

Theoric and his girls enjoyed watching the ocean pass by from the submarine's windowed deck.

Selene was standing behind the captain's chair which Thakorr sat in. Telepathically controlling everything he did as he shouted orders to the Atlanteans who steered the vessel and the surrounding armies. Promising victory against their Deviant rivals, and how they would conqueror all the Oceans with them gone, in the same way, he got the Aqueos to follow him to which his people happily agreed, though hesitant with working with such creatures that were more sea-beast than man. Their based instincts amplified by their vampiric change, only kept in line by Selene's presence.

Grani stayed close to Sigyn's legs, keeping a wary eye on Selene and her minions, not trusting her in the slightest. Ever since he heard about how she tried to feed on his mistress and the others until that hateful man finally did something good and put a stop to her attempts.

Sigyn and Nina felt similarly but remained quiet about it since Theoric accepted her.

Only Lydia didn't think anything of it as she tried interacting with Selene to get better acquainted which was reciprocated to a degree.

Theoric wasn't ignorant of the way they felt and was also keeping an eye on her, but her uniqueness got to him, reminding him of Hela. He wanted to give her a chance, even though he knew deep down that this wasn't likely to end well after seeing Thakorr and the Aqueos.

What still gave him hope though was that In the future memories he still had, he didn't see anything like a vampiric plague or anything of the sort, as long as his actions didn't alter anything too significantly.

He did want to ask why did she only turn humanoids into vampires, why not other types of beasts as well, but he assumed it had something to with the way the virus worked, programmed to target and change only humanoids.

Things started to get more heated when they came within sight of Lemuria, a technologically advanced city with metal and stone spires, and buildings of various sizes lit up within the dark sea.

When the glowing City came within view, one of the Atlanteans commented,- "I'm surprised they haven't already sent out a greeting party."

Selene grinned as she relayed her thoughts to Thakorr who spoke in her stead,- "It's as I have said, they are in midst of a battle with another and are not prepared for an attack. This is why we will win, they covet the land while we covet the sea, let's do them a favor and send them packing, full speed ahead."

A cheer went out as they increased their speed, most of their ships having pointed tips made for piercing into the side of buildings and opening up to allow their armies to flood in.

Their smooth ride didn't go perfectly though as a response was prepared last minute as a few Deviant ships were spotted taking off as they entered within range of the city.

Shots were fired from both sides as the city defense's activated.

The outnumbered Deviant ships were holding their own against the Atlantean battleships with aid from the cities automated turrets.

But Atlantean ships that went down didn't necessarily mean the end of the fight as survivors swam out to face them in the open ocean.

Calls went out on board as they neared ever closer,- "Brace yourselves!"

Thakorr yelled,- "ATTACK!" as their ships began piercing into different buildings.

Once inside the front opened up as Atlanteans poured out with some Aqueos who were annoyed to find the inside filled with air, decreasing their overall effectiveness as they charged at the closest Deviants.

Alarms flashing all around the city as Deviant guards were called to respond.

Turning to Theoric, Selene spoke,- "Let's find that portal fast, time is of the essence, these guys will take care of everything else, once the rest of the Aqueos army swimming behind us arrives it should fall easily, Thakorr here will lead them to victory here while we take a few and make our way to the portal."

Theoric- "Do you even know where the portal is? We could even be in the wrong building."

"It shouldn't take me long to figure it out, are you coming or not?" Selene asked running out, she wasn't going to waste any time, this was a very rare chance to get her hands on one of them.

Theoric turned to the girls, recharging their protective shields,- "Stay close, and don't forget to use the rings if something happens."

They all gave a firm nod before following him and Selene out.

Grani was already changing his size, ready to swipe away anyone who got too close to Sigyn, putting real fear into the hearts of local Deviants as a giant scary monster ran by squashing anyone who stood in its way.

Selene, leading some of the few vampire Atlanteans, and Aqueos who lagged behind. Attacked anyone she thought held a little bit of influence in order to quickly find the information she needed as she drained thief life force dry, absorbing their knowledge.

Spotting a group of defenders holding a hallway, she rushed forwards at super speed, flashing right to their Captain, draining him before they even knew what happened. Her men right behind her attacked the distracted Deviants as some looked back to see what happened, eyes widening upon discovering their Captain's lifeless husk within Selene's grasp.

Theoric came up shortly thereafter, not at all interested in fighting this war and tipping the balance, even more, trying his best to ignore what was happening. This was a wake-up call for him as he looked around trying to figure out what on earth he was doing and what he wanted to happen in the future. Was he relying too much on his future memories and counting on the stones to solve everything? Was this a mistake? He honestly didn't know.

Sighing, he decided to push such thoughts back to the side, and concentrate on his goal of now, freeing Anna and Io.

Catching up to Selene who looked happy,- "So you found it?" he asked.

Selene,- "Yes, let's go."