
"A powerful storm will pour on the world;

Blood will shed, tears shall fall,

Until hope has lighten

The greatest creature shall be chosen.

Bearing the mark of a celestial,

This creature shall rise..."

These are the last words of the "Eye" of Griese Tribe before passing out unconscious. The tribe warriors brought him out for the chief and the elders to discuss the matter that the "Eye" have spoken about.

"My Chief, since the Eye have spoken, we surely need to be ready for this calamity that he's talking about. It's better to take precautions."

Elder Calous poke seriously, as to emphasize the seriousness of the matter to the tribe chief. He is a friend of the tribe chief's father, being the second most respected elder in the tribe.

The tribe chief sat on a gaze, his thoughts wandering. He's sitting on the presiding chair in front of a long table in the room. The elders were sitting according to their ranks, and the Elder Calous is sitting next to the tribe chief.

The room is made of cobble stones that looks like a medieval room. There are tribal decorations and paintings hanging on the walls, which are guarded by a few tribe warriors.

"Griese Tribe has stood for thousands of years since the creation of the world. My Chief, we cannot let this calamity happen. We have to find a way to prevent this calamity!"

Elder Tir said righteously. He is known to be an elder of good will, trying hard to make sure that the tribe lives on till the end of time. He is the Uncle of the tribe chief, the younger brother of the tribe chief's father, making him one of the most respectable elders in the tribe.

The elders in the room nodded and thought about Elder Tir's suggestion. The room started to be noisy, because of the mutterings of the other elders.

"I suggest that we inform the tribe members of the matter, my Chief. It is better if everyone knows about this, so we can find better solutions."

Elder Con suggested, making the noisy room to earn silence once again. He's the calmest elder in the tribe. Elder Tir hates him because he cannot decide for himself, making him the most dependent elder of the tribe.

"Are you suggesting that we wait for this calamity to happen, Elder Con? We absolutely cannot wait! We have to make a move, now!"

Elder Tir directly rebutted Elder Con's suggestion. The once silent room began to be noisy again.

An elder in his seventies massaged his temple because of the noise. He looked at the tribe chief that is still in a daze, not minding the noise in the room. He helplessly put his gaze to the elders that are still debating on what to do.

His patience running out, he stood from his chair, earning the gazes of the other elders. This elder is Elder Sak, the father of Chief Wan and the former tribe chief. He passed the throne to his son five years ago, feeling that he'll pass on to the afterlife after a few years.

"Elders, I suggest that we let Chief Wan have some peace. We are still in the presence.of the Chief, if you don't mind."

He coldly said then sat on his chair once more. The elders quietly looked at Chief Wan who's finally having some enlightenment.

Chief Wan's eyes shone bright, as if finally finding the last piece of a puzzle. He looked at the worried elders and smiled warmly. This is the biggest difference of the former chief and the present.

"Elders, I have finally understood the words of the Supreme One!"

He excitedly said, bringing surprise and agitation to the elders in the room.

Last night, Chief Wan dreamt of their God Lus, talking to him, telling him something. If he can recall correctly, the God said this:

"I have failed to support my daughter since young. I will entrust her to Griese Tribe to take care of and I will gift her the world. She carries my mark in her, to guide her to take her throne. Find her, support her, praise her, and I will provide you the way to the heavens."

Chief Wan hastily called for the tribe elders and the Eye to provide guidance. Just now, when he said the words of their God to everyone in the room, the body of the Eye suddenly shone, marking that he will have another prophecy for the tribe. His eyes shone gold, and having a voice that is not his, he made a prophecy before passing out.

"If I analyze it correctly, the Supreme One has a mortal daughter here on Earth. And the Supreme One wants us to find the Chosen One to reign supreme on Earth!"

This paragraph seems to be the only feasible idea that correlates the coming of the calamity and the dream of the tribe chief. The elders thought for a moment before nodding in agreement. The Chief has spoken.

"Now our first goal is to strengthen our warriors to make way for the Chosen One. We have to get ready. We need to make sure that our tribe can support the Supreme One's daughter to reign supremacy on Earth!"

Chief Wan valiantly announced and stood. He looked at the excited and happy gazes of the elders in the room. He smiled to their cheers like a proud warrior, thinking that this is their destiny.

"We are the Griese Tribe! And we will support the Chosen One!"

The proud elders also stood and cheered for the tribe. Just a moment ago, they were all lost as to what they will do about the calamity and the prophecy. Now, they stood mighty and proud of the Chief's analyzation skills. Their Chief thought of the idea that they never even tried to think of. They are proud of this Chief of theirs.

On the side, Elder Sak nodded, content to the idea of his son. He really choose right this time.

He looked around and smilingly disappeared when everyone else is not looking.