
Gaea (18+)

Giving her ass one last squeeze as they kissed, he brought them around pulling open her dress, freeing the suffocating prize inside as her enormous tits spilled out into his waiting hands.

Finding the hardening nubs, he pinched them causing her to moan into his mouth as their tongues battled one last time before he pulled away from the giggling woman who knew what he wanted most as his lips found her nipples.

Her hands pulling his head closer as his tongue circled around her areola, flicking the nipple back and forth while his free hand worked the other, pinching and pulling, molding her breast to his will.

"Yes, Ah, I've missed this, I knew you couldn't wait much longer to get hands-on them or should I say mouth," she laughed as he started sucking out her milk with abandoned. "Mmmm," she purred as she closed her eyes, her hands running through his hair while he had his way with her mounds,- "It's all for you dear, take what you want." She moaned as his intensity increased, pulling her breast out with his mouth suction while his hand squeezed her other, spraying milk out with each pinch, soaking them as she made their messy clothes evaporate.

Finally letting go as her boob left his mouth with a pop, he took the time to admire her naked form as he raised her hefty breasts up.- "They're absolutely wonderful, Sigyn will never let you go when she sees them," he said before diving back in, alternating from one to the other as he brought them together, squeezing them both, opening his mouth to catch the milk spray much to Gaea's amusement.

"Yes, well, she'll just have to wait, for now, this my gift to you, so enjoy." Gaea laughed shaking her spraying breasts.

Theoric grinned,- "I plan on it," he said through happy sucking as he brought teeth to nipple causing Gaea to shutter in ecstasy.

"I knew you wouldn't disappoint," she said as she experienced her first mini orgasm from his sucking mixed with light nibbling and then the occasional hard bite that made her squirm in pleasure as her breasts shot out more milk with every pleasurable pulse that went through her.

Reaching around she rubbed his rock hard member,- "It's time I got my fill," she moaned as he bit her nipple again before gently licking the happy discharge.

Her words finally registering, he grabbed her ass, causing another happy moan as he lifted her up burying his head in her chest as he positioned her and then without warning dropped her down causing her to orgasm right off the bat at being instantly stuffed, thanks to already teetering on the edge from breast play.

"Damn that was good, I forgot that I made your dick, or dicks I should say in my case, fit perfectly, can you believe the bastards who could do this don't, like those selfish gods who think they're the greatest, to good to change for anyone," Gaea said resting her head on his shoulder.

"Yeah, it's nice to have the second one come and go when it's needed... so you don't get it this good all that often huh?" He asked with a smirk.

Seeing she wasn't going to answer, feeling her warm slick walls loosen their tight grip, he began to move as Gaea started to bounce on his lap.- "Yes, yes, ah, no more talking, ah, fuck me, I want you to fuck me as hard as when we first met, fuck me long and hard, fuck me, Theo, FUCK ME!" She shouted as she picked up her bouncing speed.

"I that's what you want, you don't have to tell me twice," he said creating a bed next to them, rolling over onto it, making out with her a bit before pulling back, getting up on his knees, grinning down at her.- "I'm going to make those tits bounce, count on it," he said lifting a leg, giving it a kiss before forming an energy band around her ankle, sending a chain from it to the bedpost, and then doing the same with the other, pulling it tight to spread her legs out.

Gaea watching on with a sparkle in her eyes, anticipating what's to come as she rubbed her tits and clit to ready herself.

"Don't worry, I know exactly what you need," he smirked, catching her right hand he repeated the process with her arms as he did with the legs, pulling them tight as she was now spread out.

He then formed a blindfold and a ball and gag, which she nervously accepted, this was a new experience for her,- "Now all you do is have to concentrate on the pleasure," he said,- "For example, can you feel this?" He asked pinching her clit, making her pull against the chains he created, though unable to break them after having put a stop-gap on her power from leaking so as not to ruin anything.

"Good," was the last thing he said before he rocked her world.

The endless thrusting, humping, sucking, pinching, pulling, pounding, it was everything thing she was looking for and more as he unleashed everything he had onto her.

Watching her huge tits bounce with every thrust, watching her juices leak with every orgasm, it was a sight to behold as he turned this beauty into his personal fuck toy. Her belly expanding with each release, pumping more and more into her, way past a mortal body's limits.

Pulling out, buckets of cum came pouring out causing her to jerk against her restraints, moaning loudly through her gag as her back arched up with another huge squirting orgasm as she felt his dick and cum escape as it came gushing out, making a big mess.

He didn't forget to switch it up as he went around to remove the gag, sliding his dick down her wet warm mouth pussy. The tightness of her throat as she gagged on his cock, balls slapping her face as he poured another few rounds down her throat.

Releasing one last time he collapses on her amazing tits that were now reddened from overuse, his dick sliding out of her mouth as she spits up some of the excess cum that came with it, panting heavily. Both fulfilled, happily passed out to rest and recover, too tired to move from their positions.


Theoric woke to the wonderful scene and pleasure of Gaea's tied up form somehow sucking his dick again while he slept on top of her, with his head and hands conveniently placed on her tits as he yawned while bucking his hips and grabbing those marshmallow mountains of goodness so he could have a morning snack as he found the closest nipple.

Getting close he bucked his hips and pulled her tits, bitting on the nipple he had, causing her to squirm in pleasure as she did her best to drink his morning release.

Pulling out with a chuckle, he looked down at Gaea, pulling off her blindfold while extending the bed again so she could rest her head and look around,- "Was it everything you wanted?" He asked with a happy smirk, knowing he pulled it off better than when they first met.

Gaea swooned- "It was wonderful my dear, simply wonderful, but I think it's about time I le..."

Theoric interrupted her,- "Hold on to that thought," he said as he finally allowed Sigyn and the girls to enter after days of little to no reply.- "I don't think it would be fair to the rest if you just up and vanished after having your fun with their man, don't you think? In fact, I think you owe them," he said with a grin as Sigyn came happily running in, her eyes glowing when she saw Gaea's tied up form.

Gaea tried to protest,- "No, I think I've had enou..." But to her surprise, she was interrupted by a very quick Sigyn who moved much faster than she anticipated after Theoric helped her with a bit of wind, telling her to move faster otherwise she would miss her chance at one of the best if not the best tits around.

Sigyn quickly latching on to the first available tit, sending Gaea into another round of pleasure as Theoric joined her on the other side.

Gaea moaned,- "Ah, please, ah, I, ah, think, I've had..." but she loses track as she watches the other two ladies approach, thinking to herself what the hell as she closed her eyes to another round of crazy pleasure.