chapter five

I am going to talk about the most important thing to me today and how it was subverted to the will of politicians and corporate power brokers.

To begin with for those who are not so inclined to hear about the bible truths relax because this is not a lecture on you about how you should live nor would I judge you . If I judge you I judge myself . That is a bible truth, we are not suppose to even speak of such things and certainly not use debauchery to condemn each other. We all are base people whose hearts are inclined toward evil [That is a verse in Gen. when God looked down on and destroyed the tower of Babel. This is why he sacrificed his own Son for our sin as he was the only perfect one]

I have a You tube channel and at the end of this is a comment section I will place a link to it ,there are several videos I made about almost every issue of the now twisted truths. And there is a comment section at the bottom of each video also most of them since they are done in a slide show and you may have to pause and read has more information in the comment section.

With that in mind for you religous ones do not call me a heretic because you don't know the bible and I do. I know for a fact none of the ones teaching the bible or listening to those have ever read more than one book and rely on opinion ,and imagination, teaching tradition and past down forth and seventh century c.e. dark age myth.

And do not accuse me of blasphemy. That means to act as if you are God or Jesus and that is what you do in the churches and religion to prove my point you will say that because I speak against you. You are just a building with people mostly teaching outrageous sun god worldly ideals and teach fleshly knowledge for Spiritual truths.

The Bible truth is all blaphemies and sins will be forgiven to the sons of man, but the one that speaks against the holy Ghost will not be forgiven. Matt. 12:30-32...Mark 2: 28-30...Luke 12 :8-10.

One thing I have had used against myself and compainion of twelve years by her family and mine is we did not get a marraige license from the state or walk down the isle of a church after greasing the preachers palm with some green. I would rather jump the broom like the slaves of old did to form our union than that because of the truths I know about you.

The truth seems to be lost to the hypocritical that the sexual act is the consumation of a marraige and the verse that you try to use against me is the one in 1 Cor. 6:16 where paul tells this to the unmarrried men in the congregation," If you lay with a harlot do you not know you become one with them" and part of that verse has been removed by the counsils of churches who oversee the translations of bibles that said " this pertains to the congregation" or as you call it the church.

So stop putting yourself in danger of the judgement telling us we are going to burn in a non existant hell and leave everyone else alone about their life that is between God and each person. By the way not me or my compainion is a harlot.

You cannot save anyone nor can I because Jesus died for our sins and you are supposed to be spreading that message of love for all who hunger for forgiveness and stop running people away from his great mercy and love by chaining them down with precieved unforgiveness' of a vengeful torture loving God your imaginary self righteous hog wash.

Now I want to talk about how you came to be the bitch of the Overlords of this world in this present time as you went off into the false teachings of Nimrod who is descended from Ham one of Noah's son's.. wife [Ancient queen} Semiramis who was a well spring of false teachings . The very ones Constantine introduced into chritainity .

Constantine was not a pope that is a lie he was a Roman emperor. The popes came along later go look up The concils of Nicaea.

One last thing about Nimrods mother \wife semiramis. Easter was originally a goddess called ishtar a bare breasted fertility godess and the sacrifice of three month old babies blood was used to die eggs in that celebration by some historical accounts.

About your teachings of prosperity and God will Give you all the things of this world{ which Jesus said he did not even pray for but those of God in it] The bible plainly tells you that friendship with the worldy establishments is enemity with God James 4:4 and in 1 Cor.15:23-25 shows what becomes of these institution's.

Jesus had nothing material nor did the apostles. When you know the truth do not be surprised at the fire you come under, all the Apostles were killed except John the revelator . They were crucified, beheaded, and one was skinned alive. One said he was not good enough to be crucifed like Jesuse and had them place himself upside down on the stake. So you are so drunk on the blood of the true Prophets you believe their suffering and torture was for your gain. Time to sober up.

For anyone thirty-five and older they know you never judged another or act like you could tell people Gods thoughts , they knew better thats why we have the written word .This all changed in Regan years with the right wing Christian coalition and the wealth and judgemental enviroment we have today.

All this came from top down for election purposes if you go back and look you see the churches began an all out demonizing of political opponents.And the poor became the target of the wealth transfer lie in order that as the taxes for the wealthy corporations and top percentage went down, and their savings went up while the poor lost everything and the middle started going down. The welfare queen was invented to demonize the poor turn them into the sinners who deserved nothing, Freeloaders.

The top cut interest rates to benifit themselves along with tax cuts and as they propered the rest of society suffered so the top is the real freeloaders they accuse others of being.

There is a lot of information about this welfare queen used by Reagan and Clinton to pass legislation in favor of the top percentage and corporations,I put a lot about her in the book "true meaning" of Rev.

The poor made a great scrape goat. There was no one to protect them most do not vote.

People never took into consideration how the debt was increasing to huge levels along with deficits and money printing was being hidden by the central banks transferring money to each other to a point the known debt is twenty three trillion dollars but the printed bubble we all sit on could be around one hundred trillion. Gregory Mannarino speaks a lot on this

All the social programs including social security come to around one trillion a year today.

Think about it.

You are like a steed ,a work horse who was rode hard and put away wet. As the teaching coming down through the avenues from the top , churches ,religions, Social media , web blogs twisted this world to what it is today. A plac of misery for the many while the portrayers of the lie prosper.

Now we are witnessing around the world the haves going against the have nots.

We do not want that here we want to change it from the inside by educating the people of the evils that are here and now. as Revelations 12:9 tells the true one behind all of this. In " True Meaning" chapter five explains why we should not fight our government.

I know from the past how a lie can be spread on me and how effective the devastation of that can be so I believe the truth can be twice as effective for all learn it become a seeker of it and fight the good fight turn from the insideous message of judgemental hatred and learn the true peace of love .

My book "The True meaning of Revelation has a lot more information on what I have explained to you.

May God and his Son our coming Kings grace and love shine upon you These are whom I serve .

I am vessel.