Chapter 30.2 - Archaic Flames [2]


She takes a step forward, her metallic boots sharply grinding into the earth as she holds her sword towards the sky. Then, like fireflies, sparks of golden light begin to rise around her, swirling towards her blade as one, lighting the magical weapon with power. She sees Ibaraki quickly approaching, fire burning in her hands, and Saber smiles.

She takes another step forward, and swings.


A pillar of light crashes down on the oni, and it's only because of the claymore she brought up that she remained uncrushed. The earth isn't so fortunate however, having been crushed and swept away by Excalibur's might.

But it's certainly too bad, as Ibaraki doesn't notice that Excalibur's glow is yet to fade.

Saber shifts her grip, and ducking under Ibaraki's claymore, Saber swings her sword up. The magical light gathered within the sword releases once again, and Ibaraki can only scream as her torso suffers the complete blunt of Saber's Noble Phantasm. Even with her increased strength, Ibaraki holds out for only a second before she's swept away, carried along with rocks and dirt by the column of light.

However, she wouldn't be Ibaraki Douji if she fails from just this. She's survived multiple amputations, strikes to the chest, and swords towards her heart.

Something as ample as this won't be enough, and both she and Saber know.

So Ibaraki spins and punches the air, sending herself higher towards the sky. She takes a breath, mist blowing from her mouth as she roars, and in response the fire around her grows, and their light overtakes even that of the uncovered sun. Saber winces slightly as she feels her breastplate begin to melt.

Saber takes a step back, rearing her arm back as Excalibur begins to glow again, fairy light dancing around as she tightens her grip. Then, as per her command, wind begins to spin, growing violent as they gather around her sword, mingling with the blade's holy light and turning a bright, gentle white.

Ibaraki clenches her hand, and all around her, the fire morphs into giant flaming fists, each ready to be fired.

Saber lets her prana flow, her magic core thrumming with power, and the ground cracks under her presence.

Both women shout, and the world flashes white as hellfire crashes against winds and light.

Ibaraki is blown away by the explosion's intense force, crushing several of her bones as she's sent flying further into the air. Saber bites her lip as she's forced deeper into the ground, the chinks of her armor grinding painfully against her body as she withstands the explosion's force.

The fire abates, the wind fades, and the world is silent in the aftermath of the collision.

Then, Ibaraki smirks, and the air turns smoldering hot once more as ten brilliant stars form around her. They appear small at a glance, but Saber can clearly feel the heat gathered in them, each star perhaps twice or thrice as hot as those hands she fired before.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten! Burn from the blinding fires!"

"[Great Flame of Mount Ooe]!"

And like falling stars, the ten great flames descend, the air and light around them bending from the incredible heat.

Saber silently curses as she readies her sword once again.

She takes a step forward, dragging her feet out from the earth and great winds spin around her. "[Excalibur]!" She swings her sword to the sky, firing a column of holy light. The fired light collides with two of the stars, and the explosion that follows creates heat so strong it melts even the stone hidden under the dirt.

Saber winces. "[Excalibur]!" She shouts and swings again, sending another column of light. Three more stars are struck down, and Saber gasps as molten metal from her breastplate drips down onto her chest, painfully searing her skin. "[Excalibur]!" Applying [Reinforcement] onto her chest to dull the pain, Saber takes another step and swings again.

Another two stars explode from the collision, and all the combined force finally sends the remaining three stars off their course, letting them crash and explode a distance away. But even with the distance, Saber can only silently curse as heat washes over her, melting away some more of her armor.

But with the ten stars gone, Saber makes a hasty step forward, sword glowing,

When Ibaraki suddenly appears from the cloud of smoke and dust above her, the oni's eyes burning a hungry red as her gloved hand reaches for her face. Saber's eyes grow wide as the hand grows closer, the heat they carry growing stronger.

Then, she takes a note from a certain hulking Berserker and lets go of her sword, bending her waist back and letting the oni's hand fly right over. Then, as her hands make it to the ground, she leaps, sending a powerful kick onto Ibaraki's chin before sending a couple of flying kicks onto the oni's stomach.

Ibaraki cries in pain as she's sent crashing back, her chin broken and her stomach bruising.

"Ough…" Ibaraki coughs as she stands, a stilted smile on her face. "Didn't...think King Arthur could do that."

"Certainly." Saber casually comments back as she pulls her sword out of the dirt. "But like anyone, I can learn new things."

Of course, it isn't as simple as that. Back on their home world, Hanami had suddenly appeared before her and gave her a strange instruction book on [Jujutsu] and [Reinforcement], saying that having some form of close quarter skill would aid her in the future.

And the magician certainly is right. If she hadn't learned those skills, she wouldn't have been able to react to Ibaraki's flaming hand, and who knows what the oni might've done?

Although it certainly is odd that she managed to learn in such a short amount of time. She suspects that those instruction books are actually tomes, and the magic that surrounded them lent credence to that assumption, but she isn't too sure.

