Dissecting Subject: Yu Youhan

"You know, I always thought he was going to get a surrogate to give him an heir with specification about the color hairs he wanted with features and all. Freak-show!"

Su Qing had always thought like that about her off-and-on boyfriend's elder brother. He was too rigid and strict to be a lover or even a father. Usually, when you looked at him, you can see the stick that was too far in his as* sticking out, on several occasions.

And the placidness on his face told you 'Stay away I am a square!'. Despite his being an eye-candy neither Lei Xinyi nor Su Qing ever had a crush on him.

Lei Xinyi took another spoon of the pastries. This is what she liked about training with Li Yuan, no matter what she shoves in her mouth she wasn't getting fat.