
War, A v A (2)

After letting herself be sent flying by Ares, Athena glanced up to see the crazed look in her brother's eyes as she finishes preparing her spells.

The moment they were far enough away Athena acted as her form flashed with magical might, catching Ares off guard as she appeared next to him, kicking him down. Raising her empowered spear that glowed with destructive force, crackling energy sparks discharging. She wasted no time in throwing it at the falling war god as she raised her shield to defend against the incoming blast.

The area flashed white from the subsequent explosion.

When the smoke cleared, the entire area looked completely clear of any and all life with no signs of Ares anywhere as Athena floated overhead, keeping a vigilant watch.

Moments later the ground began to shake as a weaponless Ares burst through in a fiery explosion, looking a little worse for wear as his armor was now in tatters and a spear lodged right through his gut.

"YOU BITCH! So That's The Way You Want To Play, Fine! Then Let's Play!" Ares roared as he tore the spear out, golden Ichor spilling everywhere before quickly closing as he powered up with a fiery red aura.

Athena squinted her eyes as she watched muscles bulge, his body more than doubling in size, only to sigh moments later while thinking about how Ares could be just as smart as her if he could just keep a level head and not always get so caught up in the heat of the moment. Ares was a perfect example of all brawn and no brain in her humble opinion.

Still, he was not to be underestimated when it came to fighting and war.

Deciding it was best to follow suit, Athena increased her size to match, which was the exact moment Ares chunked the spear right back at her. Not at all worried about being injured by her own weapon, she reached out to grab it.

Expecting this, Ares kicked off the ground right after and flashed behind her. Lifting both hands, forming a great flaming ax which he swung down at her back.

Athena unperturbed, moved with a spinning move so she could grab the spear and keep its momentum to attack.

Ares on the other hand was already one step ahead having baited her as he swung into his own spin dodging her spear and smashing his ax into her shield, knocking her away.

The entire area rumbled with their battle as the landscape below shifted with their fight.

As their clash continued, Athena found herself on the back foot more often than not as beads of sweat formed on her brow, compounded by Ares's constant annoying dribble.

"Come on! Come on! more, more, more, fight me MORE ATHENA! This won't end until your dust beneath my feet, die, die, die." Ares yelled while madly swinging.

Whereas Ares had trouble keeping a level head, Athena at this point was having trouble keeping focused due to too much thinking. An equally devastating problem if not kept under control, though the circumstances were a bit special.

Unable to keep her mind on the fight, it was becoming far more difficult than it otherwise would be for her. She kept thinking back to the city and the many things at stake, things even Zeus was unaware of or at the very least not thinking of or even worst, foolishly not worrying about it.

Ares not missing how his sister was off her game, smirked all the brighter as he kept pushing her.

Believing he knew why, he chuckled,- "What's wrong sister, are you worried about your precious city?" He asked bemusedly,- "Tell you what, let me help clear your thoughts, I'd hate to defeat you when you're not at your best," he jokingly laughed as he broke away back to Athens with intentions that are anything but pure.

"Ares, you bastard, get back here!" Shouted an angry Athena who took off after him.


Back in Athens,

The war began as a three-way between Spartans, Athenians, and Deviants, but soon turned to Humans vs Deviants as the humans found themselves far outmatched by the elites of the Deviant race who jumped right into the battle between Spartans and Athenians and slaughtered both with ease, forcing them each back to their separate corners as the Deviants took control.

It wasn't all easy for the Deviants though as the human's blessings helped immensely, leading to many more losses than they intended against the humans. Athenians in particular were not shy about picking up their enemy's weaponry to even the playing field even more, compared to their Spartan counterparts who were suffering from their rage blessing making them only think about the fight and nothing else.

That was when Kro ordered Taras to release the monsters which turned an already losing fight for the humans into survival mode as they desperately fended off against all manner of mutated creatures that singular purpose was to kill.

Most of the city was now in ruins, devastated by the battle, bodies everywhere. The few citizens who survived fled to the northern front where most of the Athenian army took up positions to defend themselves. The rest fled to the Acropolis where the city and temple guards fought tooth and nail to protect their holy site.


