Chapter 4: Aswangs

"Are those manananggals?" Jeremy blurted out with his index finger pointing in the sky. As we saw bat winged women flying with their unmistakeable no lower half phsyique.

As a few them had dived low to swoop to us, I have an epiphany, "Are those cannibals, Aswangs?". Aswangs are a general term for cannibal super humans with powerful bodies, sharp teeth and such. Some legends tell that they could shapeshift into animals, which makes them hard to kill and catch. Aswang is mostly a loose term the Filipino uses for those man eating flesh humanoids. Manananggal, tiktik, sigben and all the others.

"They look like aswangs, act like aswangs, and reacts like aswangs. Then they must be dwendes. Tssk. Of course they're aswangs!"

As Karl reproached me after teleporting to our side.

But the Manananggals didn't let me think it through it, as five of them close in with incredible speed. Karl and Fernando now holding the guns Jeremy had made, fires unto the manananggals. They hadn't really damage any of them but it provides them some disturbances and distractions. I made two spears made of ice, which flies unto the blind sides of the two of them.

It had pierced them, wether killed or knocked we don't know, several stories says that manananggals are crearures that only have one weakness: Their lower bodies. They say that putting some salt on its lower body could burn it, but wether it is true or not, we doesn't know. Manananggals are supposedly weak to sunlight too.

The remaining manananggals are much more clever than the other hostiles. Upon seeing the defeat of their fellows, they became wary and keep the distance from us. But they would surely try their attack again on less pleasurable circumstances.

We splitted up with Me, Mike, Andrian and Jeremy remaining outside to try to stop or at least lessen the influx of aswangs on the building, because we have the long range capabilities to deal with those creatures, while Andrian is better off fighting outside where the possibility that he could make collateral damages are lesser. The rest would help out inside. And then we fight.