Chapter 7

After a week I finally was able to pay all the money from this loan shark who was eating beside me but I heard the others talking about the expedition that is going to start soon {should we participate at it} as I asked him he gulped the piece of meat that was inside of his mouth {well that depend on it's location since the place might be the worst for our group we don't have other than you fighting with me supporting so monsters that need a blunt weapon will be hard for us like the golems for example no matter how many times you hit him with a blunt weapon you create you won't win since you aren't used to using them so I would like to not fight them} I nodded to him (yeah true my uses for blunt weapon isn't that great I'm best with slashing weapons even piercing types like the rapier aren't that useful with me) {okay let's wait and see} and after I said that a boar kin came from outside and the elf went away as he got a chair for the boar to stand at and he did just that as he started shouting {recruiting people for the expedition we are heading toward the near borders where a demonic lion appeared the wolf tripe is heading for another direction so another force is needed for this one} {hmm how about this one what kind of monsters are around that area} as I'm not that knowledgeable about these things I leave it for our acting leader {I think it's okay for us to head there they are mostly predator types so you will be able to deal with them and rarely purifying flowers appear at that place so I can increase my liking to the other races other than the demons since I can heal them as well} I nodded to him but before I could go and enroll our team at it the place was full of them so I went back {does expeditions have upper caps} he shook his head {no as long as you are strong enough and the place can get your abilities to shine they will take you with them} {then why did you let me go toward there I was about to fell down and god know what kind of punishment I would have met there} he looked at the soup in front of him {well I was waiting to see that punishment to say the truth} (this guy) as he got the spoon but he couldn't so I got up {let me help you} as I gave him the spoon {oh thank yo-} as he was met with the plate full of soup as I felt good {ah man payback really feel amazing} he looked angry and the two of us started another battle between ourselves the other members are already used to see us hitting each other all the time so they didn't get into our way and after few minutes after they got into the expedition the boar came toward us as we got the chairs at their places as a punishment from the receptionist and started to clean them {Captain Clark say he need you at the expedition as well} as he gave me the paper to enroll at it {hmm I thought he doesn't favor you or more likely hate you} I looked at the paper {I thought the same as well} (oh well we wanted to participate at it anyway so it's a win-win situation) I wrote our groups members names at it but then I stopped {we don't have a group name yet right shouldn't we get one already} he nodded to me as he got the table clean without anything around it {yeah we can't continue without a name any more have anything at your mind} I nodded {yeah but let's hear yours first} he tilted his head and then put his hand at his chin {well how about the oddball due} I looked at him with weird expression {do you really want the people to continue to call us oddballs I don't know about you but I don't} {really but I think it fit us} {well yes but I plan to increase our group later and I don't think many people will be happy with a group called the oddball due right} he nodded to me {yeah true it's a name for only the two of us} I hit his head {well how about this one} as he ran toward me to get the hit back but I stopped him by smacking my palm at his face and stopping his movement {the archangels} he stopped running or at least trying to run and looked at my face {is that really a fit name with us playing the demon part shouldn't they be called the arch demons at least} I nodded to him {yeah it should be but it has been used way too many times that I think that name is very cringy so the archangels it will be} he nodded to me and I wrote our new groups name at it and after three days of preparing we set of toward the east the place is near the borders between the humans and demons so we might face some scouts while we kill the monsters out there I don't want to face them right now though I doubt I will be able to keep myself sane with my blocking skill still at the low level so I need to increase it fast I know that I have to face them eventually but now isn't a good time I didn't kill any kind of intelligent being until now and I don't want to as Clark shouted {we will set now} I saw the crow kin moving in front of us as he looked at everyone of the expedition one by one I waved my hand but he ignored me {what do you want to get him with us} I looked at Raphael who have a big bag at his back {first answer this why the hell a healer like you that strong} he put his hand at his other hand's muscle {well you might not know this but I'm soon going to reach the barrier between the middle and high level of my skills so it's normal I would be strong and since I have been all alone before you came and hunted me down I was forced to protect myself but now I have a meat shield all the time in front of me} well that's true (wait a minute) I looked at him {you mean skills not skill how many of yours that are near the high level} {two out of the three skills I have} with a pure smile at his face {the hell how long have you been training on your skills to let them be that strong I barely made my main skill into the middle rank even though I'm using it all the time it's not even at it's quarter to reach the high level} as he smiled and a very pleased face {want to know the trick} I looked away and started to move right away but he didn't let me go {hey I will tell you if you pleaded for me} {this annoying guy} as he started poking at my cheeks I got angry {stop it already} but as I looked at him he already removed his rope and was showing of his muscles a boar came from behind him {what are you doing with those muscles there} he said that and Raphael looked scared {s-sorry we will move right away} but then the boar removed his armor {you shouldn't try to show of like that it's like this do it with me} as he showed of as well but then one of the demons who is bald and known for his love for muscles got with them as he removed his top and showed of as well {you know it my brother but it's not like this you should put more strength at your stomach and chest} as he pulled his