The Delta Force was meeting back where they first engaged the Spartans and Athenians, driving the two sides back to their respective sides.

Bodies of many enemies and a few allies littered the ground.

Toro Rojo aka The Red Bull who had steel bull-horns grafted to his skull, squished a head underneath his hoof,- "Why are we here and not pursuing them? I want to fight!" He asked in annoyance.

Dragona, a blue-skinned, green-eyed woman with bat-like wings on her back flew down,- "Our lord General doesn't wish us to exhaust ourselves on cannon fodder, that's why he released those lab-made monsters."

Enigmo, a black-looking human Deviant with brown eyes, a yellow mohawk, and a scar across his nose, spoke next,- "I'm with Toro, we should get back out there, I don't see how delaying is going to help anything, faster we kill them faster we win."

Ransak appeared with his bloody sword resting on his shoulder,- "I agree," he said followed by Karkas the 8'3" red-skinned Deviant, a mountain of muscle, covered with tough, elephant-like hide over his entire body, hairless with no outer ears, and has six claw-like single-jointed digits on each foot and hand.

Dragona rolled her eyes,- "Shocking, how on earth did I end up the leader of a group of fighting lunatics," she mused.

"So there would be someone to keep them in line and on mission, please bear with it," said Kro through their earpieces.

"Sir," they all responded respectfully.

"Toro I want you to take a group and take out the remaining Spartans who survive the monster attack, Dragona, Enigmo, you do the same with the Athenians, and Ransak and Karkas, I want you to start clearing a path to the temples, over and out," ordered Kro.

"Alright, we have our Orders, let's do it, Enigmo with me," Said Dragona before flying off.

"The bitch knows I can't fly," grumbled Enigmo who chased off after her as they all started to break away to carry out their new missions.


Spartans under their God's blessing were eager for battle, chasing after the Athenians, into the heart of their very city only to come across an unknown race of people who had strength as great as their own.

This thinking soon changed, however, when many of their brethren fell to the strange magical range weapons that easily slaughtered them from afar.

Closing the gap did little to change the situation when melee weapons met armor that hardly scratched, and cold weapons that could shatter their own.

This didn't protect their enemies for long though as their increased might helped them fight on, finding, slicing, and stabbing where there was no armor.

Then their elites showed up and what little hope they had become an impossibility as their inhuman strength and abilities devastated the battle.

The blue woman who flew, raining fire down from above, breathing it out like a dragon in the legends.

The minotaur man with steel horns, who went right through any who stood in his way.

The barechested red giant, who only wore protection from the waist down, crushing all with little to no effort.

And when you chopped off parts of the dark-skinned man, they would grow into smaller versions of him and swarm you before you even knew what was happening.

And then there was a giant of a man, not nearly as big as the red giant, but bigger than any regular man, and he was the scariest of them all. He jumped alone into the middle of everything and went on a rampage, slaughtering all with the greatest of ease, reaping lives like a farmer would reap wheat.

They forced both the Spartans back and the Athenians to retreat.

The Spartans would never admit to retreating, this was against who they were, the core of their belief. They were warriors bred for war, their god Ares demanded nothing less, the last thing they would ever do is retreat.

Ares's will flows through them, and with it came cries for battle, after the Deviants and their elites pulled back they charged forward-looking to reengage, completely forgetting what they just went through.

However, what they found was something completely different, shouts of surprise went out as their new foes emerged, monstrous creatures of various shapes and sizes poured out as if from the very depths of the underworld itself.

Calls to brace themselves rang out as they put up a shield wall, spears extended to skewer those that they could.

Upon impact, all chaos broke loose as painful cries and dread echoed out. Men flung left and right, torn to pieces as the monsters tore through their lines.

Rallying their forces, they tried to coordinate their attacks to bring down the bigger monsters while evading and killing the smaller ones. Surrounding each one individually where and when they could put them down.

Luckily there weren't too many as they managed to get things under control, but that's when things went south once again. Unable to catch a break, the unknown race of people was back with the minotaur man in the lead.

