Chapter forty-three: Layla

Sophia's POV:

The moment we heard the sounds of the bell outside the church, Gelo and his bandmates behind me started to play their instruments. 

Rian and Alex requested me to become their wedding singer, and I gladly accepted it as one of my gift to this very important day of their lives. 

And when I saw their best man, my husband), started to walk towards the altar, that's our cue to start the song. 

**On this day, I promise forever. On this day, I surrender my heart. Here we stand, like I planned, Please say you'll always look at me this way, like on this day...**

The song ended when both Alex and Rian were exactly right in front of the altar. 

I can feel my husband's stares the song started even during the ceremony, but I just pretended oblivious and tried not to look in his direction. 

It's kinda awkward but I have no choice so I just focused my eyes in front of the altar.