Meteor Calls

Asmond had integrated exercising his magical energy into his daily training and he had discovered that exhausting all of it, on a daily basis, would cause it to gradually increase the amount he could store. His meditations only seemed to be related to unlocking it and didn't seem to help with its development. His meditations did, however, continue to increase his psychic power, which he needed to expend in order to utilize his magic power.

     So far, it seemed, that as long as he expended the appropriate amount of energy he could conjure up just about any kind of elemental phenomenon. Whether it was water, fire, lightning, darkness, or even steel he could create it with his magic energy.

     Conjuring enough of it to actually be useful, in say combat or building something, required quite a hefty amount of his energy, however. So, despite its versatility, using it for anything other than training at the moment was out of the question.

     Even though he couldn't use his magic for anything practical at the moment, he could still experiment on a smaller scale and the things that were possible were quite impressive. Not only could he conjure up a miniature shadow ball he could even place a small rock in the shadow of a tree and wrap those shadows around it causing it to completely disappear. He could also teleport specks of dirt a couple of inches away.

     Although the scale was still entirely impractical and even a little bit silly, the implications of what he would be able to do later on was almost jaw dropping. How amazing would his power be once he fully grew into it. The more he experimented with his magic the more he realized how important understanding these was in succeeding with it.

     He hypothesized that, even if you didn't know anything about what you were trying to do, you could probably accomplish just about anything with it, as long as you had enough to back it up. However, with a lack of understanding the amount of magic required would exponentially increase to a level of being completely impractical for someone to actually practice it.

     If not for his knowledge of modern science, a similar child with a similar amount of magic wouldn't even be able to practice in the way that he did. His understanding of the world's non magical laws made it easier for his magic to manipulate those laws.

     He still experimented regularly with his magic even though it might very well be a decade or more before he could go around slinging spells the way he imagined himself doing. Even though he had modern scientific knowledge he was no expert and he suspected that he would have to try and fill in the gaps in his knowledge if he wanted to speed up his development. He wasn't sure how he would go about doing that, at the moment, but he had plenty of time so he wasn't worried. 

     Espiria, on the other hand had, had learned most of the basic moves that almost seemed to come natural to her. She knew Teleport, Double Team, Sand Attack, and Quick Attack but most of the psychic attacks didn't seem to strictly translate into this world. It seemed that, like the distribution of Pokemon, their types and abilities followed a more logical progression, as his Father explained to him when he asked. 

     Psychic Type moves and abilities were simply whatever ways in which a Pokemon chose to wield their psychic power. If a Pokemon could assault an enemy with their power in such a way that it confused them, then that ability would be considered a confusion ability. There was no move specifically called confusion or confuse ray.

     The same could be said of normal attacks like Headbutt and Tackle those moves were literally just what they sounded like and were more like moves than abilities. Like the difference between a punch and a ki blast, these normal attacks didn't require any special power to execute. 

     Likewise, Fighting Type Pokemon were all able to use Aura and most Fighting Type abilities were just normal attacks infused with 'Aura, the way that a Fire Punch would just be a punch of any type or intensity infused with fire. Special abilities like Double Team and Quick Attack were generally basic across the board abilities that could be learned and used by any Pokemon and many of them, like Espiria learned these abilities almost instinctively.

     There was certainly loads more information that he still needed to learn about this world but he was lucky that his dad was a Pokemon Trainer so he could at least learn the basics. In regards to information about this world he still needed to learn, he couldn't help but worry about the era that he had been placed in. He didn't think that he was in a modern Pokemon World, because he couldn't see any signs of civilization when he was flying on Altaria. If he was in the past, how far in the past was he. 

     This worried him, primarily because he could remember some pretty terrifying events that happened in the pre storyline history. Some of the more terrifying events these Draconids had been directly caught up in. This didn't sit well with him, since those world shaking events could very easily turn his miraculous blessing of a reincarnation into a short lived nightmare.

     He wasn't entirely certain that he could do anything to help prevent these things from happening, mostly because of his age and he was unsure of the year, but if they did happen he would certainly try to end them as quickly as possible. 

     As he was thinking about this, a thought suddenly occurred to him. 'Wait a minute, I've been wondering all along why I would have magical energy in the Pokemon world and one of the events involving the Draconid People might just explain that very thing. If I recall correctly, 2000 years before the storyline started the entire world overflowed with natural energy and Groudon and Kyogre woke from their slumber and began fighting over this energy. 

     'I don't think it was mentioned why this sudden flood of energy occurred but, if I understand that Pokemon use natural energy to power their moves and having more of it means being more powerful, that would explain their rampaging. If my magic also turns out to be this natural energy, that would explain why it's so versatile and can create all of the elements that Pokemon use.

     'Then again, this also makes my predicament even more horrifying, since I have no idea when this flood happened. Were my meditations really a key in unlocking this energy or did the flood occur the very moment I tapped into this energy. If the flood had already happened, how much longer, until Groudon and Kyogre awaken. If this really is that post natural energy flood timeline, I can only assume that their awakening takes some time or else things would probably already be well out of hand.'

     The more he considered this possibility the more concerned he became that this was the case and that those two monsters would come and rain on his reincarnation parade. 'Dammit! Even though I'm not certain that this is that time period, I have a really bad feeling that my conjectures so far are dead on. Those two could literally pop up at any moment. I have no idea how much time I have, until their arrival.

     'I know that the Draconids were able to stop their rampage by wishing on a meteor but, despite this place's name, not only have I not seen any meteors I also haven't heard anyone speak of them. Even if I knew where one was, is it really as easy as walking up and making your wish? Was there a password or certain language required? All in all, I have absolutely no idea what I could or should do with this information. It absolutely nerve wracking. Fuck! I have to think of something!'

