
Izuku's body floated toward the ground, his brain swirling to complete the advance calculations to land unharmed. Uruaka-san slapped her hand across Izuku's face, causing the greenette to glide. She released him, watching Izuku hit the ground from a much lower height. The greenette had passed out, his arms a thick purple-blue hue cascading onto the surroundings, causing people to gather.

Recovery girl made her way through the crowd, sending his robots to handle the small male. She sighed, her cane cautiously hitting the pavement. Toshinori, you need to be careful! He's just a young boy!

The school nurse examined the male as she got closer," Once he's awake, he will be sent home. Now clear the way!"

Eijirou looked over at Izuku as he was moving farther and farther from view. An emotion was stirring inside of the redhead. He couldn't quite place it. It was new, something he had never felt before.

A small tear slowly made its way down Eijirou's face. The redhead wiped it quickly, praying that no one saw it. 'Why am I crying? I don't even know him. Why does my heart hurt?'

Izuku is soulmates with Eijirou. In this other world, your soulmate or mates were discovered in life. It would leave a mark like a tattoo on our body if you meet your soulmate, it will transform into something that represents them.

Here, Izuku and Eijirou didn't know. Eijirou didn't understand his feeling toward the small green male being rolled away. Izuku was unconscious, unaware of his surroundings and anything that may happen. The two also weren't aware of their third soulmate Kaminari Denki. Kaminari was on the opposite side of the training ground, complete and utterly unaware.

Kirishima's marks were question marks on his collarbones and his mates. The emblem on his right collar bone changed. The question mark swirled and moved to form the lines of a sunflower before filling itself in with green. As the green trailed down, it became darker, leaving the center black.

Eijirou wanted to move, to chase after Izuku. He needed to cheek on his mate. He desired to run, but his legs held him still. His feet felt as heavy as lead as he tried to move.

As for Izuku...

He couldn't feel it at the moment, but his mark was changing. The lines thinned and shape. It quickly formed into a rose, shading itself with reds and blacks. It resembled Eijirou's hair.


Izuku slowly stirred, catching Recovery Girl's attention. The woman turned in her chair and slipped out of it. She filled the adolescent male in and gave him a small scolding before releasing him.

Izuku picked up his bag and walked out into the hallway quickly, glancing around. Eijirou caught the greenette's attention. Izuku cocked his head as he observed the taller male. Eijirou was quick to snap out of his thoughts and offered the male a wave. Izuku smiled softly and waved back. Eijirou bit his lip to stop his jaw from dropping. A blush roamed across his face as dogs wandered the grass. Eijirou wanted to run up to Izuku, pressing his lips to the greenette's. But he didn't; he pushed himself off the wall and made his way to Izuku.

"Hi," Eijirou greeted, trying to hide the fact he was blushing.


"My name is Eijirou Kirishima."

"Izuku Midoriya, as you probably already know."

"Yeah. Can we walk home together?"

"Sure," Izuku said with a shrug.

Izuku ignored the nagging thought of this male in front of him being dangerous. The redhead seemed nervous to Izuku for sure, but not suspicious.


The two were walking, chatting about things. Izuku happily answered all the questions Eijirou had to ask. Izuku would ramble about something and then become embarrassed and apologize, which Eijirou found adorable. Eijirou talked about his quirk and how he had gotten his scar. Izuku's ears perked up, and the greenette inspected the redhead's face, now taking notice of the small slit over his eye. Izuku's eyes excitedly beamed as Eijirou kept talking. Eijirou's eye's traveled toward Izuku, noting the sparkle in the male's eyes.

Eijirou softly chuckled and continued talking, as Izuku's arm briskly brushed his. Eijirou knew his behavior was childish, but he didn't care. Izuku pouted and stuck out his tongue, provoking the taller male.

Eijirou lost control of himself at the moment and let his fingers dance across Izuku's soft skin. Eijirou's fingers filtered into Izuku's palm. Izuku turned, his eyes still glistening as he met Eijirou. Eijirou's open hand made its way up, gently caressing Izuku's cheek before cradling it gently. Izuku leaned into the warm hand placed on his face, a warm feeling bubbling up in his chest.

"Izuku... I think we're soulmates."

Izuku's lips slowly parted, sounds and fragments of words came out but not a sentence. Izuku took a deep breath and looked back into Eijirou's glistening crimson eyes.

"I don't know. We should check when we get to my house," Izuku responded, his face slowly starting to leave Eijirou's hand.

Eijirou let his hands fall back to his sides, allowing Izuku to continually lead them to his house.


The two arrived at the Midoriya household. Izuku tossed open the door, slipping off his shoes and placing down his bag. Izuku took a quick glance around the room, looking for his petite mother. The small woman wasn't in view, so Izuku took a few more steps into the house, hoping to spot her.

"Mom," Izuku shouts, his voice echoing through the small place he called home. 'No answer, great.'

Izuku grabbed Eijirou's hand dragging, him to the upstairs bathroom. Izuku pushed the redhead into the bathroom following, sprucely behind. Eijirou placed his bag down on the floor before pulling his shirt off over his head. Izuku tried not to gasp at the body he saw in front of him. Izuku bashfully looked away and removed his shirt.

Izuku's eyes traveled back over to Eijirou. The green sunflower standing sound on Kirishima's collar bone. Izuku's hand moved before his brain could react. His fingers ever so gently brushed the surface of the mark. They sent a sharp stabbing pain through Izuku's palm, causing him to jolt away.

