
Corporation, Jakarta.

15.32 PM

"My final offer, Zurich." Blue threw his back on the sofa, looking tired and about to explode any minute. Kalan has refused visits to four countries where his company has scheduled routine checks to be carried out directly by Kalan, but the man has refused it outright because of the 'father' syndrome that is attacking him.

"Hyung, you don't understand either?" Kalan patted his secretary on the back before stepping into the AutoChef, ordering a cup of tea and sipping it before sitting across from Biru who was exposing his portable computer screen.

"When will I be able to understand your more complicated thinking than that girl's brain?"

"It's easy as 123." Kalan let out a grin, fiddled with the portable computer in front of him and said casually. "You can use my Amphibithrope and check all five countries in one day."