Exhausted and with Morale at an all-time low, Ares's blessing did little to stop the dispirited men from pulling further back to protect their very depleted forces.

Toros with a mission to complete didn't relent as he chased after them.

It was near the south gate they engaged the enemy with a somewhat confident Spartan force after learning that it was only the one elite they would have to deal with, though the foot soldiers were no joke with their superior gear and magical range weapons.


The Athenians under the command of General Decimus Aburius Magnentius, Lord protector of the west retreated to the north meeting up with General Karolos Martallis, Lord protector of the North. Where they established a defensive position to protect the citizens and allow those that could leave the city, exit from the north.

When they got a break from the unknown enemies who pulled back, General Decimus met with General Karolos and briefed him on all he knew.

"So Athena descended and is busy fighting with Ares? This doesn't look good," said a concerned Karolos.

"Who even are these fiends, where did they come from?" Asked Decimus.

"I've received reports of underground ramps that breached the very heart of our city," answered Karolos.

"How? Never mind, we can find that out later, right now our best bet is to acquire more of the weapons and gear they use, it is vastly superior to our own," answered Decimus.

Karolos rubbed his chin as he thought about what to do,- "You've already been in charge and I hate to admit it but you do have the most experience in war, especially against the Spartans and the like so I won't fight you for leadership, just tell me what you need,"

"Thanks, I'll continue to command on the front lines, it's not ideal to sit back and issue orders, I need to keep the men's morale up as we fight in these difficult times, it would put my mind at ease to know you were ready to take over should the worst happen to me."

"I understand, you can count on me," said a solemn Karolos.

"We also can't forget about the acropolis, do you have any news about what's going on over there?" Asked Decimus.

"I'm sorry I don't, I will see to it that we find out, you concentrate on the front," said Karolos.

A scout arrived interrupting them,- "Sir, report, a wave of monsters approaches."

"Monsters?" Asked Karolos.

"Why am I not surprised, ready my horse, I'll be there shortly," Decimus said spotting someone else he hasn't seen in a while. "If you'll excuse me, General," he said politely to Karolos, who nodded back.

"Give them hell," said Karolos to his fading back, not liking the situation one bit.

"Manousos, Manousos Vlachides," Called out Decimus to the man who was supposed to be guarding his son.

Manousos stopped looking around for who was calling him, his eyes widening upon spotting the General,- "Sir," he saluted nervously.

"Where is my son?" Asked a concerned Decimus.

"I'm, I'm sorry, he didn't ma..." Manousos said until he was punched off his feet by the General.

"Then Why Are You Alive? You Were Suppose To Protect Him!" Decimus shouted walking over to the down man ready to dish out more.

Luckily a scout came to save him,- "Sir, report, monsters will be here momentarily,"

Decimus paused his pursuit, quietly staring at the man who failed him, failed his son.

"Sir?" Asked the confused scout.

Decimus pointed at the down man,- "I don't want to see you when this is over," he said turning to get on his horse, leaving a saddened but relieved Manousos behind.

He started thinking about the calvary he was forced to abandoned outside, it was one thing they sorely lacked inside the city walls, wishing he could bring them in and mow them all down. He hated having to leave them out to harass the Spartans, clashing with their calvary, reinforcements, and supply chain. It was until much later after getting caught up in the crazy three-way shit storm that was inside that he sent orders to have them swing around the north and guard the retreating civilians.

He was happy to see his emergency calvary being formed as he galloped by. Created from what horses they could find inside, drafted for a small shock cavalry unit. This would be the one thing he had that would put him above those invaders.

"See that your ready for when the time comes, be on standby!" He shouted as he passed, receiving a few salutes from those who heard.

Rushing to the front, he made it just in time to see the Monsters arrive, lieutenants already ordering volleys of arrows from behind their makeshift barrier, a row of sharpened stakes sticking out away from them, and whatever boxes and debris they could push in front to slow down anyone attacking as well as provide cover from their magical weapons.

Taking command, he shouted for the special unit who was equipped with the stolen magical gear to begin firing as the monsters drew closer, pleased to see it work wonders as many went down before they closed the gap.

