Wild Beasts Whims

"So does this ticking bomb that you have oh-so-generously punctured in my skin means that I can do anything I want and go anywhere I want?" Siu Qianwei tailed after an annoyed Yu Wang, who was walking down to the fridge in the kitchen.

The house was so well-maintained that Su Qainwei could feel homey in it. It wasn't anything catchy or flashy, she had seen all her life. It was just familiar and calm. The forest outside must have something to do with it...

She was keeping a safe distance between them to not act as pushy. Who knew maybe if this boisterous man got annoyed by her antics, he may bind her by a chair again!

Yu Wang took out an apple and then exhaled his rage as to not burst. He was trying his best to avoid the living, talking, walking evidence of the biggest blunder of his life but the cunning woman didn't know what is good for her.