
"I think it's simple. Think about it. Before meeting the right woman, what do men usually want? A lot of money, a good career, popularity, dating beautiful women. That's human. The measure of happiness is so wide. It can even extend to the point where I want the world to be within my grasp."

"But when you fall in love, imagine that the world you want to be mine is getting smaller, so small, that it's only centered on one woman. That the measure of your happiness is no longer as big as before, but dwells on small things like: has he eaten? Is he thinking about me today? Is she really that beautiful or is it just me who thinks so? Have I made him happy? Your happiness starts to depend on how happy the woman is. And things will be even simpler if that woman feels the same for you. She is happy because you can be with the person he loves and you are happy because he is happy. Isn't everything so simple?"