"Well, that's a surprise to be sure." Ibaraki says, rubbing her already healed chin. "I wanna fight a bit longer, but…" She points to her chest, and it doesn't take long for Saber to feel the sudden build up of magical energy. "Seems like my times up for now."

So, with her teeth showing, Ibaraki grins. "I'll see you next time, Arthur. Don't die just yet!"

And without sound nor noise, the oni disappears, leaving nothing but her golden claymore, left behind just a distance away.

Saber stands there for a few minutes, scraping away the molten bits of metal that'd fallen onto her skin. Thankfully, no burns scars are left on her skin, but the pain is very much real, and she can only wince as she painfully pulls the cooled blobs of metal from her skin.

With her task finished, Saber takes a small breath as she turns to leave, and stops. She stays there for a moment, lips pursed in slight conflict before she quickly turns back, takes Ibaraki's Claymore into her hands and turns back, heading towards Uruk.

Had Hanami been there, she would've noticed and told Saber of the curses within the Claymore, and of how it latched onto Saber's draconic heart.


You know, I had an idea of how dedicated the citizens of Uruk were from Gilgamesh's visions, but now that I'm here?

God damn.

From a distance away, I can only smile wryly as I watch hundreds of soldiers line up before one of the [Dumping Points], large magical barrels strapped onto their backs as they pour the liters upon liters of demonic blood. With how fast they're doing it, the stream of demonic blood seems almost constant.

And this scene is happening at the other three [Dumping Points] as well.

Honestly, watching the entire thing's making me wonder if Uruk needs another couple [Dumping Points] or so. But, then I remember how fast the [Demonic Javelins] are being created by the automatic [Production Line] I, Merlin, and Da Vinci made, and I swiftly put a stop to the idea. As cool as it sounds, just like everything, having too much of one thing is never beneficial, and Uruk's already kind of swimming in Dingir ammunition now.

Well, it's nice to know that the system I helped to create functions well, but let's see how long we can keep this up.

Because an odd problem is beginning to show itself.

The number of available Demonic Beasts are decreasing. With Gorgon no longer creating demonic beasts from corpses and Kingu working to create a [Lahmu] that can actually grow and survive, the number of beasts have become finite. Then the [Production Line] was made, soldiers got to work killing and draining the beasts' blood, and the finite numbers decreased even more.

The area around the [Walls of Babylon] are clean of demonic beasts now, and the soldiers are expanding their reach to find more beasts to kill.

Of course, they wouldn't normally do this. For as strong the soldiers of this era are, they're still normal humans, and they wouldn't have lasted long against the demonic beasts, let alone an entire pack.

But then again, whenever I'm added into the mix, nothing's ever normal.

With the knowledge that the [Soul Forge] accepts other people, Shirou and I got to work, forging hundreds of spears and armors for the soldiers to wear, creating them using magical metals and imbuing them with some low-level skills to help them out.

And the results are wonderful, if slightly frightening, and traumatizing.

I mean, now that they have new weapons, the soldiers went through a new training regiment. I was curious and went to one of the training sessions the soldiers undergo with Leonidas, and, I just-

I never wanna go again.

So many six-packs and pectorals and manly shouting and hugging and...and just thinking about it is sending shivers up my spine.

Curse you, absolute perfect memory from my mystic eyes…!

I'm pretty sure Ritsuka's traumatized as well, since when I asked her about it, she just shut down and shook her head with the emptiest expression I've ever seen the girl have.

That all aside, my days here have been hectic, to say the least. By day, I'm working on several new trinkets and weapons for everyone to use, and by night, I'll be in the throne room, discussing Uruk's troubles with both Gil and Gilgamesh.

It's quite the fulfilling life, and tiring.

But of course, this is nothing but an illusion. Tiamat will soon rise, Uruk will inevitably fall, its people will be slain, and when this Singularity ultimately ends, Ritsuka and Mash will return to Chaldea.

I don't have much to say on it. I already know what's inevitably coming, and all I can do is prepare everyone to the best of my capabilities.

And when that's over, life will go on.

I don't really have anything against that.

...That aside! Remember the [Divine Essences] and the [Divine Shell] skill book I got from killing that [Lahmu] last time? I've been pondering over what to do with the two. I mean, I can use the skill book for myself, but all it does is grant me extra defense with some divinity tacked onto it, and the [Divine Essences] are still a mystery.

Or at least, they were, until I remembered someone that might enjoy regaining some divinity.

So, standing up, I cast an [Empty ID] over the entirety of Uruk, bolstering it to make sure no energy can escape. Then, pulling the two items from my inventory, I let the [Divine Shell] skill book and the bundle of [Divine Essences] drop onto my hands. I look down at the items, watching them glow with a gentle white light, and I smile.

"[Brimstone Elemental], come forth!"

The wind blows, and the Brimstone Elemental appears out of thin air, her expression still frozen in that emotionless mask. But now that I'm able to use my mystic eyes to peer into people's minds, I can feel the lingering shroud of regret over her, and a deep longing for a past and future that cannot be.

