Wait Where's Izuku?

Kirishima awoke to Kaminari, cuddled deeply into his side? Kaminari's hair, falling over his face, the soft breeze blowing it softly. Kirishima cracked a toothy grin as he ran his fingers through Kaminari's hair. A realization dawned on him. Wait, wheres Izuku?

"Uh," a voice groggily moaned, pulling the blankets. "Kiri what t... Wait... Where's Izuku? He was her..."

Oh, shit, here come the waterworks. Kaminari slithered up, his head resting promptly on Kirishima's chest, letting the rise and fall of his chest calm him. Kaminari's tears fell noiselessly, as Kirishima rubbed his back.

"We should probably go find him," Kaminari said, looking up at Kirishima with his gorgeous yellowish-gold puppy dog eyes.

"Well, you're gonna have to stop crying," Kirishima half scolded him. He winced at the noise so, Kirishima changed his tone, wiped Kaminari's tears, and helped him out of bed.

Kaminari and Kirishima slowly made out way down the hall toward the reception desk thingy. Kirishima had to stop a couple of times for Kaminari. He was having a very troublesome time balancing.

"Hello dears, what do you need?" The receptionist asked.

"Hi... um... something happened to our mate last night and, we just wondering where he is."


"Izuku Midoriya."

"Okay, he's in room 402. Hon, do you want a wheelchair?"

"Oh, yes, please!" Kaminari answered excitedly.

That was fucking cute as hell! Kirishima smiled and patted Kaminari head, softly ruffling his already messy hair.


Thank god. Kirishima grabbed Kaminari's wheelchair and swiftly pushed him to Izuku's room.

"Kiri slow down," Kaminari says pointing, toward a door. Kirishima stopped the wheelchair. Okay, here we go. I knock.

A weak voice calls," Come in."

Kirishima grabbed the handle, pushing open the door. Izuku's regularly fluffy curl looked dehydrated and tangled. His typically joyful face was white as a ghost. This wasn't the Izuku who saved Kaminari or the Izuku, who was in Kirishima's arms yesterday. Kirishima let go of the handle and stumbled back. What the fuck did I just see?

Kirishima looked down at his hand. I'm shaking. What the hell? He looked back up at the door, Izuku's body flashing through his mind. He shook them off and re-opened the door.

Izuku was hooked up to an immense machine, all types of tubes coming from it. What the hell?! Izuku was in and out of consciousness. Kirishima decided to wheel Kaminari in, knowing it would mess him up. Kaminari looked over Izuku for a moment. He was taking in his features.

The way his hair fell over his face, the slight glow of his pale skin from the sunlight coming in from the window, the curve of his face, the rise and fall of his chest. The way his freckles aligned his cheeks. Kaminari didn't realize how hard he was gripping the side of the wheelchair as he tried not to cry.

"Move me closer," Kaminari demands, his voice is dense.

"Okay," Kirishima says in a soft tone.

Kirishima moves Kaminari closer to the bed, watching; his hand moves to brush Izuku's cheek. A lonely tear runs down his face, the others quickly following. Kirishima was quick to grab his hand, running his thumb cautiously over Kaminari's knuckles.

Forcing a smile, Kirishima says," He's alright. He's going to be okay."

I'm making a promise I can't keep.

Kirishima lets a lie fly past his lips once more as he tells Kaminari he has to use the bathroom. He casually waltzed out of the room, trying to calm his raging heart. Tears were trailing down his face as he found the nearest bathroom.

He sank the wall, trying to control his breathing. What the fuck.

Okay. Okay. I'm okay. Why am I lying to myself? I'm not. I'm not okay. I need my fucking medication. Fuck, mom. Shit, shes probably worried out of her mind.

Kirishima yanks his phone from his pocket.

"Call mom."

"Calling mom."

The phone rang... 1... 2... 3...

"Baby, where are you?"

"I'm at the hospital."

"But why?"

"Well, I met my soulmates yesterday. Kami was bleeding and was bruised, so we brought him here."


"I fell asleep comforting him after Izuku got takin. Sorry, I should have called you yesterday."

"Yes, you should have, but I won't scold you for helping your mates."

"Thank you, mama."

"When should I get you?"

"In an hour."

"Okay. Bye Kiri. Love you, sweety. Kisses."

"Bye, mama."

"Bye. Love you."


Kaminari carest Izuku's cheek, a happy smile sporting his face. Izuku was pressing his face into Kaminari's hand subconsciously. Kaminari purred happily as his mate rubbed his hand.

Kaminari slowly pulled his hand away, letting it travel over Izukus arm before his fingers intertwined with Izuku's.


Kirishima got himself together and left the bathroom. He slowly made his way back to Izuku's room. Okay, Okay.

He slowly opened the door to reveal a smiling Kaminari running his thumb over Izuku's knuckles. Kirishima smiled lightly at the seen, before walking in.

Kirishima pulls over a chair, letting Kaminari slide into his lap. Kaminari automatically curled up, resting his face in the crook of Kirishima's neck.

"I missed you," he quietly says.

Kirishima fought with his mind. How should I break the news? He should be alright, I mean we really just met.


"Mhm," he hummed quietly.

"My mom called. I have to leave in an hour, okay."

"Okay." He's falling asleep.

"Kami, do you want to stay here, or do you want me to bring you back to your room?"

"My room, please."

Kirishima picked Kaminari up, softly placing him in the wheelchair. They headed back toward the elevator.


Kirishima placed Kaminari back into bed, whispering soft nothings as Kaminari started to drift. He was desperately trying to stay awake but was failing. Kirishima joined him in the bed, feeling a sudden weight on his chest. Kaminari was cuddled up to him, again. Kaminari was holding Kirishima's shirt tightly as if Kirishima was going to slip away.

"Kiri?" Kaminari asked.


"I love you," he says softly, his cheeks turned a rosy pink color.

"I love you too."


"Hey, mom. Where are you?"

"I'm at the light I'll be right there."



Kirishima put his phone in his pocket, taking a deep breath. He looked over at Kaminari, who was still peacefully sleeping. Kirishima somehow managed to pry him off earlier. Kirishima gently kissed his forehead before leaving the room.

He walked to the elevator, dreading the wait. The ride wasn't much better. He stepped out casually and began his short walk to the door. The receptionist who was typing stopped and waved before continuing her work. Kirishima waved back as he made it through the sliding doors.

He scanned the parking lot, looking for his mother's black SUV. He couldn't find it and began bouncing his leg impatiently. Suddenly the car pulled up, and Kirishima opened the passenger side door.

"Hey Mama," He smiled.

"Hey baby," she kissed his cheek.

"Mom," Kirishima whined as she pulled out.

The two made small talk for w=awhile before falling into a comfortable silence. Kirishima watches the scenery passing by wishing, he could have stayed longer.

The soft hum of the engine was the only thing keeping him awake as they drove. Kirishima felt his eyes starting to get heavy. He let them fall shut, walst listening to the engine.

As the two pulled into the driveway, Kirishima could hear his siblings running out of the house, excited to see his again.