Now the only thing they had to fear were the big ones, some over 12ft high as they lumbered over.

He shouted for the special unit to concentrate on one at a time while other soldiers nearby defended them against smaller creatures.

He ordered the rest of the men forward to engage when most of the monsters breached through and had the range fall back while continuing to fire at the large ones, one at a time.

Things went relatively smoothly with small losses which was a relief compared to earlier in the day.

Another messenger arrived though shortly after,- "Sir, report..."

Decimus groaned interrupting him,- "What is it now? Can't we catch a break?"

Seeing the messenger unsure of what to say made him snap,- "Well spit it out, I swear if your delay cost lives I'll kill you myself."

The messenger realizing he messed up, began sweating profusely as he stumbled with his words a bit,- "Um, yes, I, mean, Sir, I mean, yes sir, sir, enemies incoming, those unknowns with the magical weapons incoming, Sir!" He finally spat out saluting at the end.

"Argh, dammit, you get out of here I don't want to see you again, next time send someone else," said a frustrated Decimus.

"You," Decimus pointed at another who responded with a saluted, "Sir."

"I want you to go tell the shock calvary their time is here, be ready."

"Sir, yes sir," the man said running off.

Decimus then had all the men get back into position and fix what damage they could. He had a few from the special unit sprinkled in on the far side, to draw their attention and hide how many of the weapons they actually had, choosing to keep them secret for a surprise attack later along with the shock cavalry.

He was planning on having them target the elites since their cold weapons didn't seem to faze them.

Dragona was the first to arrive, hovering above, watching her prey with a grin as ones who wished revenge could only shout out at her from below in anger.

An arrow released fell short with the one who shot it being swiftly reprimanded for firing out of turn, causing another roar of laughter from her as the ones below angrily gritted their teeth.

Dragona flew away back towards her forces to relay the necessary order.

They immediately started firing as they marched forward, Egnimo hanging out behind them as Dragona continued to fly overhead, waiting for an opportunity to swoop down and burn them.

"Everyone, take cover, stay low, Archers fire at will," Decimus shouted even though arrows couldn't penetrate their armor, much of their body was still visible and vulnerable to attack. Many of them only covering the essentials to not take away from their mobility in fast-moving firefights.

When they drew closer, Decimus sent out another messenger ordering the calvary to slowly make its way around, leaving them to best judge when to attack as he yelled out for the decoys to act,- "Fire!"

Spotting the decoys, most of the deviants redirected their attacks towards them, firing at unremarkable locations with few others around to get hit.

One of the decoys aiming at Dragona much to Decimus pleasant surprise at having her attention drawn elsewhere, lowering the chances the calvary will be spotted. Praying for the man's well-being as she focused on him, swooping down, breathing fire on the way to protect herself from arrows.

It looked like a fireball streaking across the sky as she slammed down into her target, killing him instantly, those nearby were thrown away from the explosion, and later burned alive as she turned her attention to them.

Other soldiers tried to swarm her and keep her down but arrived too late as she took off.

Decimus regretted not having his special unit nearby to ambush her, but it all happened too far away to capitalize on.

"Archers fall back, Melee forward, and if you have time, don't hesitate to pick up their weapons, Charge!" Yelled Decimus.

He then slipped off his horse and made his way over to where the special unit was hiding, taking one of the weapons himself.

"I know it doesn't feel good to wait like this while your brothers are dying, but we have to take care of those elites, now we're lucky that none of the big ones showed up, and as much as you want to go after the flyer, we need to take care of the ground one first, for we can easily send her running after, maybe even kill, she's practically a sitting duck in the air for these weapons, which is why she went so hard after the one who shot at her. We can do this, We will win," said Decimus.

The battle raged as the two sides clashed, the Athenians managed to kill now and again, but for every one Deviant that fell five Athenians followed. It wasn't looking good as the Deviants kept pushing, making it all but impossible for the Athenians to pick up any more of their weapons or gear.

