
Dragon Place of Polices

Another guy's yield the saber at dinner after the Duke left holding the helmets of two horns. Dukes are loyalty to any mischief in commanding the literature at Montreal. They could bring the cloud untill soothing warmth or shivering thunder outside your window. Duke passed the Pavilions section of the castle. Purple's fencers made a circle like doom after they passed the Hallway. Most Duke feeding themselves on top of sportsmans. Fencers just can have a look the helmets if two horns in that angel. A professional fencers most of them at the same location but novice fencers are separated by few steps of stairs. The colours of fencers coat in my imagination is know how system, since I graduated from School of Design. Tomorrow the verse from winner of fencing championship will be declared I. front of The Duchess. The hallway always dark. Outside the castle be mechanics watched out for Red Union belongings. 115 feet from The-Mechanics are the Foreman in blue coating vest. Vest made from linen and very thick since the snow is closer and war between tribe will happen. Foreman looks suspicious on the polices outside to castle. "Listen closely." A stunning horse rush into the forrest. The Mechanics will be sleeping at the furthest cottage between the gardens. The cottage so small on their way of saying it.