The Explosive Piercing

"Go to the Mansion." He commanded with a quiet domineering voice.

The driver was shocked for a second before he curtly affirmed. His Master hadn't gone to the Mansion since Miss Lu left the Mansion. It was like he was hoping she was still there and his not looking was just keeping the thought alive.

It was late so there were no servants around as he hadn't clued-up any of them that he was arriving. The Magnificient Mansion was eerily quiet as if the silence was whispering. He could feel the loneliness of the deserted place seeping into him.

He didn't know why he came here, he didn't come here often even before she shifted away. It was too big for one occupant to wander alone. He was clueless as to why he came here, maybe for a rude awakening so that he would move on from her.

Or maybe because there was the thought that she was there once and being here may highlight the times when they were together. May be being there he could relive those memories.