Enigmo was in the center carving a path of destruction with his dual-wielded ax's, thanks to his unique fighting style, unafraid of having things cut off, which also made it extremely difficult to kill him since the falling parts would just turn into smaller clones that would fight along with him and catch any foe off guard. This also had the added benefit of allowing him to further grow after reabsorbing them, taking the memories, skills, and experiences of the duplicates.

He swung wide and hard, baiting them to cut his arms off as he attacked wildly, each swing felt harder than the last as those who managed to block felt the full brunt of his strength in every swing.

He even went into a crazy whirlwind, taking out any in his path as he moved forward, only stopped when one brave, strong soldier held his shield out stopping any further progress, and then instinctively went for the arm chop as it hung out there against the shield as bait.

Enigmo swung the only arm he had left in the opposite direction drawing the soldier's attention away from his falling arm that was already changing into a smaller clone version of himself.

The soldier easily blocked the blow only to be hit in the back by the other ax that was now in his clone's hand.

"Easy!" He would shout out after every kill, pissing off his enemies even more.

He then proceeded to do the same to many others as he and his clone attacked without fear.

"Easy," "Easy," "Easy," "So Easy," He laughed.

The angry Athenian soldiers slowly gave way to his unmatched prowess as many now tried to avoid him, going around to find and attack easier foes.

Causing Enigmo to laugh all the harder thinking how great he was,- "That's right boys, you can't handle this," He laughed with his clone quire echoing him.

But what he didn't realize is that he was drawn away and alone as Decimus popped out with the special unit aiming straight at him, yelling,- "Fire!"

Now cold weapons could do nothing to him, but blaster weapons were something else entirely as the cocky fool got what was coming to him. Each shot burned a hole right through him, making it impossible for his power to work properly, and they made it count, not missing any of the little bastards that were running around trying to hide.

Dragona eyes widened as she witnessed his downfall, surprised to see how many more weapons they were keeping hidden,- "Fool, what were you doing so far ahead, your no Ransak, Karakas, or even Toro for that matter, if you weren't so lazy you could have used your clones to become so much greater, I guess I'll have to remind you next time we meet" she scoffed.

What the cheering Athenians failed to realize is that a piece of Enigmo was missing even before he entered the battle, it was a tiny hidden clone that he always left behind in case the worst happened, his main mind would transfer to the last clone.

Now, all it needed were the parts that were killed to grow back up faster, but something wasn't right, Enigmo wasn't where he was suppose to be as he took stock of his surroundings.

Then someone stepped out of the shadows,- "Hello old friend," said a grinning black Deviant man with black shoulder-length hair, a red bandanna, blue mask pieces around his eyes, red arm wrappings but otherwise shirtless with red waist belt, blue pants with fire designs.

It was Anabolicus, the one who he beat in the wrestling arena back in Lemuria before he was recruited to join Kro's, Delta Force.

Enigmo's eyes widened,- "Anabolicus! What are you doing here?" He asked in his shrill tiny little voice.

Anabolicus laughed at him before turning serious,- "Why do you think? You stole everything from me! And I'm here to get it all back, I've been watching all this time just waiting, and here we are, the great Enigmo, now nothing more than a flea."

"Wait, we can talk about this, Kro won't like it if you kill me, wait, wait," Enigmo begged as the evil grinning man's foot came crashing down, killing him instantly, twisting it back and forth for good measure.

Back at the battle, Dragona was now having an irritating time dodging blaster shots as she ordered her men forward to take them out, but that was when the cavalry appeared.

Charging at them from behind at an angle, out of a side alley that wasn't being used, they trampled their way back towards their front line, taking a great deal of pressure off their fellow brethren for a short time anyway.


Ransak and Karkas were heading to the stairs leading to the temples above on the central plateau.

"Fire at will." Said Ransak, giving the all-clear for the men who were following him to make their own decisions, he wasn't much for leading, he preferred to do the fighting.

The Deviants began to fire at the defenders on the stairs as they advanced with the Athenians firing back, only a few of them had their guns though as the rest unleashed volleys of arrows.

