
The End Of Flavius

As he watched his soldiers swarm out into the streets of Athens on the monitor via various drone surveillance, Kro felt the arrival of someone who put a frown on his face.

Kro- "Delta Force, go have fun but keep communications on for further orders, and do keep an eye out in case the Eternal hiding above makes a move, she'll be your responsibility, report if any Olympians make a move before acting though."

Delta Force saluted and headed out with Karkas asking,- "What about Ransak?" Wondering where his blood brother was, who he fought tooth and nail against in the arena for the championship and lost to before becoming close friends.

Enigmo grinned,- "He's probably already out there having fun, come on, let's not keep him waiting or there will be no one left."

"That's right, move it or lose it, LET'S GO!" shouted an excited Toro Rojo.

Inside his private office, Kro found him behind his desk, in his chair with the back facing towards him.

The man casually playing with fire in his hands as he waited for Kro, not even bothering to turn around as he spoke,- "Is everything going as expected?"

Kro bowed his head before replying,- "Yes, all goes as planned, now it's all matter of waiting and seeing how the Olympians respond, they are still the only real threat we face."

The man snorted,- "Don't casually downplay what the Eternals can do, they are your rivals are they not? But I see your point, they are fragmented and separated acting like dogs for the Olympians, but what is this I hear of a group of individuals of similar stature that's running around, have we identified them yet?"

Kro,- "Taras has been playing with them to further improve his experiments which have been a resounding success I might add."

The white-haired man swivelled around to face Kro, his all white ominous-looking eyes putting a shiver down Kro's spine as the fire danced around him, clearly unimpressed with what he heard,- "But he is still alive is he not? And has been frequently visiting Athens, it's only a matter of time before he returns, especially if he intends to help, can you handle him and his group?"

Kro,- "We have sufficient enough data from what Taras tells me, it shouldn't be an issue."

"Good, when the time is ripe we shall all have what we desire, go see to it," Said the man waving Kro off as he turned back around.


Outside in Athens, the slaughter was going strong as the people of Athens could be seen fleeing for their lives, children left behind crying in the streets before they were silenced. Buildings destroyed as the invading force searched for victims without mercy, regardless if they were a threat or not.

The only small amount of army reserves left inside being caught off guard and killed before they could mount any kind of defense. Those that managed to survive were forced to retreat and regroup, most heading to the western wall where their defending army was fighting Sparta.

The rest were brought under the banners of Lords trying to defend their homes.

One such home, however, was eerily quiet as Flavius hid in his underground bunker preparing his fail-safe plans. Unaware that his guards above were already lying dead throughout his compound as a familiar clicking sound soon echoed from the stairs.

Flavius was deep in thought looking down at his maps after several discussions with his men while in the flickering candlelight placed along the walls and tables. Ears perking up at the noise. he raised his hand, shushing those who were about to voice their opinions again,- "Shh, quiet, what was that?" He asked as the clicking noise grew closer.

"I don't hear anything, but it has been a while since we got a report from above, you two go see what's going on and get back here quick!" Ordered an older man whose stomach grew rounder over the years after retiring from being a general before being picked up by Flavius.

Putting his concerns aside, Flavius began to discuss again pointing back down at the map but was interrupted when they heard a short yell that was cut off, followed by a body rolling down the stairs back into view.

The guards immediately drew their swords as they took positions in front to defend their Lord and General.

Flavius nervously brushing his brown hair back with his finger to calm himself as he stood up straight while going over escape plans in his head. He wasn't going to allow himself to fall here after being betrayed by those Deviants. He still had contingencies in place to deal with them, which he would be implementing now if he wasn't trapped in Athens, caught off guard like everyone else by the surprise attack.

Sledge sauntered into view on his crutches with his green floral shirt and blue shorts, sporting a wide grin on his face as he looked past the many guards standing between him and Flavius.

"Nice to see you again Flavius, we've come to finish our deal." Sledge laughed as the tall muscular form of Ransak stepped out of the shadows behind him with a bloodthirsty grin and a bloody sword to match resting on his shoulder. His eyes practically glowing with killing intent in the flickering light, sending a shiver through any man who was foolish enough to meet his gaze as he stared at them eager to reap more lives.

Flavius clenched his teeth angrily upon seeing the one Deviant he hated most, that stupid little meatball of a man that always acted so superior to him,- "Sledge," He said through gritted teeth,- "How dare you show yourself after betraying me, I'll make sure you and your kind suffer for this, you won't be able to hold Athens for long, Not Without ME!" He yelled the last part pounding his chest with each word for emphasis.

Sledge sneered,- "You have no idea what you gotten yourself into or who you're up against, you're just another stupid human, Ransak, kill them all except those two in the back, I'll deal with them personally."

It was Flavius turn to sneer seeing only these two after all this time. Did this dumb runt think that man could really take all his guards on alone, there were 48 guards between him and them in this underground hall. He didn't even feel the need to flee as he watched his men ready themselves.

"It's just one man, don't let your nerves get to you, he will die like any other man once you put a sword in him! Use your numbers to your advantage!" Yelled the General, knowing it would take some courage to face such a large warrior even if they outnumbered him.

Their numbers, however, meant even less in this small narrow area that at best could accompany 4 people wide standing shoulder to shoulder.

