28. Email

Heaven Restaurant, Jln. Panderman, JAKARTA.


"Thank you for your cooperation!" Kalan greeted his new client, he smiled contentedly as this morning's meeting went smoothly. No matter it's a small or big thing, success is still a success. Kalan never fails to trouble anything.

"Same same, Mr. Kalan. I am honored to be able to work with a large company like SECRET IT. I hope that our cooperation can run smoothly," said Raditya, owner of a food catering company.

"I'll make sure of that," Kalan said with a high level of trust.

Kalan will work with a food catering company to supply food at the Key East building. Kalan intends to build a dining area that can be used by all Key East employees. So there are two canteens in the building and employees do not have to queue anymore. In addition to some cafes and rastaurant, make employees do not have to leave the building to fill the stomach.