Seeing the blockage at the bottom of the stairs and the incoming fire, Ransak ducked behind Karkas,- "After you brother, I'll be right behind you."

"Okay," Said Karkas as he picked up a bit of speed, smashing through the blockade before calmly walking up, unfazed by arrows or blasters.

Scared of the walking red giant, many switched targets to him as he closed the gap, raising his hand to guard his face.

Ransak was growing a bit impatient with how slow his brother was, a bit of a slow-moving tank, but he kept his cool, waiting until he got close enough to rush out, not wishing to deal with all that fire.

Suddenly Kro sent an alert out,- "Continue doing what you're doing, the two Olympians are on their way to the city, I repeat, continue doing what you are doing, no one is to engage them or draw their attention in any way," he said.

Getting the signal from Karkas, Ransak sped around with sword drawn, rushing at the closest foe. Speeding right by, taking heads left and right as he chuckled, sending shivers down the spines of all those who heard him.

Dodging a couple of arrows he quickly closed the gap slicing one from ball to throat, spraying himself with blood as he kicked the body away into another man who was frantically trying to draw another.

He then ran by that man struggling to get the body off of him who felt relieved seeing the scary fellow leave only for his face to contort in horror when a giant foot came crashing down flattening his head into a pancake.

Ransak ran up to the next group dodging some poor swings by his inept foes before killing them.

Shuffling around to the side, dodging one man's overhead power swing, he mocked him by lifting his arms as if in slow motion as he swung down, severing the man's outstretched arms with a bloody grin.

He continued his slaughter as he worked his way up the stairs with Karkas and the men following closely behind, a crazed chuckle slipping out now and again at things he found funny. The only thing that would make this day any better was if someone strong showed up that he could really test himself.


Ares appeared above Athens grinning at the sight below, quickly followed by Athena who glared menacingly at him.

"Ares, if you think I'll allow you to do anything in front of me, your sadly mistaken," Athena threatened.

Ares chuckled,- "Can't you feel it?" He asked, breathing in deeply,- "Can't you smell it my dear sister, the sweet aroma of war, this is what I'm here for, this is what I love. There's nothing better than when mortals put their lives on the line and fight their hearts out to live. The rush it gives is like nothing, I envy them, Athena, we gods will never know such fear, such bliss from survival."

"Do you really think us unkillable brother?" A weirded-out Athena asked.

Ares faced her,- "Even if our bodies are destroyed, we will eventually come back, sure one could try and destroy our souls, but who would dare, who could? The faith that was deemed foolish by you to accept is a powerful force that strengthens us, protects us, makes us truly immortal."

Surprised by genuine conversation, Athena quickly debates him to try and keep him sane,- "You all became so addicted when we first tasted it. The problem is now that we have been committed to it, is what happens when we lose that faith, and the best way to stop that is to keep as many alive as we can."

And that's where she lost him as Ares frowned as he looked down spotting someone interesting,- "Enough talk! I didn't come here to converse, I came here to war, look down at your city, watch as it burns away, and with it so to will your faith burn away, whereas mine will grow as each war makes me that much stronger, human or not, these Deviants can also contribute, there will always be enough faith, and I fear not a day where there will be no one left."

"Father would never let you do as you wish," Athena mocked, shaking her head.

Ares face contorted as anger swelled,- "Father, father will be the least of your worries, you will be but a memory after I'm through with you!" He said pointing down, grinning when Athena moved to intercept only for nothing to happen.

Athena furrowed her brows when his magic swept right by her,- "What did you do?" she asked glancing back, not entirely taking her eyes off of him.

Ares grinned,- "Well I can't order my eternal to fight yours, so I did the next best thing."

"You didn't!"

"Oh, but I did."

Athena noticed the Deviant below go through a series of changes as he adjusted to Ares's gift.

"You made a Deviant your champion, have you completely lost it! They are our enemies, they wish to see us dead just as much as the Eternals who we took under our wing, and now you bound one of them to you, you'll definitely regret that."

Ares laughed,- "Maybe, maybe not, doesn't really matter, I'm willing to take a bit of a loss if it means getting rid of you!" He shouted as he charged her.