Eijirou, confused, tried to comfort Izuku. Izuku moved away, instinctively pointing toward the other mark.

On Eijirou's right collarbone, Kaminari's flower was forming. It was a golden peach lily. Eijirou reached for Izuku's hand. Izuku hesitantly lets him have it, watching him place it over the flower. To both of their surprises, it didn't hurt; it felt right.

Izuku felt comfort in the small action. His mate smiled and squeezed Izuku's hand. Izuku whined; distress was refuting through the tiny flower blossoming on Eijirou's chest. Izuku's knees gave out, causing him to fall to the floor in front of Eijirou.

Eijirou growled; the discomfort of his mate made him uncomfortable. He wanted to find them and hold them and reassure them. Eijirou crouched down and petted through Izuku's hair. Eijirou sat crisscrossed on the ground, letting the greenette lay his head in Eijirou's lap.


Kaminari Denki, their other mate, was sitting on the top floor of the U.A. building. The soft breeze blew his already messy hair even more astray. Kaminari took in a deep breath, trying to calm his still racing heart. It wasn't working; he had been sitting on them for god knows how long.

Denki's stab wound was bleeding uncontrollably. Denki put pressure on the wound, hoping it would stop. His mother had stabbed him while attacking him earlier. He had been kicked out, disowned, orphaned.

He couldn't help that he felt this way. It was just a natural thing. Being a girl wasn't for him; he didn't feel right in this body. He's trans and pan and, his parents don't expect him. It's sad, but it's the truth.

Little did he know his mates cared were on their way.


Hand in hand, the two new mates walked the streets of Japan. Their subconsciouses lead them to U.A. The two had a casual conversation, now that Izuku had calmed himself. Their minds were far from sad at the moment.

The two arrived at the building and swiftly made their way up the steps. The second Izuku's foot met the first steep, Kaminari whimpered. Eijirou's ears perked up to the distressed noise he heard and squeezed Izuku's hand. The small whimper wasn't pleasant to the redhead's ears. It was too similar to the cries of his siblings from a long time ago. Eijirou's eyes followed the stairs as he tried to forget the memories.

Izuku's hand pressed the push symbol on the door watching, it fly open. The three made eye contact. A small gasp escaped Kaminari's lips as he looked over the males in front of him. His face automatically whipped away, hoping it was his imagination, and the two would soon disappear. Tears ran across Denki's pale cheeks, his bottom lip quivering in fear.

Izuku's hand slowly left Eijiriou's, his feet moving before his mind could think. The greenette made his way to the oblivious, and the frightened blonde sat on the edge of the building. Izuku sat down, pushing a stray hair from his face. A broken, blonde student sat in front of him really, shaken up. Izuku gradually moved his hands toward Denki's, grasping them. Denki hesitantly let Izuku have them, immediately taking note of the warmth and buzzy feeling he felt once he and the strange male touched. Izuku squeezed Denki's hands tenderly, looking down at the blonde's arms, taking note of the scares.

Izuku's eyes gradually came back up to meet Kaminari's quivering gaze. Denki's eyes quickly darted away, not wanting to give the stranger any ideas. Izuku hummed and released one of Denki's hands, letting his now open hand cup the blonde's face.

Denki immediately jolted away, not trusting the male. Izuku's fingers whispered and giggled as they touched Denki's face, giving the blonde a reason to trust. Denki hesitantly leaned in, relaxing into the touch.

"What's your name?" Izuku asked.

"Denki. Denki Kaminari..."

"Ok, I'm Izuku Midoriya and this is Eijirou Kirishima."

Denki slowly nodded his head, picking up the naturistic scent filling his nose. Denki softly nuzzled into Izuku's hand, enjoying the nurturing smell. Izuku happily stroked his thumb against the male's cheek, trying to ignore the bloody shirt in front of him.

"Kami. Hey, hey. Can you look at me, please?"

Denki looked up from the palm of Izuku's hand, his eyes giving off vulnerable attributes. His mouth didn't move, but he kept eye contact with the green-haired male.

"Kami, what happened?"

Denki's eyes began to water once more; Izuku started to apologize but stopped as Denki slid into his lap. Loud sobs could be heard echoing through the hallways of the empty school. Eijirou walked toward the crying blonde, softly rubbing his head and telling him things would be ok. Kaminari spilled the literal tortures he had to endure. Izuku let Denki shift and get comfortable, the blonde's face buried deep into Izuku's neck.

"Kami, do you need somewhere to live?" Izuku asked smoothly.

Denki pulled it out of Izuku's neck, his expression almost unreadable. The male's eyebrows were scrunched together, his mouth hanging open, and his eyes looking back and forth.

"Yes," He answered, his eyes widening in realization.

"Do you want to live with me?"


"Kami if you need it, of course."

Kaminari's eyes began watering, "Yes, Please."


The three were in the hospital; Denki was passed out on a bed, fluids, fresh blood, and stitches running into him. His mates were much happier, knowing the blonde would be fine.

"Kiri, what are we gonna do when he wakes up? Don't his parents have to be here to discharge him? I'm concerned and I don't really want them being near him."

"Well, since he's asleep, we can talk to one of the nurses, and she could help us maybe..."

"Yeah... yeah, let's do that."