn't move, taking the attack without flinching, and my lightning did nothing against the charging attack, simply being absorbed by it.

Then, Ryoji summoned an entire army of megidolaons, and I quickly prepare myself to jump away, but he didn't fire them at me. Instead, he aimed them up, and they were all absorbed into the charging armageddon, speeding it up even faster.

I realized then and there that there was no running away. I might survive if I flew far enough, but would the rest of the solar system take it well? The other planets might, but earth surely wouldn't, and trying to contain it in an [Empty ID] would be a lost cause, seeing as it wasn't even able to contain a combined explosion of 15 or so megidolaons.

I threw a giant bolt of lightning at his head, and this time, Ryoji doesn't dodge. Whether because he couldn't or because he was simply that confident in his spell working, I didn't care. The bolt struck through, and it fried his brain completely. All semblance of life disappeared from him, and his body went limp.

But I didn't have time to rest. Not now.

So I rose from the asteroid and flew. I flew as fast as I could around the asteroid belt, and as I did so, I gathered all the asteroids I encountered and sent them flying back towards the charging [Armageddon]. I stacked them all over one another, layering them over the ultimate spell.

Soon, the layered rocks around it grew to the size of the mountain, and not long after that, a small moon.

I was halfway through clearing through the asteroid belt when I felt something in the spell shift, and I hurried back to the miniature planet of rocks I created. As a final defense, I created as many layers of shields as I could mentally handle. Layers over layers of prana were molded over it, and soon, an almost atmosphere-like structure was formed over the fake planet.

I wonder what would happen if I made an actual planet like this…

But that's a thought for another time. Taking out one last canister of oxygen and ripping its contents open, I flew a distance away, just enough for me to maintain my control over the layered shields.

Then, the spell finished charging, and as my Mystic Eyes had supplied me,

Armageddon occurred.

The ultimate spell exploded outwards with the force of, well, the sun. Perhaps not as brilliant as an actual supernova, but it sure as hell looked like one. The thing was like thousands of [Megidolaons] exploding at once, but even worse. The explosion itself was already dangerous enough, but the shockwaves being produced from it was just as insane. I could feel my bones creaking from all the shockwaves passing through me, and the bones I didn't quite manage to reinforce in time were broken in an instant.

The miniature planet I built began to crack, beams of light seeping out and escaping into the cold reaches of space. Cracks ran across the jagged surface of the rocky fake planet, my barriers shook as they did their best to contain as much of the blast within them. Finally, the surface of the planet was destroyed, swallowed by the expanding supernova, and now it's my barriers' turn.

They immediately began to break. One by one, the layers I placed atop the imploding star is being broken, unable to contain all the energy being released. Still, even as they broke, I maintained my hold on them, keeping them steady and strong as long as I could possibly handle.

But it wasn't going to be enough. The expanding nova would escape.

I began opening small holes all around the layers, then using my control over gravity to direct some of the energy inside to safely escape into space. Two larger holes were made at the shield's northern and southern poles, allowing a much bigger amount of the magical energy to escape above and below, making the entire thing look like a pulsar.

But still, it wasn't going to be enough.

So I took drastic measures.

[Morningstar] activated, and slowly, I began to push the entire energetic structure away from earth, slowly but surely moving it out of the solar system.

As I expected, doing so was much harder. I may have gotten stronger, but I was only able to topple skyscrapers a level ago. An object the size of a small planet wasn't something I would be able to move so easily.

However, I pushed.

My magic circuits were stretched to their utmost limit. My right hand bled, its muscles tearing apart from the amount of force I was trying to put out from it. Space around us bent unnaturally, the bendable stage of space-time uncomfortably close to being torn.

I opened some more holes in the structure, but they were facing my direction this time. The energy from the imploding star inside escaped, dispersing into empty space as arcs of bright blue plasma.

I'd turned it into a giant thruster, powered by its own chaotic energy and our speed began to increase. No longer was I alone in pushing the imploding star, with me anchoring myself to the ultimate spell's gravitational pull to lighten the load. Still, I kept pushing, making sure the [Armageddon] didn't stray away from the intended path while also keeping the layers of shields stable for as long as I could.

As we got farther, the effects of the sun's gravitational pull weakened, my efforts to push the [Armageddon] became easier, and it all exponentially increased from there. The sound barrier was easily broken, and soon, we began our climb towards the speed of light. The environment around me impossibly bent as I traveled at speeds no normal mortal should be able to.

But I didn't have enough time.

Before long, with my Mystic Eyes activated, I could see that there were only several seconds before the entire thing would break through my shields. I hadn't made it out of the solar system, instead reaching the long stretches of space where the dwarf planets of the solar system existed.

There was no more I could do.

So, I let go.

I detached myself from the gravitational pull of the [Armageddon] spell, and flung myself back towards earth. With too much distance between us, my control over my shields broke, the layers of protection were torn apart in an instant,

And with the might of the primal gods, the spell exploded.

It was truly beautiful, almost like a cascade of rainbows, exploding and expanding out into the cold reaches of the cosmos with a ring of melting plasma expanding out from it. A dwarf planet had unluckily been in range of the spell, and in awe I watched as it was burnt and blown up the moment the spell's shockwaves reached it.

My Mystic Eyes went to work, calculating and reaching towards the future to see if earth would be safe from such power.

Sadly, it wasn't. Earth would be hit by it, but it would survive. Hell may fall upon the rest of the world, mostly the western hemisphere, it'd make it through. That was enough.

But now, there was one last thing I needed to do.

I had to survive.

Thankfully, this step wasn't as hard as it might seem. All I needed to do was wait for the spell's shockwave to reach me, and when it did, I used my control of gravity to lift myself up and ride the waves back home. Of course, I still needed to create layers of shields around me to protect my body from being exploded, but I'd contained an entire planet's worth of energy, this one wasn't as hard.

So, I let myself rest as I rid the shockwaves back to earth. With the adrenaline fading, exhaustion began to weigh me down, but I kept myself awake, watching in tired interest as the other planets dealt with the spell's flaming shockwaves. The gas giants barely flinched from it, with only Neptune being slightly affected due to it being the closest.

Mars and earth weren't so lucky though. Mars' surface exploded, and the dust rose into the turbulent air, covering the impacted side in a giant red dust storm.

Earth's western hemisphere suffered the same symptoms. The shockwaves passed right through the atmosphere and hit the earth. The earth shook as the cosmic blast caused earthquakes to rampage through, tsunamis to rise from the previously calm oceans, and tornadoes to be kicked up from all the wind and heat forced into the planet.

Venus and mercury suffered pretty much the same fate as the previous two, and the sun remained mostly still, but I didn't bother to watch the rest. I manipulated gravity and pulled myself up from the shockwave, waited for it to pass, and finally descended back to the planet I was born on, heading towards the city where all this began.

Then, as I passed through earth's atmospheres, the injured Fuyuki came into view, and within it I saw Ryoji, his dead body being suspended atop a row of shields, and a familiar ship with two servants standing on its deck, looking back up towards me.

"Touch...down." I finally say, smiling happily.

But, happy I may be, doesn't mean that my job is done.

There's still one more thing to do, one last thing to take defeat to finally end all this.

So I turn to Mount Enzo, and with my Mystic Eyes, I stare at the ancient grail hiding within, its usually golden construct corrupted by all the evils of the world.

Time for the endgame.

[Quest [End of Zero] has become active!]