Chapter seventy-six: I love her!

Daniel's POV:


I called him the moment I entered the studio. He's in the middle of the dance floor, giving instructions to all his students, but I guess he didn't hear me as he continued talking to them. 


I called him again and this time he turned to me, knitting his eyebrows. Confusion was clearly written on his face as he walked towards my direction. 

"Mr. Kelley." He smiled at me. "If you're looking for----"

"Where is Sophia?"

"That's what I'm going to say before you interrupted me. She's not here and hasn't come back since the day you followed her to the parking lot."

"I need to talk to her."

He sighed and then looked at me straight in the eye. 

"That's what you always say every time you visit here, it's either you want to talk to her or you need to talk to her---

"Craig, please? This is so important and I really need to talk to her."

He chuckled at me.