Murderers And Coffins

She glared at the plate and huffed resignedly, F*ck manners! F*ck Etiquettes and f*ck her nanny lessons!

Su Qianwei looked at the enticing delights and bend her head, her hairs joined the search party for food too. She had to jerk her head from time to time to not let her hair fall in the food.

It was humiliating!

After a whole day of suffering, they were greasy and in a desperate need of a wash.

But God didn't save her from that crazy f*cker to die of starvation in the name of etiquettes and manners! So Su Qianwei shrugged off the fact!

After several failed attempt she finally caught two egg quarters in her mouth. The pepper and salt that was in the eggs made her nose itchy and she knew she was going to sneeze.

She at once turned her face away from her food, she couldn't afford to spoil the only fuel her body was receiving after a near-death experience!