Tug Of War

She read it and considered all the clauses for loopholes but it was very elaborate, either his lawyers were very good at their jobs or he was a damn conniving bastard.

In any way, she had nothing to be wary about. She took the pen the Butler handed and signed. She kept the file on the tray and walked past him.

Before she could take further than three steps the Butler invaded the exit. Lei Xinyi narrowed her eyes threateningly at him.

He extended his phone at her; she eyed it with confusion, "Madam Lei, Young Master wishes to have a word with you." His voice was respectful but the underlying irritation was no mystery.

Her frustration was fueled by the lack of control she had over her life. Finally, in a long run, a man had taken the reigns of her life. It was like he was leading her life, to Eden or Abyss.