
Theoric vs Talus

Flying by the army, Theoric headed straight for the docks hoping he would make it in time before anything bad happened.

Hearing Lydia screaming out Nina's name in distress spurred him on as he sped forward.

Seeing Nina's dangling body in the hand of the unknown creature, he angrily continued forward slamming into the Bronze colored Eagleman with his fist, catching it off guard as it stared down at Lydia, sending it flying away and freeing Nina who he wrapped up in energy so she wouldn't fall.

Noticing it already righting itself and heading back, he gently lowered Nina down to Lydia who he lifted back onto dry land,- "Keep her safe, I'll deal with this, I've healed what I could, she'll be fine for now."

Lydia quickly responded,- "Theo, that thing isn't normal, none of our powers worked on it, not even Nina's!"

Theoric glanced at her,- "Hm, okay I understand, stay safe," he said thinking about how it was cold and hard to the touch, already getting an idea of what it was as he braced himself for the charge.

Dodging last minute, he maneuvered himself around the mace-wielding foe, firing an energy hammer into its back, sending it flying yet again as he gave himself time to think about what he was up against.

He got little time to do it though as it came back around swinging for his head which he blocked pulling out his black two-handed Asgardian sword.

Clashing midair it became clear he was at a disadvantage as he was pushed back, swing for swing.

Doing a spinning move, Talus swung hard, knocking away Theoric's sword as its sharp wings came around slicing at his head, just grazing his cheek as he pulled back, easily slicing through his barrier.

Theoric then leaned back in attacking hard with his sword straight down, hitting the blocking mace with enough force to knock it down a few pegs. He then formed dozens of energy swords around them, shooting them from every direction so he wouldn't miss his mark, only for them to shatter upon impact as he pummeled it around in the air but otherwise left unharmed by the assault.

Waiting for an opening, Theoric dived in and sliced at the exposed wings in an attempt to slice something off, but metal hit metal sparking as his weapon bounced off.

Thinking he made a mistake going for the wings, believing them at first to be the weakest, he tried again with the body, clashing furiously with the Eagleman, sword against mace, as he searched for a way past its defense.

Finally, he got his chance when it tried another flashy attack as it attempted a front flip kick, aiming to bring its heel down onto Theoric's head, but he was more than ready. Right, when the foot was at its peak, he sent energy hands to hold it in place, stopping it from gaining any momentum as it now hung upside down in the air at his mercy as he lifted it slightly to keep it from freeing itself with its mace.

Taking his sword in batting position, he aimed and swung with all his might, straight at the now exposed body.

With a loud crack, he hit it away, breaking the hand holding it as it crashed into the surrounding buildings, causing those still hiding inside to scream in terror as half their homes and businesses collapsed.

Looking at his sword, he inspected it for any damage finding only superficial chipping before heading after it, hoping he caused some damage.

Frowning when he saw it pop back up with minor cracking around where his hit landed, it certainly was durable.

Getting ready for another round, Theoric was surprised to see it flee, before realizing the direction it was heading in.

Speeding after it, he yelled,- "No you don't, get back here and fight me!" He said trying to get it focused back on him, but it was no use, someone from the battle must have called it back.

Unable to catch it, he did his best to keep pace as they approached the battle, Grani still stomping people as the Bronze automaton flew towards the opposite area, where Selene was.

Theoric calling out when she came into view,- "Watch out, it's coming for you!"

Selene seeing the unique Bronze Eagleman heading her way just after killing the king, instantly put two and two together, raising the javelin she took aim at the creature and threw it,

The javelin flew straight and true, colliding into the creature's chest, blasting apart the weapon and a portion of the bronze chest as it fell to the ground below unmoving.

Shocked at how easily Selene took care of it, he flew over and asked,- "What was that?"

Selene grinned,- "I'm just that good," she said giggling at seeing his unamused face.

"I'm just joking, maybe if I was at my prime, but it wasn't me, I killed a son of Zeus and took his gifted weapon which I used on that thing which I assume is also a gifted weapon, so yeah that happened, better keep an eye to the skies in case lightning starts to rumble and Zeus decides to descend."

