

Sigyn ignoring Selene turned her attention back to the soldiers who were headed their way.

"Grani, get ready."

Grani hopping up, ran over to Sigyn,- "I'm reading Mistress."

Sigyn bent down patting his little head,- "Mn, you're a good boy, and I'm sorry that you have to fight, but honestly I"m still not ready to willingly take lives myself yet, it's all so sad, why do we have to fight Grani?" She asked hugging him.

Grani- "Don't worry Mistress, I will protect you."

Selene rolled her eyes,- "You're thinking too much, there is always something that has to die for something else to live."

Sigyn shook her head,- "It doesn't make it any less sad, you know you kind of remind me of Hela," she said thinking that their personalities didn't seem that far off and even had similar enough looks.

"Oh, sounds like quite the lady, I'll look forward to meeting her in the future," said Selene intrigued.

"I wish you could." Sigyn softly said under her breath rather sadly as she wiped a stray tear. Hearing the soldiers getting closer she slapped her cheeks to wake herself up,- "Alright Sigyn, we can do this, Grani are you ready?" She asked again.

Grani- "Always Mistress."

"Then I'll just give you a bit of a boost, so you can reach your full height faster." She said placing her glowing green hands on him, turning him back into a giant in a flash as Grani's form erupted to his full 60' height with a beastly roar.

Since Sigyn didn't want to talk about it, Selene also turned her focus to the incoming men who now cowered upon seeing the giant monster, unsure of what they should do, whether to fight or flee.

Spotting a well-designed armored man in the back on a white horse urging his men forward, shouting kill the demons. Flashbacks surfaced of Selene's earlier years where she once heard such trash, now she will gladly fulfill their wishes.

With a wave of her hand, she used a bit of magic to close the holes on her black leather attire while grabbing the bladeless hilts clipped into the sides of her waist. One in each hand, she flicked them out as they turned into finely crafted twin thin blades. Eyes glowing red she rushed forward with a magnificent grin knowing that she wouldn't even break a sweat with how much life force Theoric just recently gave her.

The closest men charged forward seeing one weak-looking woman with demon eyes, intending to slay her quickly so they could help with the giant only for her form to disappear and reappear right in the middle of them as each of their heads fell off showering her in blood.

With a demonic grin, she licked the blood spray off her face as she turned to the next fearful group,- "Don't be afraid, come and give me more," She said laughing.

"Demon!" "Stay back Demon!" "Kill the Demon!"

Grani meanwhile was squashing the fleeing soldiers when they realized they couldn't hope to harm him as their blades either bounced or broke upon his scales. While Sigyn hid behind the root wall she created, unnoticed by the rest as she watched on, waiting to heal if either of them got hurt.

Seeing the monster grow three times the size he was in the labyrinth, King Minos knew things were bad as he ordered the ballistae to fire. Over a dozen shot off, each one spot on hitting the giant green monster only for the bolts to splinter upon impact resulting in no damage as it just took a couple of steps back from the resulting force before continuing its rampage.

Out of options, unable to even harm the creature, the soldiers quickly lost their will to fight as they began a full retreat. No amount of words could stop them now as the King looked on helplessly.

Because of how useless it was to fight the monster, the King turned his attention to the other side, watching as the demon woman tore through his men like a hot knife through butter, leaving a trail of bodies behind wherever she moved.

Wondering where Talus was, he clenched his javelin tightly cursing his luck at having a bunch of freaks pop out of nowhere and attack his island.

Knowing the gods would no longer help him after he betrayed Posiden and squandered his father's gifts, he could only look on helplessly as his empire crumbled around him.

But his pride wouldn't allow him to go down without a fight, seeing the bloody woman approach, he called out,- "You think you can come to my island and do as you please, WELL THINK AGAIN!" He shouted as he hurled the javelin at her.

Seeing the incoming projectile, Selene increased her speed to dodge it only to see that every time she increased her speed, the javelin's speed would also increase. Eyes widening slightly, she increased her speed faster and faster with no luck as the javelin inched ever closer to her skull.

Until finally, it connected with a loud 'Boom' as one minute they were just in front of the king, and in the next, she and the javelin were all the way at another mountain range as it blasted away her head into nothingness.

Not knowing what happened, he stuck out his hand calling back the weapon, confident that it didn't miss as the weapon reappeared in his hands.- "One demon down, one to go," he said looking at the giant green monster before him.

Grani unaware of the threat was enjoying the chase as he stomped on the fleeing men, snatching them up one at a time and flinging them into others as he roared out loud. The ballista shots barely slowing him as he flattened the army beneath him.

King Minos scowled as he readied his javelin, aiming for its head, he threw it with all his might.

Grani suddenly froze as he felt a sharp pain rip through his head. Stepping back he began to wail in agony as a concerned Sigyn rushed from behind cover wondering what was wrong.

Calling back his weapon, he spotted the new arrival as he turned his weapon towards her, aware of the fact it would take many more throws to kill a monster so big.