stomach muscles as they are about to go out of his body as the three of them went on and on with themselves with a demon came beside me {do you know them} I shook my head {never saw them before} as I moved and left them playing with themselves at night they still stayed and ate with themselves since no one wanted to stay beside them as the group around me increased I heard all about their hatred against humans and how they suffered because of them the next day I was walking alone as they taught each other how to train their muscles {won't they get enough of it already} as I said that I someone coming toward me with dark skin and long ears it's a dark elf I heard from Clef that they are the ones who are used to protect the borders with the crow tripe but no one actually see them a lot even their families live inside of the forest all the time her being at the expedition is very rare opportunity for me to get information about the humans civilization at the other side since there are a lot of them who work as spies so I talked to her first {hello do you need something} she nodded to me { yes I came to see the infamous Michael who was able to withstand a ruler all on himself do you know him} I tilted my head I know I became famous after that incident but her way of saying it like she want to see if this rumor is true or just false {that's me how can I help you} she assessed me from how her eyes moved {don't try to my strength doesn't come from my muscles but from my skills instead if you need muscle people they are at the back showing of right now} she almost closed her eyes as she looks sharp with her look like this {hmm you rely on your skills right} I nodded to her {yes is something wrong with that} she sighed and moved on {how unfortunate I thought you was smarter than that I will tell you an advice if you value your life then leave this expedition right now skills aren't near enough to fight humans} {hmm what do you mean doesn't they use skills as well} she looked at me with those piercing eyes she can see right through my soul like that {using skills is very different from he humans perspective they use their skills with that weird movement that they called martial arts we don't know how they create them but they are powerful and unpredictable we lost many demons under those martial artists} as she stayed silent as she moved for a bit {and there are also the hero of the humans who single handily fought of against a ruler and one of the alliance at the same time and still came out victorious he is very dangerous being that must be eradicated for the war to end} I tilted my head {how did you know that he got out of that fight victorious he should at least suffered a dangerous wound from it} she shook her head {no I know for sure that he was absolutely fine after it tired but after few days of rest he returned to the front lines} I went closer to her {how do you know all that information a fight against a ruler and one of the alliance masters won't get them out of the fight that easily} she looked angry and with her face looking at me {no I know to well since I was the one who lost to him} as she removed the veil hiding her lower face and a big scar was around what was supposed to be her mouth and nose with a machine that is moving on it's own is that a breathing machine {d-did he do that to you} she then put the veil once again and nodded to me as she clinched her fist {after that fight I promised that I will be strong enough to win against him one on one but as I get stronger as he does I don't think I will ever be able to win against him so we will leave him to you} as she said that I tilted my head {what do you mean why are there two alliance masters at this expedition to begin with} as she got a knife and put it at my neck right away before I was even able to do anything at all {I'm here only to see if you can win against the hero if you can't then I will kill you at this expedition you became too lax after you got out of the ruler's fight thinking you became strong with merely getting your skill at the medium level you don't know anything at all so I will give you one last chance} as she hid the knife and I don't see where did she hid it she is really one of the alliance masters if she can do that easily {so what is the mission you want me to do} {I will tell you about that later for now just act like normal} as she left me and went on her own I put my hand at my neck as to see if there is any blood going out of it but there aren't any she controlled her strength enough to let me feel the pain but not to injure me I clicked my tongue (seems like I really have a long way to go) as I sighed Raphael finally came back as he was wearing his rope once again {who was that lady} I didn't answer and just looked at the sky that night I just stood at my night watch watching the fire and looking at the sword flying at the air {am I really that lacking compared to the human summoning person} as I got the sword to move in a very high speed {my weapon summoning reached the middle level and it's stuck right now the best I can make of it is a magical weapon but it consume a huge chunk of my Mana so should I increase my telekinesis now} as I removed the sword and started to get every stone in the vicinity to float at the air {if he is that strong then I will die the moment I meet him I heard that he is getting into the demon territory every now and then so I don't know we might face him at this expedition after all I have to be ready} as I started to consume my Mana at crazy speed with my training continuing every night I'm doing the same since it's the best way to do it with the shadow hiding at the forest nearby looking at him {are they moving at the same base} as Lydia said that another dark elf appeared from behind her {yes my lady they are moving at the same base they will reach their destination soon enough should we stop them right now} Lydia shook her head {no leave them be} but the dark elf behind her stood up and said {b-but your ladyship the villagers will be under attack like this} but she then stopped talking when she saw Lydia's face as she was angry as well {we have to let him see how the world really work it's her highness order those people will raid the village after five days if they continue without any problem we should finish our expedition within the next three days and I will get him to see how the humans kill everyone there and that's it now go back to your position soldier} the dark elf nodded her head as she left her but she then stopped mid way and looked at the way of the village {sorry your ladyship but my sister live at that village I have to protect her} as the dark elf went toward the village