Theoric feeling a bit better after hearing that, and a little concerned didn't miss the part where she said in her prime, either she's a lot older than she let on, which is possible considering she's a vampire or she's injured which he didn't see when he was using his healing on her.

"What?" She asked seeing him give her a look.

Wondering just how old she was, Theoric almost asked when he glanced to the side and saw Talus stand back up with a chunk of its chest missing.

Surprised, Theoric griped,- "Oh come on, how are you still alive?" Looking over at Selene, he asked,- "You wouldn't happen to have any more of those weapons now would you?"

Selene shook her head,- "Afraid not."

He sighed,- "Guess it's the hard way then, I'll take it from here."

"Are you sure, I could help?"

"Yeah I'm sure, we have unfinished business," he said right before he charged at it, cursing when they clashed again,- "Damn, you're not even weakened after that, guess I'll aim at your missing bits and see if I can carve more of you away," he said taking another swing.

Since he was fine, Selene went back to hunting down the rest of the army, draining some here and there despite her earlier thoughts of not needing to anymore. Why give up a good thing when you can take it, plus she needed to make up for having her head blown off.

The main reason she didn't drain the King earlier was that he was a son of Zeus. While she wasn't sure if Zeus cared or not, she didn't want to risk it by having his son's very life force absorbed into her, in case he could track it or something. She was certain that Zeus wouldn't take kindly to someone who killed his son even if he doesn't go out of his way to right it, he would at the very least smite them if they ever met, and she wasn't ready to face someone that powerful yet.


Theoric formed an energy shield on his left, blocking the mace swing as it smacked down shattering most of it. Morphing the remaining portions into a hand, he grabbed the mace holding it in place while thrusting his sword towards Talus's injured chest. Seeing a wing come in from the right, he formed another shield but it easily sliced through forcing him to redirect his attack so his arms wouldn't get sliced off, deflecting the wing-back before sending a sidekick to the exposed midsection.

Holding onto the mace, Talus maintained its standing position as it planted its feet in the ground, cracking the earth as it pushed off trying to regain its air superiority, using its wings to actually flap in an attempt to pull the mace away from the energy hand's grasp.

Theoric had other plans however as he put more power into it and started creeping it up the handle, at the same time he wrapped his sword in energy and threw it towards the damaged chest which Talus tried to dodge, but as it moved out of the way so to did the sword move as Theoric controlled it, keeping it on target as it pierced straight into the weakened left chest area and out the other side.

Unhappy at the little reaction he got from it before he hurriedly called back the sword when he saw it drop the mace and reach for his weapon.

Seeing his sword safely returning, he turned his attention to the mace thinking Talus had a good idea as he also pulled it over as well, intending to use its own weapon against it, if anything could put the hurt on it then its weapon surely could.

Growing complacent since Talus has mostly been a nuisance rather than a threat, he somehow failed to notice it following right behind the sword at full speed, slamming into him as he dropped both weapons and got carried away, having his back slammed into multiple objects along the way, including trees, boulders, and mountains at full force trying its best to eliminate the threat.

Getting the wind knocked out of him was probably the worst part as he tried to get his diaphragm working again. Cheating with a bit of healing power, he took a deep breath of fresh air, right when he got slammed into another tree, coughing out dust and debris as he started thinking of a way to stop it now.

Powering up, he was just about to do something when he was pushed into the ground and dragged along the remainder of the way to the edge of the island where it took him underwater.

Realizing it was now trying to drown him after failing to hurt him up above, Theoric condensed as much energy as he could into a very sharp dagger and began stabbing its back trying to finish slicing it in half, slowly chipping away at its weakened parts as they went ever deeper.

Getting nowhere fast, he was just about to give up and try something else when he hit something that shook it. Pulling his dagger out he stabbed down again in the same area causing it to shake uncontrollably as golden ichor bled into the waters. Feeling it weaken, he pulled free from its grasp intending to fight it out only to see it sink below having bled out from its one vein.

Having the same scene play out all over again made it kind of eerie as he turned to leave, he was growing tired of being in the water, yet he still had much more water traveling to do.