
Sersi (18+)

Theoric went up the stairs, up and around to a nice open entrance, a wide inner outdoor area with marbled support columns, and a nice balcony view of the colorful island.

There was a lovely table set up with plenty of fruits and vegetables to choose from and other edibles he couldn't easily identify, and plenty of seating areas decorated with many colorful pillows so wherever one went they would be as comfortable as could be.

"This is quite the nice setup you have, is it just you here?" He asked walking to the table, taking a bite out of a peach.

"Sadly, yes, but unlike the other denizens, I was not sent here by anyone, I came to hide, come let's find a nice place to sit," she said leading him to a large comfy couch.

Taking a seat, Theoric draped his arm over the backside as he faced her, taking another bite.

Seeing a drop of juice on the corner of his mouth, she reached out,- "Looks like you got a little something, here let me," she said wiping it with her finger, before seductively bringing it back to her mouth to suck on, causing him to gulp, swallowing what he was chewing.

"Tell me about yourself, Theo, what's a big strong man like you doing here? What are you looking for?" she asked while playfully running her finger along his arm, not at all shy about using his nickname.

"Sure, but then you'll have to tell me why you're hiding here," he said looking into her eyes.

She sighed,- "Then let us not talk about such things now, how about I start entertaining you as I promised," she said getting up, wishing to keep the good vibes going.


Standing in front of him she began a slow lovely dance, calmly stripping her clothes piece by piece in front of him.

He almost dropped the peach, not believing his luck at finding another beauty willing to just drop it at the first meeting, he had to remember to thank Gaea once again when he saw her.

Trying to stay humble and not let it go to his head, he tried to recall the extenuating circumstances, like how Thetis only wanted a deal and this was just a very lonely woman who hadn't had a man in a while. These thoughts, however, soon left him as he was entranced by the provocative dance in front of him.

Composing himself, he took another bite as he stared at the naked beauty, his eyes roaming every inch of the natural artwork in front of him, trying to take it all in as he watched the alluring dance.

A little disappointed at how well he maintained himself, she upped the charm as she moved towards him, and started dancing right in front of him, and then on him.

He wondered if this was the first lap dance in history.

Dropping the peach, he pulled her to him as he took her lips rolling her back down on the couch as he mauled her with his mouth, moving down to taste her breasts before rising to his feet.

"Now it's my turn to strip for you," he said, stripping off his gear and clothes awkwardly, light-years in comparison to her but it still served its purpose as she was thoroughly riled up thanks to having him on her earlier, she couldn't wait for more.

Playing with her pussy with one hand while the other rubbed her breast, pinching her nipple,- "Hurry, I need you now," she moaned.

"Damn, aren't you a horney slut," he said stripping the last of his clothes,- "A very horney slut," he said after feeling his 2nd dick waiting to be used.

"Allow me," he said moving her hand out of the way as he got on his knees, draping her legs over his shoulders.

Confused at what he was intending,- "What are you doinggggg?" She asked, losing focus as his tongue worked its magic. In all her years she never once had someone go down on her before and she's been around the block.

Her hands going through his hair as he worked her, bringing her to the edge,- "Wait, ah, wait, it's, too soon," she said trying to push him away, only for him to clamp down on her hips, preventing her from getting away.

"Nn, nn, nooooo," she moaned, grabbing his hair, arching her back. Getting off for the first time in her life before the man.

He continued to eat her out long after causing her legs to shake as she was racked with pleasure.

Finishing, he stood up spreading her legs as he positioned himself, one at each entrance. Surprising Sersi once again from the familiar feeling, but never from a single man before. She didn't have time to fully process it though as Theoric pierced her causing another moan to escape her mouth as she felt herself get completely stuffed.

Thrusting fast and hard, he hurried to finish a round before the other girls arrived, quickly bringing her to another orgasm as he spilled his seed inside.

Giving the gasping woman a break, he moved her around so he could get on the couch while still inside her. He then started to slowly thrust again as he leaned over to suck her breasts until she was ready for more as he moved up, taking her lips, his tongue invading her mouth.

"Ready for more?" He asked.

The question ringing in her head, woke her up as she realized what just happened. For the first time, a man took her to the brink in a matter of minutes, something she wasn't prepared for. Flushed with shame at having been outdone by a man, she took his lips again rolling him over as she sat up, moving her hands back to double-check the feeling in her ass while looking at the one already in her front.

Grinning, she said,- "Well isn't this a lovely surprise, you'll need to tell me what you are after this," she said rocking her hips back and forth, stimulating him.

Smirking, he asked,- "Why? So you can find another?"

"Why would I need another if I have you," She said moving her hips in even more stimulating ways making him grunt in pleasure.

It soon became apparent how skilled she truly was as time went on, her every move and touch was superb, to say the least.

