Chapter 10 : Information and murder

Perhaps it was the surprise of the action or James' skill but the first knife came to stab the woman's neck and the second stabbed the invisible man's right arm and without stopping, James ran quickly towards the invisible man and gave him a powerful punch in the face.

His physical strength had already surpassed human limits, the power of his fists was really not something to be taken lightly.

The invisible man temporarily lost consciousness, James then approached the woman who was writhing in pain and broke her neck.

Then he grabbed them both, dragged them down the hallway and threw them into his apartment.

He took a mop and cleaned up the blood in the hallway before entering his apartment and closing the door.

. . . . .

The invisible man tied to a chair slowly opened his eyes with difficulty and saw the body of his companion on the ground in a pool of blood.

Then he heard slow footsteps coming from the next room, he tried to detach himself forcefully but finally couldn't do it.

"Don't even try to break his strings with pure force, though you possess the aura, I can assure you these strings are strong enough to keep you trapped." Says James with a large bottle of booze in his hand before he sits in a chair facing the man.

First he took a big sip, before pouring the rest over the invisible man's head.

*Cough* *Cough*

The invisible man coughed a few times before taking a deep breath.

Then James lifted a finger from which a small blue flame escaped.

"Now tell me everything you know."

The man looked at the flame on James' fingertip with a little panic, then he said in a deep male voice.

"If I tell you what I know, they'll kill me."

The flame on James's fingertip grew even stronger.

"And if you don't tell me what I want to know, I'm going to kill you."

The man then fell silent as if faced with a deep dilemma, but finally he sighed.

"What do you want to know?"

James' first question was simple, why did he want to kill him.

But the man's response was disappointing, apparently he and his companions would have accepted a contract of more than ¥20,000,000 to kill him.

They are part of an organization called Predator, which engages the Yokai, powerful spirits and the dark seiki masters like him.

All this information had saturated James' mind, so he remained silent and began to think.

"Who might have wanted to kill me? I don't know anyone in this world, the only logical answer would be someone related to Fuki, after all she talked about an "organization", so does that mean the organization she was talking about wants to avenge her?"

Then he looked at the invisible man with a serious look before asked.

"I guess the Yokai you're talking about are monsters that can take on human form and spirits refer to ghosts but what's a Seiki master?"

Hearing his question, the man looked at him with a surprised look.

"Aren't you a seiki master?"

The invisible man then remembered his situation and said

"Seiki masters are individuals who can manipulate their Seiki (vitality), vital energy can be created by humans, animals and even plants, but only huaman can truly manipulate their Seiki."

But James didn't answer his question, he just stared at him with a calm gaze.

"Seiki has certain characteristics like the fact that only a seiki master can see another's seiki."

"If what you say is true why haven't I ever heard of Seiki?"

James had been in this world long enough to do his investigation, this world had an internet similar to the earth's but with a very low speed, but it still allowed James to get a lot of information that we will talk about next time, but what he was sure of is that he had no information about the so-called seiki masters.

"The problem with seiki is that it's extremely difficult to master, only talented individuals can wake up their seiki, it took me 25 years to wake up my seiki and 8 years to learn the basics."

"The worst thing about seiki is that it can be influenced by the thoughts and emotions of its user, the more the user is what he is, the more powerful he becomes, the meaner a user becomes the more evil his seiki can become, usually the real Dark Seiki Masters are horribly terrifying people."

"Aren't you a Dark Seiki master?"

"Actually I'm just a low-level member, I only joined the organization two years ago."

James was silent for a moment, then put his hands around the invisible man's neck.

And began to strangle him, the invisible man then tried to fight back, but he finally died after three minutes.

James dragged his corpse and the woman's corpse into his bathroom and threw them into the bathtub, then great blue flames came out of the palms.

He then touched the corpses of the two, immolating them in his flames.

His flames then began to greedily devour the bodies of the two, without producing any smoke or odours, devouring their skin, then their bones and finally their internal organs, and a minute later, all that was left were the ashes of the two assassins.