So it's just a tad awkward to suggest my idea.

"Uh," I begin softly, bringing the two divine items forward. "So, I got these some time ago. Do you think they're safe?"

The Brimstone Elemental remains silent, but I can feel the agreement from her mind, and I smile. "I see. Well, I wasn't sure what to do with these things. I don't need the skill book, and my mystic eyes' are not providing anything useful about the essences. So, I wondered,"

Looking up at the stoic elemental, I hold the two items up. "How about I give these to you to restore your divinity?"

The elemental is still as silent, but I can see her eyes widening, her mouth dropping open slightly as if to say something. I blink, surprised. It is, after all, the first time I've seen the elemental's face become so animated.

Her mind is in chaos. Even without prying too deep, I can feel anger, suspicion, wariness, surprise, and hope all mixed together into one, and the sheer intensity is making my head feel slightly dizzy. Still, I remain in place, a smile on my face as I waited for the silent elemental's response.

Then, slowly, the Brimstone Elemental makes a minute nod.

"Okay then." And so, with a gentle smile I reach out and grasp the connection tying us both, taking hold over the leash binding us with my prana. Then,

[Gift! You are giving 100x [Divine Essences] and [[Divine Shell] Skill Book] to [Brimstone Elemental]. Continue? Y/N]

I click [Yes].

And light fills the world as the two items in my hand begin to float, their divine auras mingling with the magical energy in the air. Then, like a slab of iron to a magnet, the two items fly into the Brimstone Elemental. They crash against her chest, and the light dies down.

Everything goes silent for a moment, and worry begins to grow inside me.

Then, the elemental's torso cracks, lines of yellow and white spreading across her chest, and my worry spikes. I immediately activate my mystic eyes,

And I stop, eyes widening in surprise.

Deep inside the elemental's chest, I can see a small seed glowing, growing with every second as it feeds from the energies inside the elemental's body. As it grows, it stretches against the rigid body, and the elemental cracks as a result.

The cracks spread, and out from the elemental comes a great burst of magical energy, sending winds blowing out and tearing apart the surrounding empty buildings. The building I'm standing on remains undamaged, though I still float up using [Morningstar], in case it happens to break as well.

And a second later, it does, the building toppling over when another burst of magical energy shoots out.

The seed inside the elemental continues to grow, sending stronger and stronger pulses of magical energy, and I float back to a safe distance, keeping a watchful eye over the seed's growth.

A minute passes, and the seed's grown large enough to really stretch against the Brimstone Elemental's body, causing the elemental's body to bloat up, with cracks lining every inch of her body.

Then, the elemental's body finally reaches its limit, and it shatters, exploding and filling the world with bright light, sending winds of biblical powers out onto the empty city. The winds send the buildings flying, and the earth seems to splash as the dirt and stone are ripped out and sent flying into the sky.

Only I remain unaffected, as if the winds are deliberately kept away from me, and I can only stare as the light dies down to reveal a woman, her long hair a deep burning red and her eyes an untamed orange. Flames snake around her, covering her naked body like a protective shell. She looks at me, her hair dancing in the wind, and smiles.

And I smile back, knowing who this woman is even without my mystic eyes active.

The woman bows, before she disappears into a shower of sparks, swirling before it fades.

[Gift transfer successful!]

["For how long had it been since I was able to move so freely? To see so clearly? I know not. Time had eroded that sense of self, broken my spirit and torn away my hopes for a future.

There had been so many other options you could've picked for a companion from that strange system of yours, so many others that would've been much more powerful than I. And yet, you chose me, and when I'd expected another millenia of enslavement, you gave me freedom.

I do not know why you've done so, and even now I still do not know. But perhaps that is what makes you so different from the others I have served.

My name is of no importance, I have lost it a long time ago. You have saved me, gifted me, and restored what was lost. I cannot repay you, and perhaps even my servitude for time immemorial will not suffice, but it doesn't matter. I will be by your side, master, from then, now, and until your soul returns to the Root."]

[From the hearts of men she was born, and from it she had fallen. Now, it is your turn to bring her forth]

[Due to special actions, you have gained the skill [Retainer of the Flame Goddess]!]

...Damn. I...I have no words. I mean, like, I expected something grandiose to happen, but just like everything else, it's blown my expectations from the water.

Seriously, the winds she sent out leveled the entire city of Uruk! That's pretty much nuclear bomb levels of damage…!

But still,

With the goddess now restored, our connection has become clearer, and through it I can feel the emotions swirling behind that smile of hers. There was shock, happiness, and a gratitude so deep it nearly sent me to tears.

And knowing that, I feel...content?

Yeah, that's the word.

So, with a smile, I gently glide back to the ground and let the [Empty ID] break apart, the instant dungeon having served its purpose.


At that time, I thought my concealment had worked perfectly, and that no one had felt the insane surge of power the fire goddess sent.

Of course, since I'm saying this, it obviously didn't. But, that's an issue saved for later.