She knew just what to do and when to do it, the way she leaned forward at just the right moment to kiss or to let him taste her breasts while not forgetting to move that ass up and down, which he squeezed happily as her inner walls did to his members. It wasn't long before she had him right where she wanted him, each move more tantalizing than the last, wishing him to surrender, to release, and he did as he flooded her insides once more.

A little surprised to see he was still hard she slipped off of him, kissing her way down between his legs where she began working his rod and balls with her skilled mouth and hands, not worry about the 2nd one that seemed to come and go when needed. Her tongue gliding along the shaft and around the head before swallowing it whole, liking how deliciously perfect it was. She soon had him squirming under her experienced touch, giving him the best head of his life, second only to Gaea.

The closer he grew, the faster her head bobbed up and down, right until the end when she deep throated him, taking it all straight down her throat as he let loose once again, tickling his balls with her tongue as if begging them to give more, not missing a drop as she drank it all, sucking him dry.

It was his turn to gasp in euphoria as she kissed her way back up to his mouth, where they had another steamy make-out session.

Hand moving down she was happy to find his rod hardening once again. Maintaining the kiss she gently stroked him back to full mass.

"Damn girl, you know all the right moves," he said looking up at her smiling when she broke the kiss. Bringing his hand up he combed her hair out of the way, admiring her beauty.

"You are exquisite. you know that" he said causing her to smile,- "These lips," he said kissing her,- "These tits," he said squeezing them,- "This ass," he said grabbing it before rolling her over.

Under him, she grinned,- "These can all be yours so long as you stay here with me."

Theoric was beginning to wonder where the girls were so he contacted Sigyn with the ring as he distracted Sersi with a kiss moving his hand down to rub her,- 'Honey, where are you? You're missing some fine tits.'

The yellow bunny that was hopping along to the staircase suddenly stopped as the other animals paused wondering what she was doing,- 'Theo! Theo, is that you? Oh my gosh, I didn't think I could use this as a bunny, oh my gosh, Theo, you won't believe it, but we've all been turned into animals! I'm a cute little yellow bunny!'

Theoric paused his actions taken aback by what he heard causing Sersi to ask,- "What's wrong?"

Looking down at the sexy nude woman in front of him, he sighed, before grinning,- "Nothing," he said as he moved down to take a breast, nibbling slightly as he increased his hand speed down below to warm her up for another round.

Getting back to Sigyn once he heard Sersi moaning again,- 'Tell me what happened.'

Sigyn,- 'I'm not sure what happened, we were just admiring the flowers when we turned, and then a little while later Nina came and turned into a ferret and is now leading us back to you, I think.'

Theoric moving his rods into position, asked,- 'Could it be the flowers?'

Sigyn- 'I don't know, maybe.'

Theoric now thrusting into an oblivious Sersi who was just enjoying the ride this time around, getting a little distracted by the bouncing tits, before asking,- 'Ah, um, was Nina near the flower when she turned?'

'Theo! Are you doing it while we're talking?' Sigyn asked as she paused her hopping again with an open surprised bunny mouth, not believing he would continue in this situation.

Theoric unable to resist leaned over to capture one pulling it up with a sucking sound as he gave another hard thrust,- 'um, ah... maybe, don't tell me you wouldn't, I know you, now tell me if Nina was near them when she turned, while I take care of this,' he said thrusting hard again, causing another loud moan from Sersi.

If bunnies could blush she would be as she started hopping forward once more when Nina the ferret started tugging at her again,- 'That's neither here nor there, and as for Nina, I don't think she was, and from how frantic she seems in leading us, maybe she knows what did it, we're just coming up to some stairs, oh yeah and now that I think about it, the flowers won't harm me, I would know.'

"Well that's a shame," he accidentally said out loud, as he slowed his thrusts.

"What's a shame?" Sersi asked.

Looking down at her, he asked,- "What do you think of my other women?"

Sersi frowned for a split second before catching herself,- "I don't think anything yet, I don't know them," she neutrally said before continuing,- "But aren't we having a good time, let's not think about them right now and get back to it, we can worry about them later," she said bouncing her hips, trying to get him going again.

"Are you not interested in getting to know them? I was hoping they would come to join us, but they haven't arrived yet."

Sersi got up on her elbows staring at him,- "Why do you need them, can't you just be satisfied with me?" She asked.

Getting everything he needed, Theoric sighed,- "Sure, let's continue," he said indifferently, not that Sersi noticed as she got the answer she was hoping for, laying back down as he began picking up the pace again, thrusting nice and hard.

Picking her up he started humping the excited Sersi in the air as he brought her out to the balcony where he put her on the cold hard ground much to her disapproval.

"What, why here?" She asked.

Theoric smirked,- "I can be a bit of a sadist," he said bending her legs back over her head as he stood up and began pounding her hard into the ground,- "Tell me you can take it bitch, tell me you want it!" He grunted

Bewildered at first by the change, it wasn't long before she was getting into it,- "Ah, Ah, Ah, give it to me, make this dirty bitch yours, ah, ah, yes, ah, that's it, give it to me." It would take more than that to throw her off.

