6: How Do I Look So Good

  "I go..."

  "How did he guess?"

  "Guess? You guess the diagnosis of cerebral hemorrhage."

  The surrounding doctors talked like boiling water.

  Today, this situation is reversed too fast, which makes these doctors with rich clinical experience unacceptable.

  There was no consultation, no physical examination, and no auxiliary examination. At a glance, it was known that it was cerebral hemorrhage. Individual escorts were arranged, and the examination was sent directly to neurosurgery.

  This has exceeded the perception of many on-duty doctors in the emergency department, and everyone is not aware of it.

  "The patient didn't look like cerebral hemorrhage. I didn't expect it to be."

  "It's no wonder that Director Lao Pan directly promoted Xiao Zheng into the total hospitalization. People really have the ability, let alone say, the old Director's vision is very poisonous.

  "That was, the old director was the director of the high-level ward at the Military Region Hospital. If I hadn't lost a second, would I be able to sit in that position? President Zheng is also very good. I don't say anything else, I am convinced by this one diagnosis."

  Zheng Ren smiled when he heard the comments from colleagues around him. Although he has a gentle personality, he feels happy at the moment.

  Not because of praise from colleagues, but because the system is so intimate.

  Yuan Li seemed to be look more than a dozen years old, his mental head was gone, his eyes narrowed, and he went back to the clinic dizzily.

  He was puzzled. Zheng Ren didn't even ask for a diagnosis or check up. What was the reason for the diagnosis of cerebral hemorrhage?

  This is not scientific!

  Dr. Yuan Li still didn't believe it, and there was no patient at this time. He opened the radiography system and found the patient's skull CT.

  Sure enough, CT showed slight bleeding around the anterior cranial artery. Look at the amount of bleeding, which is about 1ml. This amount of cerebral hemorrhage could easily be judged as an image artifact if the patient was not in a coma.

  Although Zheng Ren's diagnosis was determined to be correct, Yuan Li still did not understand why Zheng Ren could diagnose cerebral hemorrhage by doing nothing.

  Strange, this product is absolutely Strange!



  Zheng Ren was quietly waiting for the arrival of the emergency patient.

  But it is strange to say that there are usually no patients who need treatment in countless emergency departments with large and small trauma.

  The emergency department does not always have a major rescue and serious trauma. Zheng Ren wants to have an operation in the emergency department, but it depends on his life.

  At 11:30, Zheng Ren greeted Yuan Lixian to dinner as if nothing had happened, and helped him watch for a while.

  Yuan Li was in a state of trance all morning, and did not express much about the goodwill released by Zheng Ren. He didn't even say kind words like thank you.

  By the time Yuan Li returned, Zheng Ren was already past twelve when he arrived at the cafeteria.

  After dinner, not many people in the cafeteria. Zheng Ren had a meal and found a corner while eating while tasting the new features given to him by the system.

  To the doctor, the function that the system opens to Zheng Ren is really like the unparalleled, unbeatable rhythm.

  "Isn't that Zheng Ren? The patient with cerebral hemorrhage sent in the morning said he found it first."

  "A brain hemorrhage, what is it. As for his non-Chief constitution, I guess I have reached the level of the Great Yin Yang Master."

  "Haha, yeah. Follow Professor Moriyu Ichiro to the stage without learning anything. In the end, all the black pots are on the back. This is really bad luck."

  Several people were eating not far from Zheng Ren. Zheng Ren knew that they were all ICU doctors.

  They did not deliberately keep their voices down, even when talking about Zheng Ren.

  "Meng." A person raised his head, glanced at Zheng Ren's back, and said lightly.

  "Xiao Su is right." The dog leg next to him immediately called 666.

  Zheng Ren heard the voice and knew who was talking.

  Su Yun, Fu's nephew, graduate student of Xiehe Medical University. It is said that I was admitted to a doctoral student that year, but I don't know why he returned to Haicheng.

  Zheng Ren couldn't understand this kind of beautiful and beautiful brain circuit.

  However, they are the second generation of rich. What makes sense is that I ... I can't compare myself.

  As for now, Zheng Ren feels even more incomparable, because he can't compare with himself.

  Su Yun's hair is very long, and her black hair is bright. A strand of broken hair hangs in front of her eyes like bangs, and a pair of big black eyes embellish her white face like a flawless gem.

  At first glance, the impression is that this girl looks so good, she can definitely score 90 points.

  But when I look at it for the second time, a question arises in my heart, and it seems to be a little boy.

  Su Yun's turnaround rate is super high, whether on the street or inside the hospital.

  He is such a person, a little boy who looks better than most girls.

  "Brother Yun, if you are doing surgery, what else is there. It is estimated that it will only be you who set up Professor Senyu this time. There will be no ups and downs in the operation." The doctor said.

  He seems to be very familiar with Brother Yun, without the slightest awkward mood.

  Su Yun took a breath, and the broken hair on his forehead fluttered.

  "Surgery, is there anything good to do." Su Yundao, "Do you know why I didn't do surgery then?"

  "Yes, you were admitted to the doctoral student of Concord Cardiothoracic Surgery Han then. Why not read it?"

  Zheng Ren also had this question. He put his ears up and listened to Su Yun's gossip.

  Su Yun returned to the sea doctor, but the second generation of the doctor was not as simple as sitting and eating.

  "I don't want to trouble the anesthesiologist."

  Ok? What does it have to do with an anesthesiologist? Doctors ICU beside Zheng Ren and Su Yun both gave a stun.

  Su Yun gently lifted the broken hair on his forehead, his eyes were lonely.

  "I have the smartest brain and the most flexible fingers. I was born the best surgeon, but my fate is unfair to me." Su Yun's tone was lonely like snow, like an old man who sees through the world. "Fate was given me peerless face. "



  "I can't hide my face even wearing two layers of sterile masks. Every time the patient is anesthetized before the operation, I need to increase the amount of anesthesia. Some patients don't even give the maximum amount of anesthesia. What do you say to me do surgery? "

  The surrounding air suddenly became quiet and heavy.

  Zheng Ren held a grin in his heart and tried to swallow the meal, for fear that one accidentally sprayed the meal out would not look good.

  "Kekekeke ..." Su Yun's dog legs didn't have such a low lower limit. After a long time, she coughed a few times, and said, "Yunge, I think you're right."

  Zheng Ren continued to forbear, fearing that he would ridicule himself and provoked Su Yun.

  It's not because Su Yun was the nephew of Dean Fu and didn't dare to provoke him. It is because Su Yun is the common male god among the nurses in the hospital. If the nurse knows that he has provoked him, he will be afraid that no one will match with him after surgery.

  As soon as he thought that he was alone and had surgery, even without the equipment nurse, Zheng Ren shuddered.

  what? Hospital arrangements? Nursing department assignment?

  The current little nurses are all post-95s and even post-00s. Anyway, the hospital didn't earn much and lived hard.

  Even the nursing department is unwilling to provoke these little nurses, so their male gods ...

  Zheng Ren eats all the food with three couples and leaves the table immediately.

  Having gone far, Su Yunyou's words floated in his ears again: "How can I look so good."