Athena raised her shield as she telepathically contacted her Eternal,- 'Thena, my crazy brother empowered one of the Deviants, take care of it."

Ares swung his flaming war ax, again and again, trying to create an opening while she was distracted,- "Contacting your precious Eternal defender are ya, well if you think I chose arbitrarily your mistaken, you should know I don't think these things through, I only acted because he was so much like me," He derided her with a grin.

Athena's eyes widened slightly,- "Your mad, you know that?" Ares was bad enough, but if he championed someone just like him, the influx of his war-crazed power mixed with one who is already like him would likely drive the guy insane.

Ares laughed,- "And your DEAD!" He shouted as swung down hard with both hands, cracking her shield as she was smashed away, crashing into the ground below. knocking away ruble and a few unlucky nearby combatants.

Athena immediately shot right back up slamming into the incoming Ares, shield bashing him for all she was worth, shattering the shield on impact as Ares was sent flying away.

Following him, with her spear in both hands, feeling much lighter now without a shield weighing her down. She renewed her efforts in putting him down, seeing no other way to resolve this, hoping that Thena could handle things until she got back.

Ares dodging left, right, and ducking as her spear swiftly struck out, feeling the pressure, so he opened his mouth releasing a breath of fire, forcing Athena back behind her cloak.

"That damn Aegis cloak, should have made it your shield then maybe you'd still have it" Ares grumbled.

Athena snorted, only a fool would waste such good material on something as inflexible as a shield, not to mention she now had little fear from backstabs though she responds to them when she can, trying not to rely too heavily on her gear.

"Worry about yourself, using fire breath, are you feeling cold?" Athena scoffed looking at the near-naked form of Ares having almost nothing left after the previous explosion.

Ares flexed his muscles,- "My body is my armor, I need no such protection, such things are for the weak!" He yelled taking a swing with his fiery war ax which she parried.

"Big words from a man wearing gauntlets of strength, afraid you couldn't keep up without them?" She taunted as she parried another swing.

Ares scowled,- "I only wear these so as to get rid of bugs faster!" He shouted as he charged over enraged by her words and that smirk on her face.

Goading Ares's anger didn't usually work as it would normally against most foes who would make mistakes in their rage because it was part of his fighting style, but even Ares had a tipping point where blind rage took over, and Athena was pushing it.

Parrying another strike she flew back a bit before speeding forward, spear held out strong, aiming towards Ares naked flesh, who was ready to dodge before the tip glowed and shot a beam forward, piercing his side, taking a chunk out as he narrowly avoided the worst.

Not even fazed, Ares flew over,- "Damn You! Think You're So Special, Think You're So Much Better Than Me! I'll Show You! I'll Show You All!" He yelled throwing his flaming war ax at Athena, forming two swords to dual wield.

Athena used her spear in such a way to catch the war ax as she spun around with it in tow, releasing it back at Ares who grew angrier and angrier at losing his earlier momentum and seeing his sister's irritatingly calm demeanor. Always acting like she was in control of everything, that she was so much better, so much smarter, thinking she was above them all, Zeus's favorite that no one could match.

He furiously swatted the ax away as he continued forward unabated, intending to make her suffer if it was the last thing he was going to do.

Athena seeing how close he was to losing it took the chance to push things further as she empowered herself with magical might to try and contend with Ares powerful charge, knowing if she held him off now it would all be over.

An air pressured blast exploded out as the two sides met.

Unfortunately for Athena, it wasn't enough as she was sent flying over the sea with Ares only pushed a few feet back before taking off after her.

Catching up to her, Athena was ready as she spun her spear around clashing with Ares, who was quick to act, using his off-hand to guard then lunging forward with his right, stabbing her in the gut, piercing far enough past her armor to wound her. Laughing madly seeing her pained grunt as he finally got a bit of sweet revenge before Athena retreated back to readjust.

Ares not having any of that quickly pursued where they continued to fight, Athena once again on the back foot as Ares rage meshed well with his fast-moving dual skills. The waters underneath turning and moving with each clash, sending waves crashing ashore.