Theoric wasn't done yet as he gave her nipples a hard twist, causing her to loudly moan.

"I love the way you squeeze me when I twist your nipples," He grinned as he increased the pace substantially.

Hard smacking sounds echoed out as flesh met flesh, sloshing sounds could be heard as she gushed with each thrust, put into an endless orgasm as he repeatedly hit her g spot without stopping.

On the verge of blacking out, she found herself wanting to tap out, she couldn't believe it. This man was just too much, how is he still going at this pace, and still increasing it,- "No more, please, no more," she just managed to say, leaving her mouth hanging open as her eyes rolled back.

Sigyn nearing the end of the stairs, contacted Theoric again,- 'Theo, we're just about to reach the top.'

Hearing Sigyn, he finally let himself go releasing everything he built up, filling Sersi to the brim, spilling out as she experienced another earth-shaking orgasm.

Letting her legs back down, he stayed inside her as she laid there unconscious, looking over to the animals who just made it to the top.

Turning back to Sersi, he shook her awake, slapping her a little- "Wake up." he said over her while maintaining his position inside her, much to the chittering animal's complaints.

Except for Sigyn,- 'Theo, she's gorgeous, don't mind if I do,' she said hopping over upon spotting a delicious-looking nub.

Sersi not noticing the animals woke up and kissed him,- "That was the most amazing sex I've ever had."

Theoric couldn't help but smirk as he grabbed her chin and turned it towards the animals,- "Why don't you tell me about that."

Seeing Sersi's eyes widen slightly and moving her hands, Theoric wasted no time in subduing them above her head and then kissing her when she began chanting so he could interrupt the cast.

Pulling her bottom lip with his teeth he warned,- "Don't do that again, and just tell me why you did this."

Sersi furrowed her brows,- "Why do you need so many, I'm better than any of them, just stay with... Ahhhouch," She said as they both looked down to see a happy little bunny chewing on her exposed nipple.

"Why you little, ouch, hey, ouch, stop that," she yelped.

Theoric grinned,- "Don't worry about that, let her have her fun, or better yet, turn her back and I promise it'll feel better." he said chuckling.

Sersi snorted,- "How about you stay here and we have rabbit for dinner."

Theoric suddenly snapped and grabbed her throat, squeezing as he stared into her wide eyes as she gasped for air.

'Theo, no, we still need her." Sigyn exclaimed hopping up in front of him.

Releasing her with a snarl, he pointed at the coughing woman,- "Your stepping on dangerous ground, let that be your one and only warning, I'm confident in finding other ways to save them if you're unwilling."

Realizing she overstepped, Sersi apologized,- "I'm sorry, I was only kidding, I"m actually a vegetarian, mostly."

Theoric sighed,- "Why did you do this?" He asked.

Sersi looked away,- "I was lonely for some male companionship, and then the first one I find who happens to check all the boxes has other women around him, I wanted you all for myself."

Taking himself out of her with a plop, she had another mini spasm at suddenly being empty and then another when her inside's began to empty the excess fluid.

Theoric then enclosed the area in a barrier cutting her off from the outside.

Regaining her composure Sersi sat up, magicking herself clean, instantly recognizing that she couldn't refill what she just used. She couldn't access magic anymore as she looked around at the barrier she was in.

"You cut me off, I can't believe you cut me off," she said a little frightened at the discovery,- "How do you expect me to turn them back without magic?" She asked.

Rounding up the animals, he brought them over to the couch while he thought about what to do,- "Guess you need to convince me you can be trusted, otherwise you'll rot in there."

Sersi not amused, snorted,- "How's this for trust," she said lifting a glowing finger as she channeled her powers into it, piercing right through the barrier with her touch, and then vanishing from sight and reappearing outside the barrier.

He didn't act to stop her wishing to see how strong his barriers were and what needed improving but stiffened at seeing her disappear, he controlled his urge to try and place her back in and strengthen it so she wouldn't be able to do that again when she popped back up just outside.

Sersi calmly explained,- "I could have gone anywhere, but I'm still here."

"True, so why didn't you?" He asked.

She widely grinned,- "Now how can I let the man who gave me the best time of my life in quite a while, down, I only wish I met you sooner and kept you to myself," she sadly said,- "Are you sure you want them back, am I not enough?" She asked posing her naked body, giving it one last shot.

Theoric didn't hesitate to drink it all in,- "As tempting as it is, and it is tempting, like you said, you're a tad too late, I've already met the love of my life, and don't plan on giving her up for anyone, but you're free to join us if you want, I can promise to love you just as much as any of the rest that joins."

Saddened, she magics her clothes back on before waving her hand over the others, turning them back.

Sersi,- "I'm not interested in other women, so I'll have to pass, but my doors will always be open to you."