The Silver Pearl Auction (1)

Even if Mrs. Tang was disappointed with her daughter, she was still first and foremost a mother. Hence, hearing the words that came from her daughter's mouth, she was sympathetic and listened more.

Her daughter explained the numerous jobs she had to take in order to have some money for the rent, bills, school and food. As she had completely cut off the family in order to be an art major, she didn't have spending allowance either, so she had to earn everything on her own.

Tang Lian noticed her mother's stern expression turning softer—albeit by a small degree—and her eyes glinted. It seems like her words were a success.

Yes she did suffer, but not to the point where she would walk over her pride and come crawling back like she did now. Her multiple jobs were a reminder that she was pursuing something she loved, so she had to suffer in order to get what she wanted.

Plus, working multiple jobs allowed her to build an endurance, at least in her previous life. In this one, she had only been working for two months, so her body hadn't adjusted fully. Hence, her pale face and obvious fatigue helped emphasize her distress and her mother found her words more believable.

"And this is why we always told you that the family business was the best route for your future." Her mother's condescension didn't escape her ears and she only nodded, albeit unwilling.

"Yes, both of you were right." Her mother noticed how obedient her daughter was being, getting somewhat suspicious.

"Xiao Lian—" Before Mrs. Tang had the chance to speak, footsteps interrupted her and they both turned to the source. Mr. Tang appeared, coldness flashing in his eyes when he looked at Tang Lian.

"What is she doing here?"

Seeing the cold attitude by her father, Tang Lian felt nothing but sympathy for herself. In the eyes of her parents, she was in the wrong for wanting to escape their control.

Her heart had already been numb, so no matter how much her father was disappointed with her, she didn't let it get to her.

"Xiao Lian is here to apologize." Mrs. Tang said, attempting to diffuse the chilling atmosphere surrounding her husband.

"Humph! This brat walked out and said she would never be back so she can do what she 'loved' and you expect me to believe she is back to apologize?" Mr. Tang glared at his daughter. "Not only did you embarrassing the family, but to come crawling back so soon? No daughter of mine should be so cowardly! You've been used to the luxury for too long."

Every insult he threw at her went past her ear. In all of the honesty she could muster, she didn't care for their opinions of her. She hadn't cared for the past four years, so why should she care now?

He turned to walk away, but he suddenly heard the sound of someone dropping to the floor. "Father, forgive me please. I've been foolish and my childish antics had left to harbor rebellious intent. I promise I won't do it anymore."

Her eyes swarmed with tears—which were the product of pinching her thigh—and Mr. Tang's eyes softened.

His scowl didn't dissipate from his face, but he did speak less harshly. "Fine. I will give you a chance to prove yourself. Go represent the Tang family in the auction for the Silver Pearl."

The family business her father kept mentioning was a jewelry company: Tang Jewelers.

Yes they crafted their own jewels and were famous for their jewels, but the Silver Pearl was a small yet extremely valuable pearl that was capable of selling for millions of dollars. And the Silver Pearl was a pearl that appeared every century, so that added to its value.

If they got their hands on it, they would be able to make it either a necklace or a bracelet and sell it for much more than it's value. Hence, this auction was highly important to her family.

From what Tang Lian remembered in her past life, this auction had actually ended up in the news because of how scandalous it ended up being.

Yes, her family did end up winning the Silver Pearl, but they had lost a fortune because it was a fake. It was a huge blow to the business, dropping them an entire tier. In the following four years, Tang Lian didn't remember that her family ever recovered from the loss since they spent so much to acquire such a valuable pearl.

Since her father was sending her to the auction on their behalf, then she would make sure to not acquire any losses.

No, she was not doing this for her father nor the Tang family. She was doing this for herself. Not only would this get her a foothold in the Tang family and once again be the biggest contender for the heiress position, but it would also allow her previous record to be forgiven.

In reality, she didn't want the heiress position nor did she want to be acquitted with the Tang family. However, she needed their resources and their power. Most importantly, she needed their money.

And to make the auction even better, she was sure that 'he' was going to be there. And what better way to start her revival than to befriend 'him'?