Ransak rushed forward and sliced through the first two with one swing and continued on before their bodies even separated behind him as he unleashed his massacre. Each swing taking at least one life as blood splattered his grinning face,- "Come on, come on, fight me, fight me, GIVE ME A FIGHT!" He yelled as he reaped their lives one by one.

The horror growing across the faces of Flavius and the General as they watched frozen in shock.

Two of the more competent guards looked at each other and nodded with grim determination as they yelled and rushed the bloody maniac,- "You Bastard, We'll Kill You!," one yelled as the other shouted back to his boss Flavius,- "Run my lord we'll hold him off!"

Ransak finished another turning to meet their charge with a crazed laugh,- "Yes, Yes, That's it, come, fight me!" He shouted with a grin catching both their strikes on his sword without budging, turning their face ashen. He then kicked them away hoping they would come back at him again with such enthusiasm only to be disappointed when one of them dropped their sword in despair. With a smirk he quickly manoeuvred left and right to kill the next two closes guards before striding over to them, killing another on the way who was struggling to reach his weapon before Ransak spun his sword around and plunged it down to end his miserable life.

Looking back over at the two who showed such fire before Ransak chuckled as one hurried to his feet while the other sat there in a hopeless daze. His friend kicking him awake,- "Get up Fanis, nows not the time to be afraid. We can do this, he still has to block our weapons which means we can still kill him."

Ransak took his time approaching wanting to see what would happen only to shake his head when he saw a disgusting liquid pool underneath the one on the ground.

The one on his feet then charged Ransak while he still had the courage to do so, yelling,- "Fanis get up!" as he swung at Ransak only for him to easily sidestep out of the way and elbow him in the gut making him fall groaning in pain.

Ransak then kicked him over, stepping on his chest as he looked over at the scared one, still grinning as he put his foot to his throat and applied pressure, watching as the one named Fanis stared at his friend who he fought with for so long begin to choke to death.

The grinning maniac they all feared though was now beginning to lose his grin as it started to turn into a scowl. Seeing those who fight together so strongly give up and let their brother suffer without even trying to save him was putting a bad taste in his mouth.

Stomping down, he ended it as he strode over to the soldier who refused to move in fear. Grabbing him by the collar, Ransak angrily slammed him into the wall,- "You would sit there and watch your brother die! You worthless maggot! If all humans are like you it's no wonder why our General wants to eliminate your kind, pathetic." He spat sliding in his sword before throwing the soldier away like trash to die slowly as he strode over to finish the rest who continued to back step hoping they would be ordered to retreat.

"General what should we do?" Asked one soldier fearfully as he watched the monster walk closer and closer to him, knowing this was beyond them.

"Stay strong men, he's definitely growing tired after all that, he won't be able to keep it up for long, I promise that those who make it will be greatly rewarded, and those who don't will have their families protected and looked after, you have nothing to fear!" He shouted before turning to Flavius and whispering,- "Sir, it's time to go."

Flavius gave a small nod as they turned to escape.

Ransak noticing this didn't waste any time as he sped forward faster than any human could, passing everyone as he cut off their retreat with a flip right over them, causing Flavius and the General to back off in fright, wondering how on earth he got here so fast.

The bodies of the men he passed falling moments later, sliced into pieces.

They cowered underneath his gaze unable to move as the familiar clicking sound drew closer behind them.

Flavius glancing back saw his last chance for survival, Sledge making his way over, and formulated a plan to take him, hostage now that he was separated from that monster of a man.

Nudging the General he tried to get his point across as Sledge drew closer.

The General already prepared for death didn't hesitate to follow through as he charged Ransak while Flavius went for Sledge, drawing his dagger.

Sledge chuckled as he saw this fool of a man think he could take him. A human thinking he could take a Deviant, what a joke. Sledge was by no means weak, the reason he walked with crutches was because of his oversized head and arms, arms that held strength.

Using his canes as a weapon, Sledge smacked the weapon out of Flavius hand before hitting him in the stomach and then on the back putting him to the ground. Feeling a little irritated, Sledge then reached down with one arm, picking him by his head as he leaned on his reaming cane to keep balance.

"You think you can take me, don't make me laugh, I'm a Deviant, and you are just a worthless human. Your species is nothing compared to ours, the weakest of us is better than your strongest." Sledge said to Flavius who was trying to pry the fingers off his head, only for Sledge to squeeze harder making him stop as he cried out in Agony.

"If that's true why did you need us?" Flavius spat.

Sledge grinned,- "Who said we needed you, you were only ever a means to an end, but to say we needed you is a bit of an overstatement, this was always going to happen, however fast or slow depended on factors though."

Flavius wanted to ask something else but was interrupted by a surge of pain as Sledge gripped his head ever tighter,- "Wait, please, I can still be of use to you."

But Sledge laughed as he increased the pressure,- "Your services are no longer required and this has been a long time coming, you shouldn't have ever crossed me!" He said right before he clamped down, crushing the skull of Flavius.

"Let's go, we're done here, I'm sure the others are here by now." Sledge said dropping his body as he headed back to the exit.

Ransak maintaining his grin,- "Good, I can't wait to see how Karkas and the others have been, it's about time we were let loose to fulfil our destiny."