Chapter 0004 「A New Path」

Days passed as usual. After the incident between 71 and 50, the atmosphere around the class became slightly awkward, but nothing unusual happened.


101, in his room, exercised like usual. Nowadays, he had begun noticing certain factors about his body as the regular exercise routine bore fruit. The signs of a child's fragile and soft skin had started to fade, and his skin felt more rigid and tight. Muscles had also grown.

Still, the change was not immense enough to get noticed by anyone.

101 found these changes abnormal. The reason being the diet. Professors handed all of the kids one bowl of black liquid once every day, and that was the only thing they ate.

'Just what did they prepare that drink from? To be able to bypass basic human functioning,' he wondered.

Surviving and being dependent on something he did not yet understand gave him a suffocating feeling. So, he decided to experiment.


Next day.


After the class ended, the children lined up and waited for their turn. After receiving the drink, they would have to drink it on the spot. Only then could they return to their room.

101, took his bowl. The oval white bowl was relatively small. Small enough to fit in one's palm. He pretended to drink it but didn't yet swallow.

He rushed inside his room and headed towards the small restroom attached to his room.


On the wooden basin, he spat out the drink.

"Surely, I can handle a day or two without food," assumed 101.

However, his temperature rose as he rested on his bed at night. His stomach felt a strangling feeling. His breathing became harsh.

Even under severe pain, he did not react.

"A slave remedy."

A potion given to slaves. Once an enslaved person consumed the potion, the enslaved person would have to keep drinking it. If failed, the enslaved person would face dire insomniac effects and body aches.

He realized the drink they gave was similar to a slave remedy with added health benefits but was less potent than a natural slave remedy.

A troublesome thing indeed.

If he did not drink it, he would die due to starvation. If he did drink it, he would get more and more addicted to the drink.



Next day,


As usual, the kids were all settled in their corners.

But today, their gazes shifted towards the door in unison as a particular man entered the room. The man wore a black robe with red stripes. On his face, he had two red whiskers and long eyebrows.

This was the first time the children had seen such a tall man, and they felt an enigmatic presence emanating from that man.

The older man caressed his red whiskers as he scouted the room. He noticed the children were all sitting in groups.

"So children,"–His face grew a smirk—"I see you all have become friends." he laughed.

"Good. Very good," he whispered.

"By now, you all must have read a lot of books," His eyes surveyed the room, "So, can anyone tell me what's the most valuable lesson you learned?"

None answered.

The old man coughed, "The answer I deem the best shall get a reward."

Upon hearing the word reward, three hands were instantly raised. The older man noticed their headbands with one eye, which was bigger than the other.

"Three fierce youngsters, I see—" He pointed his hand towards the right, "You go first."

"Unity is power and gives strength," Number 82 said as he slightly bowed. His voice was filled with politeness.

"Unity. I see. I see." The older man nodded. "Excellent answer."

The other kids looked with sparkling eyes toward Number 82.

"Now you, in the middle."

"The one who wins is not the one who's gifted since birth," Number 50 said while glancing towards Number 71, "but the one who perseveres the most."

The old man raised one of his brows, "My, my, that's also excellent. Such great kids. Now, let's hear your answer."

The third one to raise his hand was number 71.

Number 71 looked at the old man solemnly, "Before that, what exactly would be the reward?"

The old man's eyes narrowed, "A curious one, I see. You must be wondering if the reward is worth the price of letting everyone else know the precious lesson you learned. It seems you overvalue your words and their impact on others." The older man laughed. "Let some things remain a mystery. I won't speak any further. It's your gamble," the old man said with a taunting smile.

71, bit his lips. To not speak and lose something that might be valuable, or to speak and give everyone else a precious lesson and, in return, obtain something trivial. He was in a dilemma.

As he pondered, he noticed all the gazes placed upon him.

Clenching his fist, he gave a vague answer, "Power reigns supreme."

Number 18, who sat right beside him, chuckled.

The reactions to his statement were somewhat conflicted.

The old man held his chin, "Not what I expected. But that should suffice."

The older man noticed that most kids keenly awaited finding out who would get rewarded.

"Unity, perseverance, power. All of these are requisite while climbing the ladder of life. All of you have learned the basic things, like language and manners. Now, it's time to move on and strive for greater things. It's time to prove who among you is the greatest leader, who can persevere the most, and who reigns supreme. Thus, allow me to guide you all towards your first step to greatness," He slid his hand inside his robe.


Slicing through the air, he took out a book, "Now," He exclaimed excitedly. "Who wants to learn martial arts?"

After a moment of silence, all kids realized the meaning of that statement.

The stories they read in the books flashed through most of their minds. All of them hooted in sheer eagerness and enthusiasm.

The old man took out another book, "—Who wants to learn the dark summoning arts?"

The kids' voices echoed louder in excitement.

And another book, "—who wants to learn about herbal and medicinal arts."

The voices died down. No one cared about herbs...

"*Ahem*Who wants to learn martial arts?" repeated the old man.

The voices resurfaced. The children cried in excitement.

The older man kept the books on the side table.

"I am pleased to see your excited faces. Your professors shall explain the rules for learning such things. And as for the one who shall receive the reward," The old man observed the expressions of all three kids "-Number 71. In the future, he shall receive certain privileges."

Number 50's and Number 82's eyes widened.

71, raised his hands and asked, "What privileges?"

"As I said, let some things remain a mystery," A wicked smile brewed on his face. "Besides, you get a vague reward for a vague answer."


After all the commotion, the older man left the class. A servant closely followed behind.

"w-what did you think of the kids, m'lord," asked the servant. His face was covered in sweat and eagerness to hear the answer.

The old man stopped, "The crippled kids are sent in the right wing and not the left-wing correct?"

"Ye-yes, M'lord," The servant answered. His eyes were puzzled by the question.

"The one who sat in the group of three between 18 and 71. He seems unable to express emotions, and I reckon he cannot move his facial muscles or is deaf."

The servant realized, "Ah, you meant 101. I-I'm afraid m'lord's mi-mistaken. He has no disability; I have often seen him behave like a normal kid, m'lord."

"..Are you sure?" The older man asked in a stern voice.

The servant bowed, "Y-yes, M'lord. All of the kids, including 101, do not have any disabilities. I'm sure."

"How strange." The older man continued walking. On his mind was an imprinted picture. Picture of a kid who did not even glance once towards him the entire time. Picture of a kid whose face showed an indifferent expression, the entire class.

He had just announced many things, yet the kid's facial muscles didn't even flinch once after hearing all those things. Even during such commotion, the kid remained indifferent to the events.


The kids in the class were all excited. The big groups had begun discussing what they would now do.

Meanwhile, in one of the corners, three people discussed something else.

"Why did you laugh?" asked 71, looking sharply towards 18.

"But I didn't laugh," said 18, avoiding eye contact.

"I heard it. You laughed at my answer. why?"

18, scratched her cheek with a finger and met his gaze, "I mean, your answer…."

"My answer?"

"….it was stupid," 18 said with sincere eyes.

71 blinked rapidly.

Realizing 18 words were not meant as an insult but were sincere, 101 also slightly chuckled.

Seventy-one heard him chuckle, "Why did you smile?"

Seeing 71's reaction, 18 could not help but snicker.

"Why are you both laughing?" 71 was dumbfounded.