I was in front of Erine's house. I sort of having second thought coming to her house because I was thinking she was asleep. It was not long ago she walked out from the club. I took a deep breath before I pushed the doorbell. I heard footsteps coming then unlocked the door.
A young teenager boy opened the main door. He was staring at me through the screen door.
"Yes, can I help you sir?" he asked in polite.
"Hi, I am Brandon Sy, is Erine around?" I asked before he could answer me. I heard her voice coming towards the door.
"Dean, baby, who was it?" She said and I smirked hearing her voice. As soon as she was in front of me, her eyes widen.
"Brandon, w-what are you doing here?" She said and unlocking the door and I stepped in. "Dean, this is Brandon, my boss in the club."
"Hello, I am Dean." He smiled then shook my hand as he was looking at my hand holding bouquet of flowers. "Are you courting my mom?"
"Dean!" Erine snapped him with surprise.
"Nice meeting you Dean." I extended my hand to him. "Yes, if it is okay with you." I said as I gave the flowers to Erine. "For you!"
"As long as you will not hurt my mom, I am okay with that, sir." He smiled.
"Of, course, boy, I will not hurt your mom." I told him with assurance.
"And we're good. Anyway, I will leave you two alone because I have something else to do." He said then faces his mother. "Mom, I am going now I will see you tonight. I will be back before you go to work. Love you." He said kissing her mother's cheek. "Bye, sir."
"Just call me Uncle Brandon." I smiled as I told him and he nodded as he waved to us farewell.
Erine closed and locked the doors before confronted me. "Boss, what the hell are you doing again in my house?" she said as an eyebrow rose.
A devilish smile that shown in my face. "I miss you. You left from work without saying a word."
"W-what! Come on, you are kidding me, right?" She pouted. After that day, she is my favorite. I came up with a beautiful decision. It has something to do with Erine.
"I am not and you know you can feel it. Besides, I want to meet your son so that I will come here anytime I want to see you." I said as I placed my hands to her waist.
"Oh, my gosh, you are crazy." She said shaking her head. I put my both hands cupping her face.
"Yes, I am crazy for you and you have to endure it." I stated.
Just like that, I kissed her surprisingly that she did not protest. Every night while I am alone in my bed, her face and kisses that always, linger in my mind.
I wanted to make sure she is not lack of intimacy with opposite sex. I am aware that she can live without men in her life. Somehow, I am here in her life and I am different. We both felt something for each other. From the moment, I set my eyes on her. There were sparks and I may not believer of love at first sight but now I do.
Since then, I go to their house every night. We see each other and my feelings became clearer. I must admit she truly touched my heart. My face was always in her house not just week days and her son Dean seems to like me for his mother.
We were closer like a father and son. He seems different when he is with me at home. I know that he was looking a father figure. I am willing to give it to him wholeheartedly.
My children were all grown up now with their own family as well. I was a loving father to them. The way I treated my children was just natural of being a good father. So, Dean, is like a son to me.
I smiled as when we were playing PS4 together in the living room. I enjoyed it as well.
Erine was in the kitchen cooking dinner for us as usual. It was my moment whenever I am in their house. She gave us privacy to spend time with each other.
However, I can feel her that is why she let me enjoy my time with Dean. She walked towards the living room. We were now sitting on the floor talking about games.
"It's dinner time." She said as we turned our heads. She finished cooking our dinner just in time. "Hurry up you two, I am starving." She added smiled at us as we walked towards the dining area.
The smile on her face was still there as we sat down in front of the table. It seems that she really was enjoying feeding us with good foods.
"Hmmm, smells yummy Mommy, you are always the best." Dean said as he kissed her cheeks.
"Yeah, yeah, hurry up and dig in I know you two are hungry playing your games." She murmured.
"We got hungry from the smell of your foods, always delicious as ever." I added.
She was sitting beside me while Dean was in front of me. They started dig in the foods I smirked as I watch them eating. I love watching them.
She put some foods in my plate. "Stop staring at us, you stated you were hungry but then you just watch us only." I shook my head.
"I love watching you two eating it makes my stomach full already." I grinned.
"Yeah, right, hurry now darling you also need food." She mumbled.
I nodded as I dig in too. I saw his son Dean smiling widely looking at us.
This is what I love to be here. Their house feels like real home. I am home.