     Asmond continued to panic over his presumed situation, despite having no solid evidence at this time. He knew there was never any mention of magic wielding Wizards in the Pokemon lore and this particular event just fit too perfectly into his current circumstances. 

     'If Groudon and Kyogre rampaged over being able to claim all the excess natural energy, it would make sense that during their rampage the natural energy returned to its previous levels or close to it. The initial increase in this energy might have made it possible for gifted psychics to wield natural energy similar to the way Pokemon do. 

     'Since Pokemon have a biology that is conducive to wielding this energy in a certain way their versatility is limited by their biological makeup. But Humans, who don't have this biological advantage can use natural energy however they please, assuming that the ambient energy levels actually allow for it.

     'That being said, even if there were other psychics at the time who unlocked their own magic, those abilities would have disappeared after that catastrophe's conclusion. This, of course, would have led to there being no records of such occurrences, if they happened at all. Not to mention I don't think they've even invited writing yet.

     'Shit! Shit! Shit! The more I think about it the more convinced I am that this is the pre rampage era. Actually, maybe there is something I can do, assuming that those two party poppers don't show up, before I can actually make a move.'

     *Espiria, where are you? Can you hear me?*

     *I can hear you. I'm just outside our residence. Did you need something?*

     *Yes, and I know this may seem weird but it's absolutely urgent, top priority, that you focus all of your efforts on scouting out the rest of these caves. I know they're really expansive but everything else including training and meditations have to stop, until you can locate a meteor. I'm not even sure that finding it will help but it's the only thing that I can think of that might be helpful. 

     *I also know that you're probably incredibly curious to know what exactly is so urgent about all of this but it's entirely too complicated to explain right now, so you'll just have to trust me. We need a meteor and we need it time yesterday. There's not a second to lose! Please, Espiria go now! Only come back when you need to eat and then immediately resume your search, until it's found!*

     Asmond was right about her being curious and entirely perplexed by this sudden turn of events but she, of course, did trust completely and she could tell he was serious. As such, she immediately pushed her curiosity away and began scouring Meteor Falls, for those sky born rocks that were its namesake.

     Asmond, of course, didn't stop his own training as he was completely useless at the moment, being completely reliant on Espiria to act on his behalf. Although he missed his partner being by his side, pouting and regretting wouldn't get him anywhere. He still had so far to progress and, despite his trepidation concerning the coming catastrophe, he wasn't going to live as if the end was inevitable.

     He knew that the Draconids survived that catastrophe but that didn't ensure his specific survival. Even if all they felt was a small earthquake from Groudon's rampage, his tiny body could easily be killed from some stray ceiling rocks. With this in mind, he not only continued his training but also began thinking of strategies for evading ceiling rocks.

     Nearly six weeks later, his hard working and dedicated partner Espiria finally returned.

     *Asmond, Asmond, Asmond, I found it. A meteor. It's pretty far down and well guarded by the clan but I'm sure it's a meteor!* Espiria informed him excitedly.

     *Yes! Finally! Now we just need a way in. Espiria, can you use your Teleport ability on me or at least bring me with you, when you Teleport?*

     *I think I could do both but taking you with me would be easier while requiring an amount of energy I'm not sure I have and Teleporting you alone would be harder, with less reliable results, but would cost less energy.*

     *Right, so if I were to send some of my energy into you would it help you to be able to perform the simultaneous Teleportation?*

     *Hmmm...I'm not sure but we can try. It sounds like it would work and I have a good feeling about it, assuming that means anything.*

     *Excellent! I'm almost certainly going to get into massive trouble for this but it's better than being crushed by ceiling rocks so I have to at least try. Although if it doesn't work, I have no idea what I'm going to do then. I might just have to weather the storm. Fuck! Stop, stop, stop, don't think about that. Let's just focus on the task at hand.*

     *Ummm, I'm not thinking about that.*

     *Oh, right! Sorry! At some point there I started talking to myself. Anyway let's get going.*

     Asmond followed closely behind Espiria, as they made their way slowly and stealthily towards their destination. They stuck to the shadows and bided their time, waiting for people to pass before moving on. If anyone caught them, they would surely be ushered quickly back to their residence and be punished severely, without having accomplished anything.

     Nearly two hours later, they arrived at the corridor that led to the room holding the meteorite. There were two clansmen each with a Pokemon next to them standing guard near the room's entrance. Asmond leaned against the cave wall and readied himself for the upcoming task.

     *Espiria, are you ready?*

     She nodded at him, with her eyes narrowed, to confirm her resolve. With that nod, Asmond gathered up his psychic energy and began pouring it into Espiria. A few seconds later, once Espiria was certain she had the necessary energy, she activated the simultaneous Teleportation.

     One second they were at the end of the corridor and the next they had arrived completely undetected in the Meteor Room.

     Asmond had spent plenty of time thinking over how he would he would proceed, once he was in front of the meteor, but every path forward seemed so ridiculously easy he felt like it must be impossible. The idea that you could just walk up to a stray rock, make a wish, and it would happen, what kind of cheat was that. 

     Even if these meteors were incredibly rare, it was all just a bit too much. There had to be some kind of limits, right? If there were limits, he had no way of discovering what they were, before making his wish. No matter how much he agonized over this point, in the end there was only one wish he could bring himself to make.

     He very likely would only get one chance at this and, if he blew it, who knows how long he would have to endure Groudon and Kyogre's rampage. With these thoughts in mind, he reached out and placed a hand on the meteor and made the only wish he could.